All Chapters of The Hidden Queen by N.O.B: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
76 Chapters
Chapter 31: Death and sorrows
The morning sun bathed the grand palace in a soft golden glow as the palace maids began their daily routine. Their footsteps echoed through the opulent halls as they moved with practiced efficiency. But as they approached Queen Emilia's chambers, a strange sense of unease settled upon them.The maids pushed open the ornate doors, their hearts sinking as they beheld a scene that froze them in their tracks. Queen Emilia, the epitome of grace and elegance, lay motionless on her bed, her eyes closed in eternal slumber. A collective gasp escaped their lips as they realized the truth, their beloved queen had passed away.Fear and confusion gripped the maids as they hurriedly summoned the royal physicians and alerted the palace guards. Panic spread through the corridors of the queen's chambers as whispers of the queen's sudden demise swept through the palace, leaving a shroud of sorrow and uncertainty in its wake.The physicians arrived swiftly, their brows furrowed with concern. They meticu
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Chapter 32: The Royal burial
The somber air hung heavy in the grand courtyard of the palace as the mournful occasion commenced. It was the day of Queen Emilia's burial, a day filled with grief and sorrow. The royals of the east are usually buried a week after their demise ,letter were sent round the east to inform the people on the death of Queen Emilia ,who was well known and loved. The six kings of the east, along with their retinues, had gathered to pay their final respects to the beloved queen and offer their condolences to King Frederick.Among the attendees was King Maximilian, a man of stature and influence, who had traveled from his kingdom to be present at the solemn event. As he stood alongside King Edward, their eyes met briefly, conveying a shared understanding of the loss they both experienced. Despite their past differences and political agendas, they recognized the significance of this moment and put aside their grievances in the face of this tragic event.King Edward could remember losing his que
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Chapter 33: The crowned
The grand hall was filled with a hushed anticipation as dignitaries, nobles, and common folk gathered to pay their respects during the solemn occasion of the dead queen's thanksgiving service. Three days had passed since Queen Emilia's burial, and the people of the east adhered to their cherished custom of bidding farewell to their departed loved ones in a final act of remembrance and celebration of their lives.The hall was adorned with delicate floral arrangements, their fragrant scents mingling with the soft glow of candlelight. At the front of the hall, a towering dais held the ornate golden throne, a symbol of power and authority. King Fredrick, still grappling with the weight of his grief, stood tall and regal beside it, his eyes pensive yet resolute.The murmurs and whispers swirled throughout the room as the guests awaited the commencement of the ceremony. Among the attendees were the kings and royals from neighboring kingdoms, including King Maximilian, King Edward, and Princ
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Chapter 34: The disguise
Isabella stood before the mirror, gazing at her reflection. Her heart pounded with both excitement and apprehension. She had made a decision—one that could potentially change the course of her life. Disguised as a commoner, she planned to venture into the neighboring kingdom of Maxoria and engage with Princess Victoria, the woman who had been betrothed to her beloved Alexander. Isabella's goal was to understand Victoria better, to gauge her intentions and see if there was a chance for a peaceful resolution.She knew how much Princess Victoria would detest her and she did not want to make more enemies, especially now that she had been announced as a upcoming queen. She thought it better to talk with her and probably calm her down on her relationship with Alexander.Taking a deep breath, Isabella slipped into a simple, plain dress that concealed her royal lineage. With her dark hair tied back in a simple braid and a touch of dirt smudged across her cheeks, she transformed into an unassu
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Chapter 35: Venomous words
Lady Elizabeth watched from afar as Prince Alexander and Prince Gabriel continued to admire Princess Isabella. In every ball they attended ,no potential man seemed to notice her , she watched as both Alexander and Gabriel took turns to dance with Isabella. Although they weren't the only potential men in the east, but they were tye men for the season.Her jealousy grew with each passing day, fueled by the attention Isabella received and the admiration she commanded. When walking on the streets of Adernia she had people , especially the poorest of people singing the praises of the future Queen and how she always visited them and showered them with gifts. Elizabeth had always been considered one of the most beautiful and captivating women in the kingdom, and it pained her to see Alexander's affections directed elsewhere,not to talk of the new bachelor of the season ,Prince Gabriel. She felt Isabella was being very stingy and only wanted to be the only one noticed by the best of men.As
