All Chapters of Double-sided Revenge : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
145 Chapters
chapter 100: Renovation of the village
Chapter 100: Renovation of the village Link didn't dare let his gaze longer on Tess for too long. He dropped his eyes, still on his knees. "Also, gather the people, I want to address them. It's about time for the village to have a name and run like any proper village with a leader." Tess said. "You mean–""Precisely." Tess replied with a soft smile. "The village with run as a proper village with I as the leader. This would prevent the people from being preyed on by other villages and earn the village a name in the top places of the underworld." Tess had just said a bunch of sweet stuff the villagers desired for a longtime. It would be like a dream come true for them. A dream unattainable. Links knew Tess wasn't bluffing. Actually, he didn't know but it was registered in his mind like so. He had this inner notion that Tess was capable of so much more than they can see on the surface. "Yes leader." He said with a bow. "Also have men paste posters on the walls of the streets, I am
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Chapter 101: Training days
Chapter 101: Training daysLinks sent a scroll to all of the neighboring villages as Tess had ordered and although he was scared at first, the progression of the village made his heart harden like steel. The previously dilapidated buildings were rebuilt with the help of the burly men that previously threatened people for money, adults, youths, teens and children came together to help with building and those versed in vegetation worked on the farm. Tess didn't disappoint, she emptied her pockets to import building materials and food from the nearby villages to feed the people of the village of syzygy while they worked hard to rebuild the village. They worked hard, all day and night and finally, their hard work paid off. The streets were looking lively, pretty and colorful with the raised buildings and lights used to illuminate the street. In comparison to the depressing, bushy and rough roads, the difference is akin to the distance between the sky and earth. Tess spent her days train
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chapter 102: War
Chapter 102: WARTess continued to refine pills throughout the day without taking any rest. When she eventually came out of her room, she had charcoal smeared on her face and her eyes were a little misty. Regal was just outside the restaurant practicing swordplay when he saw Tess descend the stairs. He rushed to her side quickly. " Do you need something?" he asked carefully. Tess gazed at Regal, her eyes traveled to the red patch round neck from her actions earlier. Guilt ridiculed her heart. "No, nothing." She replied, looking away from the spot. "Here." She handed him a small porcelain jar. "Mmmh? What's this?" Regal asked, confused as he shook the jar beside his ear to discern its function. "Tch, silly. It's a powder ointment, apply it on your neck and the scar will disappear within a couple of minutes." Tess said with an eye roll. "Oh oh, thank you." Regal beamed a smile. "How is the training going?" Tess asked, wiping the smile off her face, she turned dead serious. Tess'
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Chapter 103: WAR 02
Chapter 103: WAR 02"Sure but how did you manage to get so much information in such a short time?" Tess asked with an eyebrow raised. "Haha I have my sources." Regal rubbed the back of his head awkwardly. Tess had her suspicion but she decided not to probe further into the matter. "First, the soldiers will be divided into two teams, based on their training, the shadow assassins and the war men. The strongest war men will be on the front while the ones falling behind in strength will be at the back, preventing any invader that breaks the formation from going in any further. "" What about the arrows? Irrespective of strength, it would clear them out in minutes! " Regal took to his thinking stance, his fingers caressing his jaw softly. " About that, watch out." Tess said with a sly smile. " Not fair! " Regal whined, his nose scrunched up cutely. Tess had the urge to pinch his cheeks as she does with Luke. She closed her eyes and muttered to herself. "Self control, self control."
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chapter 104: War 03
Chapter 104: War 03Tess left the meeting room yawning. Regal tailed behind her, monitoring her expression for hints. " What? Why are you following me?" Tess said with an annoyed expression but her voice had a hint of laughter to it. "Nothing, nothing, I was just observing. The preparation for war has begun, where are you going?" Regal scratched the back of his head and smiled sheepishly. "To sleep." Tess yawned again. "i-" Regal stood to the spot, he watched Tess back as she strolled in, dragging her body tiredly through every step. He shook his head regretfully and returned to prepare for war although the thoughts of wearing the colorful vest made his skin itch.…In the outside world, it has been a week since Tess disappeared.Ruben looked like he had aged several years like a withered flower but the twins looked rosier in contrast to Ruben. Luuk had told Luke Tess went on an emergency trip to the underworld and instantly, a bright smile crawled up the little lad's face.Luke spe
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Chapter 105: "Hello, it's Alpha, your mother's closest aide in the underworld."
