All Chapters of MR. BILLIONAIRE'S OBSESSION: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
99 Chapters
Gerald was in his office, surrounded by his staff members. They were discussing the latest sales figures and brainstorming ideas for the next quarter. Gerald was proud of his team and their achievements even though he still couldn't deny that there was no one as good as Hazel in this company. He just had to accept it and live with it. He smiled and nodded as he listened to their suggestions. "I am sure by doing this, not only our company will benefit from it but also, people in our society and Infact, the whole country could." One of them said and they all clapped their hands in agreement. Suddenly, Gerald's phone rang. He glanced at the caller ID and saw that it was from the police station. That was strange. He didn't think he had ever gotten any call from the cops before. He felt a surge of anxiety. He excused himself and answered the call. "Hello, this is Mr. Fraser Gerald speaking. The CEO of Fraser's Gemonds Jewelry inc. What's going on? How may I be of help?"
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The next day, Gerald went to the courthouse with his lawyer. He was nervous and anxious. As he and the lawyer walked side by side, all he hoped for was everything to go well. He hoped he would see Hazel soon and that he would be able to take her home with him. He just couldn't let the poor girl keep suffering out for absolutely, almost no reason. He waited in the lobby until his lawyer told him it was time to go. He followed him to the courtroom where Hazel's arraignment was taking place. He entered the room and looked around. There was in, the judge, the prosecutor, the bailiff, and the court reporter. He saw a few reporters and spectators. Then he saw Hazel. She was sitting at a table with another lawyer, who had been appointed by the court to represent her until Gerald's lawyer could take over. She was wearing an orange jumpsuit and handcuffs. She looked tired and scared. She looked up and saw Gerald. She smiled weakly and waved at him. Gerald smiled back pitifully and waved
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The phone beeped the first time and Arin decided to ignore the call. She buried her head in the computer, trying to finish up the task ahead of her. She had been challenged by some of her colleagues and she wanted to prove that she was the best. She had always wanted to be the best since Hazel left but Gerald had always turn her down because none of her work was as impressing as they expected but she never gave up. She continued to endeavor to be the best. The phone beeped again but Arin still decided to ignore it but no sooner had she gotten rid of the call, than someone came into her office and slammed the door, bang. Arin jolted up in shock and looked up to see who it was and to her biggest surprise, it was Amyra, her cousin and the new receptionist of the country. "What the hell would you do that for?" Arin yelled, holding her chest with her right hand still trying to catch her breath. "We need to talk. It's really important. 'Cause, I really don't understand what
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"Hazel has been released by the judge and the arraignment was adjourned but with conditions. I heard Gerald talking about it on phone this morning. She must not be accused of theft until the trial. If she steals anything before her trial, she will go back to jail and she won't be granted bail. What do you think? She will spend more time in jail than expected. You can't know how happy I am." Annie chuckled. "That's sounds amazing, but I still don't know what you are hinting at. Gerald doesn't allow us to go near Hazel anymore." Arin told her. "Maybe yes. But we have to find a way to lure her out of that house. Gerald says she won't leave that house until after her trial because he didn't want to take no risk. We just have to make sure she come out and then set a trap for her, what do you think? But we have to find someone to execute that task. We can't go near that lady for now. She wouldn't even allow us." "That sounds like a plan. I know of someone who can help us." A
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Amyra and Hazel became closer over the next few days. Amyra visited Hazel often and brought her more gifts. She also invited her to go out for lunch, shopping, movies and other activities. Hazel accepted her invitations and enjoyed spending time with her. She felt like she had found a true friend who understood her and cared for her. She told Gerald about her but Gerald never for once met her, but for Hazel to say someone is good, then she must be good. Gerald concluded. Amyra pretended to be Hazel's friend but she was actually plotting to expose her. She wanted to make Hazel steal something in public and get caught by the police. She wanted to ruin her relationship with Gerald and send her back to jail. She wanted to make her pay for what she had done to Arin and Annie. She might not really understand the situation, but as long as Arin is concerned, she was ready to do anything for her. Amyra kept in touch with Arin and Annie and updated them on her progress. They were impr