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Chapter 36: The court room
The grand hall of the Adernia court was adorned with opulent decorations, and an air of anticipation filled the room. King Fredrick sat upon his majestic throne, his expression regal and resolute. Lord Arcturus, standing beside him, exuded an air of confidence, his unwavering loyalty to the king evident in his stance.As the council of lords assembled, their murmurs of discontent grew louder. They questioned the king's decision to name Princess Isabella as his heir, citing her youth and inexperience as reasons to reconsider. Their concerns reverberated through the hall, creating an atmosphere of tension.Lord Arcturus, known for his sharp intellect and strong opinions, stepped forward. His voice, firm and commanding, silenced the room. "My lords, I understand your apprehensions, but I stand by King Fredrick's decision wholeheartedly. Princess Isabella possesses qualities that make her an exceptional choice as the future ruler of Adernia."A wave of skepticism washed over the council,
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Chapter 37: The alliance
Princess Isabella entered King Fredrick's chambers, her heart pounding with anticipation. She had been summoned by her father,in the middle of the night, unsure of what awaited her behind the grand doors. As she stepped into the room, she found King Fredrick sitting at his ornate desk, a solemn expression on his face."Father, you called for me,hope all is well" Isabella spoke with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. She knew how down the king had been ever since her mother died, his maids had reported of his steady nightmares and how restless he had been, which even led to calling the royal physician on a daily basis.King Fredrick looked up from the documents on his desk and motioned for Isabella to approach. With a gentle sigh, he gestured to a chair across from him. "Please, have a seat, my dear."Isabella obliged, taking a seat while studying her father's face for any hint of what was to come. The room was filled with an air of tension, and she couldn't help but feel a knot
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Chapter 38: Untained
Prince Gabriel stood before Isabella, his eyes filled with sincerity and a touch of concern. Isabella couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over her as he addressed the unspoken question that had been weighing heavily on her mind."Isabella, I want you to know that I had no knowledge of the alliance marriage between us," Prince Gabriel spoke earnestly, his voice filled with genuine empathy. "This was an agreement made by our parents, and I understand if you have reservations or doubts."Isabella looked into his eyes, searching for any hint of deception or insincerity. What she found, however, was a glimpse of understanding and a willingness to accept her decision, whatever it may be."I appreciate your honesty, Prince Gabriel," Isabella replied softly, her voice tinged with a mix of gratitude and apprehension. "It means a great deal to me that you acknowledge my feelings in this matter."Prince Gabriel took a step closer, his expression filled with a blend of empathy and respe
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Chapter 39: A Failed plan
Lord Arcturus and King Maximilian found themselves in a private chamber, seething with anger and frustration. The grand court's decision to clear Princess Isabella of the charges and the refusal to grant the order for her execution had left them feeling defeated and powerless.King Maximilian's face flushed with anger as he spoke, his voice filled with frustration. "How could they dismiss all the evidence we presented? It was clear that Isabella possesses dark powers, and yet they chose to ignore it! This is an insult to our kingdoms, Arcturus!"Lord Arcturus, though equally disappointed, maintained a calm demeanor. He knew that reacting impulsively would only further complicate matters. "I understand your frustration, Maximilian. The court's decision was unexpected and has certainly put a damper on our plans. However, we must tread carefully. Openly defying the court's ruling would only bring further scrutiny upon us."King Maximilian paced back and forth, his hands clenched in frust
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Chapter 40: The alliance
After the tumultuous events and the mounting pressures from within the eastern kingdoms, Princess Isabella sought solace and support from outside her realm. Hearing whispers of a young and ambitious king who had recently ascended the throne of Myriad, Isabella decided to explore the possibility of forging an alliance with this newly crowned ruler.Arrangements were made for Isabella to journey to the kingdom of Myriad, accompanied by a small retinue of trusted servants. As she arrived at the capital city, she was greeted with great anticipation and curiosity. The news of the princess from Adernia seeking an alliance had spread swiftly in Myriad, and the young king was eager to meet her having heard of her and her facing the grand court twice.In a grand hall adorned with regal splendor, Princess Isabella and King Alaric of Myriad came face to face. The young king exuded confidence and charisma, his eyes reflecting a keen intelligence that matched Isabella's own. They engaged in hours
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