All Chapters of MR. BILLIONAIRE'S OBSESSION: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
99 Chapters
Gerald sat at his desk, staring at his computer screen. He couldn't concentrate on anything, and his mind kept wandering. He took a sip of his champagne and tried to calm his nerves. He had a feeling that Hazel, was going to cause another trouble, and he didn't know how to handle it. How could she be so confident? How he wished he had known it was her before giving her the job. He glanced at his wrist watch; it was past 9 and Hazel hadn't arrived. He dialed the number of the receptionist immediately. “Hello! Good morning Mr. Fraser, how may I be of help?" He heard the receptionist speaking from the other end. Gerald cleared his throat. “Em... I don't know. I just wanna know if Ms. Willoughby is present. Is she?" “I am not quite definite sir, I haven't seen her this morning but give me a second, let me go through the attendance," The receptionist answered. “Alright... I am waiting." He said and silence took over for some seconds. “Are you still there?" Gerald asked wh
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“I was only kidding, there is no secret." I said when I saw Gerald's facial expression. I knew what I just said didn't convince Arin but I didn't care. I just did what I had to do. Arin took a deep breath and went back to her seat, leaving I and Gerald on our feet. “So, what do you want now?" Gerald asked me, twitching his nose. “Nothing special... I think this is the end of our deal. Now we are both even. You will act like my normal employer to me and I will also act like a normal employee. But before that, I have one request." I said, raising one of my fingers. Gerald's forehead wrinkled when he heard that. He opened his mouth to say something but he stopped and raked his fingers cross his hair. “And what is this request?" “I just remembered that we still have few more minutes left before the deal's cancelled, so I was thinking of giving you one more task to fulfill before then. Remember, you are to do as I say, otherwise.." “Otherwise what?" He snapped angril
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Gerald, stood at the front of the conference room, his face serious. He looked at the faces of his staffs one after the other, he was particularly looking for Hazel but she was not there. He signalled to the receptionist in the crowd, if she had seen her anywhere and she shook her head. Gerald took a deep breath and nodded. "Good morning, everyone," he began to speak. "I'm here to address a very serious matter, so I want you all to listen very attentively. As you all know, a golden necklace has been stolen from the company's store in the display and this particular necklace worths twenty thousand bucks. This is a very serious situation, and I want to assure you that we are doing everything in our power to find the culprit." As Gerald spoke, his eyes could not stop searching around for Hazel. He had call for this assembly only because of her because he did not want any situation to look suspicious. The room was silent as Gerald spoke. Everyone was on edge, wondering who could
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It was a dark and stormy night and Gerald had just left his office. The rain was coming down in sheets and the wind was howling, making it difficult for him to see the road ahead. Suddenly, his car sputtered and came to a halt. Gerald tried starting the engine again and again, but it wouldn't budge.Gerald got out of his car and looked around, trying to find some shelter from the storm. That was when he saw Hazel's house in the distance. It was the only house for miles around. He knew that he had no other option but to go there. He did not mind how she would react when she saw him, he just wanted shelter. He started running towards the house, but the wind and rain made it difficult for him to move quickly. He was drenched by the time he reached her doorstep. He pounded on the door, hoping that someone was home. Hazel was startled by the loud knocking. She opened the door to see Gerald standing there, soaked to the bone. She gasped in shock when she saw him and for some moment
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Arin knocked on the door of Hazel's house, feeling nervous but determined. She had been looking for her house for hours, and now that she was finally here, she couldn't afford to waste any more time. Whatever Gerald was doing in his house, she wanted to find out. A few moments later, the door opened and Hazel appeared. She looked surprised to see Arin standing there, but quickly composed herself. "Arin, what are you doing here? And how did you get to know my house?" she asked. "Those questions of yours are not necessary, I need to talk to you," Arin replied, stepping inside. Hazel placed her palm on Arin's chest, preventing her from going further into the room. "Just let me in. It is about the Mr. Fraser" Hazel's expression darkened. "What about him? What is wrong with him and why did you have to come to my house for that?" "Hazel, I know that he is sick because he called me and told me himself," Arin said. "He told me he has been in your since last night." Hazel's eyes
