All Chapters of Saved By A Dark Billionaire : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
102 Chapters
We're Here For You, Rose
Olive's P.O.V."A month later, mom left us. She didn't take me with her and she never contacted me again, until last week. Dad raised me from the age of 10 until the second I turned 18. He taught me to fight and he taught me how to be safe, but the man never showed any affection. Not a single hug or a simple I love you. He was cold and for the first few years he was determined to find my mother. I had to take care of myself since he had turned into an alcoholic. Eventually, he realized he wouldn't find her and gave up. Which only dove him deeper into the alcohol." Leo and Lucas were so quiet, they were listening attentively. Leo looked at me with deep concern while Lucas had his hands fisted beside him, looking mad as hell. "My 8th grade year a teacher noticed my giftedness and had me apply for a scholarship to a private high school that had a high rate for getting kids into Ivy League colleges. Dad started to sober up around then, realizing he was failing as a father. He had to dri
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Me? Weird? Never!
Lucas' P.O.V. I couldn't get my thoughts straight ever since Rose told us her story. I was glad that I tagged along. It never crossed my mind that she had such a sorrowful story to tell. She's so resilient. I think I understand why she's like that now. I wanted to be angry at her mother for abandoning her, but how could I be? Her mom is a victim too, and now she's dying. The only person to be pissed at is her father, and I plan to find out who he is exactly. I'll rain hell down on his life for what he's done. Rose stood before us. She held her head high, but her eyes were on the ground. She was thinking. About what? I'm not sure. Leo was the first to speak. He had been through hell these past couple of days and being with Rose was the first time I had seen him relaxed. "Thank you for tonight, Liv. Know that I'm here for you, whatever you need. We half orphans gotta stick together." I know he was trying to be funny, but it was poor timing. Her mom wasn't dead yet, and bringing it
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Say Yes, Liv
Olive's P.O.V. I had a hard time going to bed last night. Lucas' texts had my heart racing with excitement. I had a stupid grin as we texted last night, which I later got onto myself about. I can't let myself get too attached. He doesn't want anything serious, and fooling myself into thinking he does, will end in my heartbreak. This is just sex. "Mom, this is Hailey." I had convinced Hailey to come up during her lunch time to meet mom. She of course accepted, excited to meet my mother. "She's my best friend and current roommate." "It's so nice to meet you!" Hailey smiled sweetly, giving mom an unexpected hug. Hailey has always been very affectionate. She attributes it to her being latina. She tells me Spanish is the language of love, and love involves a lot of affection. "Oh, it's lovely to meet you. Thank you for caring for my Livy." Mom spoke with her eyes still wide in shock. "It's no trouble. I very much enjoy having Liv with me. She's tons of fun, and like a sister to me. S
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Are You Ready For Me, Rose?
Olive's P.O.V.I came home around 6, spending all day with Mom. I quickly showered, not wanting to smell like the hospital when Lucas picks me up. I know I need to disclose that Leo and I will be going on a date tomorrow, but I wasn't sure exactly what I would say. How do I even bring that up? I don't figure I would just blurt it out, but at the same time I feel like that's exactly what I'll end up doing. I dressed in my cute matching lace set of black bra and underwear. I thought maybe Lucas would like it. I felt bad for turning him down to taking me somewhere for sex. It sounded exciting, but with Mom's declining health I couldn't get myself to agree to it. I am not exactly in the mood for something thrilling right now. I wore a simple blush pink sundress, just because I wanted to feel Lucas' hands sliding up my thighs from under it.Hailey was out with a study group right now, allowing me to get ready without her trying to doll me up more. I smiled, thinking of her excitable self
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I Never Said I Would Play Fair!