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The security guard took Amyra to a small room in the back of the store. He locked the door and turned to face her, "Stay here. I'm going to call the police." The man said coldly. Amyra said, "Please, don't do this to me. I'm telling you the truth. I didn't steal anything." The security guard said, "Save it for the cops. They'll be here soon. You can tell them whatever you want to." He left the room and went to the phone. Amyra sat on a chair and felt a surge of panic and anger. She couldn't believe that her plan had backfired. She had wanted to make Hazel steal something and get caught, not herself. How could the turn of event have happened without her knowing about it? She wondered what had gone wrong. She wondered if Hazel had noticed the necklace in her purse and switched it with hers. She wondered if Hazel had set her up. She cursed herself for being so careless and stupid. She cursed Hazel for being so cunning and smart. She took out her phone and sent a text message to Ari
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Amyra waited in the small room for the police to arrive. She felt a surge of fear and anger. She sat there, still not being able to believe that she had been caught. She just couldn't believe that her plan had backfired within a twinkle of an eye. Each time he thought about She wondered what had gone wrong. Could Hazel have noticed the necklace in her own purse and switched it with hers? She wondered if Hazel had set her up ebecause she was aware of the game she was playing. But at the same time, she was doubting it. Hazel didn't look like someone who could do such a thing. She was a boring lowlife to Amyra who couldn't do such a thing, she would have asked her about it before taking any actions. She cursed herself for being so careless and stupid. The fact that Hazel outsmarted her still left her stupefied. She just wanted to get to the bottom of this. After waiting for Arin and Annie's messages for some minutes, she took out her phone and checked her messages. She s
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"You know what? Let's do it this way, I will write whatever you want me to write only when you allow me to call my sisters. You can't just keep me here without my family's consent." Amyra yelled at the police. They all glanced at each other, and after wondering if they could permit her to call. "Okay fine. You can only message whoever you want to speak to. Write a message to them and we will take the phone from you immediately." One of the cops said and Amyra agreed. When she was done, they dragged her into the cell and locked her up. She sat there for several hours, wondering if Arin would come to her rescue. Amyra sat there, lost in thought, when she heard the shackles clanging against each other. She looked up and saw a cop opening up the cell. "Your sisters are here to meet you. You can come out now." He said and Amyra rushed out of the cell. Amyra felt a surge of relief when she saw Arin and Annie walk into the police station. They had come to bail her out. She hu
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Hazel felt a surge of excitement and nervousness as she walked into Gerald's company. She had decided to surprise him with a visit and a lunch date. She hoped that he would be happy to see her and that he would appreciate her gesture. "Good morning madam. I am Hazel." Hazel greeted as she entered. "Good morning, Hazel. Well, I am sorry that I am the one to attend to you today. The one who used to be the receptionist here has not been available, that's why I am in charge. So, tell me how may I be of help?" The receptionist asked. "Oh, it's fine. If you hadn't even mentioned it, I wouldn't know that you ain't the receptionist here. Anyways, I am Gerald's fiancee. I am here to meet him." Hazel said, smiling brightly. "Oh, I am so sorry. You're welcome. Actually, Gerald is currently in a meeting with the investors. You can take a seat and wait for him. He should be done soon." The receptionist told her, pointing at the bench. "Thank you." Hazel said nervously and sat down, scanning th
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"I believe I don't need a proof for everyone to believe that you were so much into Gerald. You declared it the very day he proposed to me. You also made it obvious to every staff members, so why are you making a scene when you know you will end up getting defeated, tell me." Hazel shouted at her. She was trying to be defensive and she hoped that people would support her but things took absolute turn. "Oh wow! You still have the guts to speak about Arin's affections towards Gerald? Arin is a human and her feelings is justifiable but your compulsiveness is beyond explanation. We can't count how many jewelries and accessories you have stole from this company and you dare they to insult someone who is behaving normally?" One of the employees attacked her. "Not only that..." Another chipped in. "You seduced Mr. Fraser under the name of the best jewelry maker of the company. Under the title of the best designer. Do you think we will all forget about it? Why did you even show up
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