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It was a tense moment in the boardroom as Gerald, faced the angry and disappointed board of directors. Mr. Cole and Mr. Bry had left his office angrily when they heard that he suspended Hazel with no reason. He couldn't tell them the reason because he had promised Hazel to keep the secret from everyone. All of the boards directors came the next day, angry and disappointed. They called for a meeting, where they all sat around a table, lashing words at Gerald who still couldn't give an explanation. "How could you do this, Mr. Fraser?" one of the directors spat out. "Suspending our most important employee without consulting us first! This is unacceptable! Hazel is an excellent and important tool here, we can't just get rid of her. Remember that she signed the permanent staff members agreement? We could over look her mistake as this is business." "I understand your concerns," Gerald replied calmly. "But I had to take action to address the issue at hand. That lady you are talking
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Hazel's work environment had become increasingly difficult due to Arin ever since they've been partnered together. She wasn't making things easy for her at all. She almost didn't have issues sharing her office if Arin had paddled her canoe but she had this habit of belittling Hazel and finding fault with her work. Despite Hazel's best efforts to ignore Arin's behavior, she found it increasingly difficult to cope with it. The final straw came when Arin accused Hazel of a mistake that she hadn't made in front of the entire office. It was so embarrassing because everyone in the office respected her because they knew she couldn't make such simple mistakes. This led Hazel to take the matter up with the CEO. She had vowed not to ever go to Gerald's office, she was ready to stay totally away from him but she couldn't help it this time, she just had to get rid of Arin. Hazel knocked on the Gerald's door and waited for him to invite her in. "Come in," he said, looking up from his des
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"Hey Hazel, it's good to see you here," I heard someone say as he hugged me from behind. From the grip around me, I knew immediately it was a guy but which guy could dare hug me like that? It wasn't that I had ever been friends with one who had now perhaps recognized. I took a deep breath, deciding not to get angry at anyone, it could be someone I would be glad to see. I turned around to face the person when I saw Tom smiling broadly at me and I had to smiled back at him, not because I was happy it was someone I knew but because I felt it was normal to. "Hey Tom, it is good to see you too," I said and I meant it. "I heard you've been assigned to this department, I couldn't contain my joy when I heard it." Tom said. "That's great news! We'll be working together now. I wouldn't have to always go to the other department to come learn new things since my tutor will always be here right beside me." I nodded, feeling a bit nervous about my new environment. The building was in
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Arin stood nervously in front of Gerald's office, her hand trembling as she knocked on the door. She had been thinking if it was right to tell Gerald about this because she had never had to report anything scandalous to him before. But this time, she felt she had no choice. She had seen something she shouldn't have, and she knew it was her duty to report it to her boss. If not for the main purpose of it, it would be for the purpose of ruining that budding romance between them. "You can come in," Gerald's voice boomed from inside the office. Arin took a deep breath and pushed open the door. Gerald was sitting at his desk, his brow furrowed in concentration as he read through a stack of papers. He looked up as Arin entered, his expression softening as he saw her standing there. "Arin, what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost," he said, standing up and walking around the desk to greet her. Arin hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to broach the subject. Finally, she took a dee
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Tom sat at his desk, staring blankly at his computer screen. He couldn't focus on his work, not after what had just happened with Hazel. He couldn't believe that she was being forced to leave the new department she was transferred to because of the rumors that had been spread about them. He had heard the whispers around the office, the way people looked at him and Hazel when they were together. He had tried to ignore it, to brush it off as just office gossip, but now it was affecting Hazel's career. It wasn't fair. He picked up his phone and dialed Hazel's number. It rang a few times before she answered. "Hey," she said, her voice tired. "How are you holding up?" Tom asked. "I'm okay," Hazel replied, but Tom could hear the hurt in her voice. "I can't believe they're making you leave because of this," Tom said, frustration seeping into his words. "It's okay, Tom. I'll be fine. I just need to pack up my things and move to my old department," Hazel said. "Bu
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