Chapter 105: "Hello, it's Alpha, your mother's closest aide in the underworld." After work, Ruben drove to the mansion, picked up the twins and drove to his grandparent's mansion. The empty front passenger seat previously occupied by Tess caused his heart to hollow, he felt a void.The twins were quiet, only the sound of Luke's mobile game rang inside the luxurious car with Luuk occasionally throwing him deadly stares for disturbing his learning session.Ruben peered at the rear mirror to monitor the welfare of the boys. He saw a tinge of Tess in Luke and that comforted his heart. They soon arrived at the gate of the old folks and were received by a butler. Today's gathering was for a prosperous and glamorous family dinner but trust the troublemakers to find a reason to ruin it. Everyone was seated when they arrived but dinner hadn't been served yet. The displeasure on the faces of the family members told them that the old folks had refused to commence with dinner without Ruben’s f
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chapter 106: I will find the Queen
Chapter 106: "I will find the Queen, but I need your father for an important task, The Queen's Crest. It must be brought to the underworld"Luuk's eyebrows twitched. He tried his best to keep a straight face as he spoke. "Hmm?" "I haven't been able to reach your mother and it's concerning. We have never lost contact with her like this. My sources cannot find her in the outside world either. What is going on?" Alpha asked worriedly. He feared whatever happened to Anna had happened to Tess. "... " Luuk couldn't talk in the presence of Luke and Ruben. He bit his bottom lips in contemplation, his eyes surveyed the inside of the car. Ruben was currently driving so his attention was on the road while Luke was gaming away on his phone but Luuk had a nagging feeling that Ruben was listening to them. Especially since the atmosphere in the car changed, the previously chill mood was replaced with a stifling aura. Sensing Luuk's hesitation to answer his questions, Alpha spoke again. "Are you i
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Chapter 107: " Hey hey, Commander, even in the midst of war, we must exchange pleasantries..."
Chapter 107: " Hey hey, Commander, even in the midst of war, we must exchange pleasantries and get to know each other's name."Upon arrival at Ruben’s mansion, Luke went to his room for a nap while Luuk followed Ruben to the private Library. They sat across from each other and Ruben broke the silence. "Was that Tess?" His eyes were heavy with emotions under the night light. "No, Mother's trusted confidant called. He couldn't contact her-" "But she is in the underworld right, so how? -"Ruben interrupted, fear gripped his heart. The outside world's image of the underworld was that it was like a raging volcano, only the cold-hearted carved in ice could survive a place like that and if they showed a moment of weakness, just a single dent on the ice, they'll be enveloped in fire and subjected to abject horror. "Father, mother will be fine. No, mother is fine." Luuk said confidently. "Mother cannot enforce her might as the leader of the underworld without her crest, her confidant wants
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Chapter 108: "You saved the village."
Chapter 108: "You saved the village." "I am The Ruler of the village of syzygy, you are?" Tess asked, a lazy smile hung on her lips. The commander eyed her, trying to discern her thoughts and the reasoning behind her words. Tess caught on his train of thoughts. She opened her arms to show she was unarmed and laughed," It's cool, it's cool I am a woman of dignity, I don't resort to petty ambushes." She took a jab at their ego for playing sneaky like a snake, trying to attack the village of Syzygy in the dark night. The commander cleared his throat in embarrassment. "Li, I am commander Li of the Village of the greens. The village of syzygy had questioned the authority of our village and disrupted the balance of power, the villagers came to the conclusion that war is unavoidable so we are here." Commander Li said, holding his shoulders high in pride. " What a bunch of nonsense. " Tess laughed. " All of those fancy words to justify extorting people of their finances, that's very low
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Chapter 109: "I don't recall having a business related conversation with you Miss Elaine."
Chapter 109: "I don't recall having a business related conversation with you Miss Elaine." Ruben and the kids embarked on a journey to the not so secret apartment. The kids lingered around the kitchen counter while Ruben went upstairs to find Tess's crest. From his memory, he recalled she always placed the jewelry box containing the crest inside her wardrobe. He dug his fingers into the clothes and he felt something wide but not as big as a treasure box, he tugged at it out of curiosity and a small diary came to sight. He tried to put it back immediately but hesitated thinking the location of the crest might be written there. His fingers caressed the sharp edge of the diary note before he flipped the hard cover open to peer into the contents. "Sunday evening 2010 Jullian is leaving for another country tomorrow, while I would definitely miss him, I am glad he's off my neck and would finally stop teasing me all the time. It's funny because there's someone I wish would tease me all
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