Lucas' P.O.V. I walked her to the shower, wanting to pamper her as best I could. I want her to see that I can do more than just sex. I need her to know that I can be that guy for her. I can be a guy that takes her on a date like Leo. He told me he was going to go after her, but it's still like a slap to the face to know he actually asked her out. She said yes, which only twisted my stomach further. I need to step up my game if I don't want to lose. I pulled Rose into the stream of the large double headed shower above us. I ran my hand over her face gently, pushing her hair back as it got wet. She was even more beautiful wet. Her ice blue eyes stared deeply into me. I felt like she was looking into my soul, trying to determine if I was good or not. I hope she sees that I can be. I want her to see me, to really know me. I feel like she would be one of the few to truly accept me for me. I ran my fingers through her hair, before grabbing her shampoo, lathering her beautiful red hair. "
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Olive's P.O.V. It was time for my date with Leo already, and I had no idea what he had planned. I honestly was feeling odd about it. I kept trying to get my head into the right mind frame, but it somehow kept going back to Lucas. Last night's events kept playing in my head. He seemed so serious when he, in not so many words, said he'd change for me. I know that I was just reading too much into it. He just probably didn't want to leave. "You look cute." Hailey snapped me out of my thoughts. I had decided to wear a floral patterned, light pink dress with a small jean jacket and wedged sandals. Hailey had done my makeup giving me a more natural glow. She said I needed to look more of the innocent girl next door type for this date. I didn't see why. I should just be myself not some innocent version. I had to use a lot of makeup to cover up the marks Lucas had left as well. "I don't know Hails. Is this really okay?" I sighed, not feeling as excited as I thought I would. "Yes, go out a
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This Week Was Not Enough
Olive's P.O.V. "Clear!" I could hear the doctor's yell from mom's room. They had us wait in the hall right outside her door. All I could see through her room window was her limp hand dangling off the bed. Leo held me close to his chest as I cried, waiting for them to tell me she was okay. I knew her time was coming. I knew it would be before the end of the week, but for some reason it still shocked me to get the call. I watched as the doctor shook his head, calling her time of death. I turned, burying my face in Leo's chest. I couldn't look anymore. It wasn't enough time. This week was not enough. "I'm so sorry, Liv," Leo whispered to me as he rubbed my back soothingly. I couldn't speak, all I could do was silently cry. Even though she has been gone for half of my life, she was still my mom, and getting to know her again, this past week, has only made the pain worse. I wish I had more time with her, but cancer is a scary and unexpected thing. Leo led me away, telling the nurses t
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Anything For You, Rose
Olive's P.O.V. The knock on the door had me jumping off the couch. I opened it to find Lucas and Leo standing tall. They were each a good foot taller than me, but normally I didn't care. When they're together standing side by side with their arms crossed, I totally care. "Come on in." I gestured for them to step in as I moved aside. "I brought names of crematoriums and funeral homes." Leo held up a thin binder as he stepped in first. "Thank you." I told him softly. Lucas stepped in after him, kissing the top of my head as he did. Leo looked at him with narrowed eyes, to which Lucas just shrugged. "This place is nice." Leo said as he spun around the center slowly, looking around. "It's homey." Lucas added. I closed the door, feeling a little scrutinized with these two here. They live in large houses, and are standing here in this quaint loft saying it's nice. I took a seat, grabbing the binder from Leo. We all called different places and got prices as well as asked about urns.
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To Abi
Olive's P.O.V."Hailey!" I yelled at her as she continued to mop, swaying her hips side to side over the blaring salsa music. "Hailey!" I yelled again when she didn't hear me. She was humming along as she helped me clean mom's loft the next day. Eventually, I gave up on yelling, tapping on her shoulder instead. She turned with a smile, grabbing my hands, and trying to make me dance with her. I wasn't in the mood though. There was a lot to get done before the service today. I shook my head at her, making her pout for a moment before she grabbed the stereo remote and muted it. "What's up?" She co.cked her head to the side. "I need to go get the flowers for today and take them to the funeral home as well as sign the release papers for mom's body. Do you want to come with me?" I bit at my cheek, hoping she would say yes. I didn't want to be alone. "Of course!" She nodded, dropping the mop and giving me a big hug. "Let me clean myself off first." Hailey and I ran around town for a whi
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Rose, I've Missed You
Olive's P.O.V. My phone buzzed way too early in the morning for my liking. I groaned as I reached for it with closed eyes. It had been a week now since I spread mom's ashes with Lucas, Leo and Hailey. I started going back to regular classes and thankfully hadn't fallen too far behind. "Hello?" I answered, not caring that I sounded hoarse from sleep. "Good morning, am I speaking with Olivia Brewer?" An elegant woman's voice came through. I cleared my throat, sitting up on the bed more."This is she. May I ask who I'm speaking with?" "Hello, Ms. Brewer, my name is Tammy and I'm the genealogist who performed your BRACA gene test." My heart stilled and my palms began to sweat as I awaited for her to continue. Do I have the gene? "I am sorry to inform you that you do carry the BRACA gene. You have options, and it isn't a certainty that will get breast cancer, you're just more likely than others. I suggest having regular screenings. The results were sent to your PCP as well, and she s
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