All Chapters of Unveiling the Depths of Desire : Chapter 11 - Chapter 17
17 Chapters
Chapter 11
The days that followed were incredibly hell. Each day, I would visit Isaac's office and seek his approval, only to be met with constant requests for changes.Before showing my work to Isaac, I would always consult Lily—she told me to call her Lily, the head of the marketing department, to ensure its quality. However, despite our efforts, Isaac consistently rejected it and asked for further modifications.Feeling exhausted, I leaned back in my office chair, hoping to relieve the strain on my back. I had been sitting in front of my computer all morning, making the requested "changes." It seemed like a never-ending process. Closing my eyes briefly, I tried to relax for a moment. My eyes felt tired and strained from staring at the screen for hours, carefully examining every detail to meet Isaac's ever-evolving expectations.Startled by the sensation of something being placed on my desk, I slowly opened my eyes to find Danna standing there. She had brought me a cup of coffee, a gesture of
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Chapter 12
Sitting across from Isaac at the high-end restaurant, I couldn't help but feel like a fish out of water among the sophisticated crowd. As the waiter handed us the menu, instructing us to call him when ready to order, I stole a glance at Isaac. Avoiding direct eye contact with Isaac, I surreptitiously stole glances at him. But the moment his gaze turned towards me, I quickly averted my eyes, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks.The awkwardness of the situation was unbearable, and I wished, like a sci-fi fantasy, that the ground would swallow me whole. As I sat there, squirming in my seat and feeling the embarrassment creeping in, I couldn't help but imagine the roof of the building opening up and a spaceship abducting me, rescuing me from this awkwardness.But alas, it was only a fantasy, and I was stuck there, sitting across from Isaac, feeling like a complete fool.Suddenly, a discreet yet unabashed laugh reached my ears from the person seated beside me. It was audible enough for me
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Chapter 13
During the lunch meeting, I chose to stay quiet because I didn't know how to talk to Isaac. Instead, I nodded, agreed, and only spoke up when they needed my input. It was easier for me to observe and listen, as I grappled with the uncertainty of engaging in conversation with him. Fortunately, the lunch unfolded with a surprising ease, much to my relief. The conversation revolved mostly around the intricate details of the upcoming launch, with Danna and Lily taking the lead in the discussion. I found myself silently observing, grateful that the focus wasn't entirely on me. As the meeting progressed, we collectively finalized the crucial details and expectations that Isaac had set forth. A part of me couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude that he had organized this gathering, as it allowed us to clarify and align our objectives. However, I couldn't ignore the other half of my emotions, the lingering unease that stemmed from the earlier awkward encounter. I indulged myself in the
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Chapter 14
As I approached the table, both men appeared visibly startled, their expressions filled with surprise and confusion. It was as if they were completely taken aback, unable to comprehend what was happening.The man accompanying Isaac glanced at him with a puzzled look, seemingly seeking clarification through subtle eye signals. I found myself similarly perplexed, unable to understand the situation at hand.There was something familiar about the man. It felt like I had encountered him before, though I couldn't recall where or when our paths had crossed. My memory failed me, leaving me grasping for answers.Before the man could utter a word, his sentence was abruptly cut off by the arrival of an elderly gentleman who entered the restaurant and greeted them. It became clear to me that this was the person Isaac had arranged to meet, serving as a signal that our departure was imminent.Lily and Danna, recognizing the cue, rose from their seats and bid farewell to Isaac. I couldn't help but n
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Chapter 15
He leaned forward, genuine curiosity lighting up his eyes as he asked while driving, "So, tell me about your latest venture."She leaned back, taking a moment to gather her thoughts before delving into the details of her ambitious project. With every word, her excitement grew palpable, her gestures animated as she described the innovative tech startup she was spearheading. The vision, the goals, and the cutting-edge software they were developing spilled from her lips, painting a picture of boundless potential.The admiration in his eyes was evident, mirroring the affection in his voice as he asked follow-up questions and offered insightful suggestions. They were in sync, their minds aligning in a harmonious dance of shared ideas and shared dreams.His interest piqued, he nodded attentively, captivated by her ideas. “How do you plan to tackle the market?"Leaning in, she shared her well-thought-out strategy, her words laced with confidence. She spoke of the extensive market research th
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Chapter 16
The weekend came to a close in a whirlwind of events, and now I found myself preparing to hand over the important documents to Isaac once again. Originally, Lily was tasked with this responsibility, but unforeseen circumstances arose, leaving me with no other option.Danna's out today, claiming she partied hard last night and woke up with a killer hangover. Talk about being responsible, huh?To make matters worse, it seems like the universe has conspired against me today. The toaster decided to go on strike, my car refused to start, and now I'm running late and rushing like a maniac. Just when I thought things couldn't get any better.I spotted the boss's secretary, Billy—or was it Billy? I can never remember names. He gave me a nod and opened the familiar office door that I've been in and out of countless times last week."Good morning, Sir," I greeted Isaac, the epitome of composure as he sipped from a cup of espresso and immersed himself in the contents of various documents spread
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Chapter 17
The ride home continued in silence. I shared my address with Isaac and chose to remain quiet, hesitant about initiating a conversation. The boundaries of our professional relationship made me question the appropriateness of starting a casual chat. Uncertainty lingered, keeping my thoughts locked away.As the car pulled up to my house, indicating the end of our journey, I unbuckled my seatbelt. With a newfound surge of courage, I turned my gaze towards Isaac, feeling a sudden impulse to extend a gesture of hospitality. "Uhm... do you want some coffee, sir?" The words spilled out before I could fully process them.Inwardly, I chide myself for the unexpected invitation. What had prompted me to make such an impulsive offer? Would it be perceived as an intrusion or an act of kindness? Doubt clouded my mind, questioning the appropriateness of my words. However, a part of me hoped it could be seen as a gesture of goodwill, a way to express gratitude for his unexpected act of driving me home.
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