All Chapters of THE TRIPLETS' SECRET FATHER: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
71 Chapters
Chapter 41
Welbeck sat alone in his dimly lit study, the only source of light emanating from the antique desk lamp. His eyes fixed on Christine's picture, a haunting reminder of a love lost and a question unanswered. The crackle of the fireplace provided the only sound in the room, the flames mirroring the turmoil in Welbeck's mind.The question echoed in his head, refusing to be ignored. "Why did you go back to your husband?" The words seemed to bounce off the walls, reverberating within him. His hand clenched into a fist, and with a sudden surge of emotion, he slammed it onto the polished mahogany table, the impact reverberating through the room."Christine," he whispered, his voice a mixture of pain and frustration. He reached for the photograph, his fingers tracing the outline of her face. In the picture, she smiled, her eyes filled with a warmth that once brought solace to Welbeck's troubled soul. They had shared dreams, whispered promises, and built castles in the air together. But now, sh
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Chapter 42
The cold morning air nips at the skin, sending shivers down the spine. The world is cloaked in a hazy mist, the breath of nature itself visible in the frigid air. The grass is coated in a delicate layer of frost, glistening like a million tiny diamonds under the pale light of dawn. The trees stand bare and silent, their branches reaching towards the steel-gray sky. The silence is broken only by the distant chirping of awakening birds. As the sun begins to rise, its feeble rays struggle to penetrate the thick blanket of fog, casting an ethereal glow over the icy landscape.Robert was deep in slumber when the shrill sound of the alarm pierced through the silence of the room. His eyes fluttered open, still heavy with sleep, as he fumbled to silence the incessant beeping. Groggily, he sat up, trying to shake off the remnants of his dream. As he reached for his glasses on the bedside table, he glanced at the clock and realized he had overslept. With a sense of urgency, he hurried to get re
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Chapter 43
Christine's parents, Jordan and Nessa, awoke early one crisp morning feeling a sense of happiness enveloping them. The sun was just beginning to peep through their bedroom window, casting a warm glow in their cosy home. As they lay in bed, a thought crossed their minds simultaneously - their daughter Christine was due to give birth any day now.Jordan turned to Nessa with a smile, "I have a feeling today is the day, Nessa. I can't wait to meet our grandchildren."Nessa's eyes sparkled with excitement as she replied, "I feel it too, James. I'm so grateful for this blessing."Their anticipation grew as they got out of bed and made their way to the kitchen for a cup of steaming coffee. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the air as they sat at the small wooden table, sipping their drinks in comfortable silence.After a few moments, Jordan spoke up, breaking the quiet, "I think we should call her husband, Robert, to ensure everything is alright and to find out if the babies are trul
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Chapter 44
Christine sat nervously on the edge of her bed, clutching her phone tightly in her hand. She took a deep breath before dialling the number she knew by heart - her boss, Welbeck. As the phone rang, her heart raced with anxiety, knowing that she had to confess something she had been keeping from him."Hello?" Welbeck's voice came through the line, and Christine felt a lump form in her throat. She cleared her throat before speaking, her voice barely above a whisper."Welbeck, it's Christine. I... I need to talk to you about something," she began, her words faltering slightly."What is it, Christine? Is everything okay?" Welbeck's concern was evident in his tone, and Christine felt a pang of guilt for keeping this secret for so long."I... I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, but... I had a delivery. A delivery of triplets," Christine blurted out, her voice trembling with fear.There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line before Welbeck spoke again, his voice laced with disap
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Chapter 45
Rachel had been feeling pretty good about herself lately. After the disappointment of losing her job at Welbeck's company, she managed to secure a new job at a different company. It had been a difficult transition at first, but she had started to settle in and was even making some new friends at her workplace.Unfortunately, Rachel's world came crashing down around her when she was sacked from her new job without warning. The news hit her hard, and she could barely think straight. She felt like she had made the biggest mistake of her life by leaving Welbeck's company."I've made the biggest mistake," Rachel grumbled to herself as she entered her apartment. "I didn't know Welbeck was going to get his second building for his company. Just see how I'm suffering now."She was breathing heavily, and her heart was pounding. Her stomach felt painfully tight, and she felt like she was going to be sick. She knew that she had to calm down, so she put her bag down and headed for the shower.As t
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Chapter 46
The morning sun rose over the bustling city, casting a warm glow through the windows of Welbeck's company headquarters. As the clock struck 9 am, the office came alive with activity. Workers streamed in, clutching their morning coffees and briefcases, ready to tackle the day ahead.Welbeck stood at the entrance, greeting each employee with a smile and a nod. He could sense the energy and determination in the air – it was going to be a busy morning.Inside the office, the sound of ringing phones and tapping keyboards filled the air. The employees were already deep into their tasks, focused and determined to meet their deadlines. Welbeck walked through the rows of desks, observing the dedicated work ethic of his team."Good morning, everyone," Welbeck called out, his voice cutting through the hum of activity. "Let's make today a productive one!"The employees looked up from their screens, nodding in agreement. They knew that Welbeck expected nothing but the best from them, and they we
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Chapter 47
"Rachel, I'm so glad you're back," Welbeck said with a smile. "I have so much work for you to catch up on."Rachel raised an eyebrow, sensing that there was more to Welbeck's statement than met the eye. "What do you mean, Welbeck? What kind of work do you have for me?"Welbeck leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a whisper. "I need your help with something... something important."Rachel's curiosity was piqued. "What do you need help with, Welbeck? You know I'm always here for you."Welbeck took a deep breath before speaking. "I need you to help me with my secret relationship with Christine."Rachel's eyes widened in shock. "Christine? I thought her husband made her stay inside after the birth of the triplets."Welbeck nodded solemnly. "He did, but I need you to act like a stalker and get everything I need from her. I'll be seeing her when her husband goes to work, but I need you to gather information and keep an eye on her when I can't be there."Rachel was taken aback by Welbeck'
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Chapter 48
Christine's mom sat on her couch, a worried frown creasing her brow as she glanced at the clock for what felt like the hundredth time that day. It had been a week since her daughter and daughter-in-law had left after their visit, and she hadn't heard a peep from them since. Normally, they would have called or texted by now, just to check in and let her know they had arrived home safely. But the silence was deafening, and it left Christine's mom feeling anxious and unsettled.She tried to push away the nagging thoughts that crept into her mind – thoughts of accidents, emergencies, or worse. But the longer the silence stretched on, the harder it became to ignore those fears. She knew she was probably just being paranoid, but she couldn't help but worry. After all, her daughter and daughter-in-law were her world, and the thought of something happening to them was unbearable.With a heavy sigh, Christine's mom picked up her phone and scrolled through her contacts, debating whether or not
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Chapter 49
Christine emerged from the bedroom, her expression a mix of curiosity and concern as she watched Robert finish up his phone call with her mother. She could sense the tension in the air, the weight of unspoken words hanging between them like a heavy cloud. As Robert ended the call and set his phone down on the table, Christine couldn't help but notice the troubled look on his face. She knew that her mother had been worried about their recent visit and their lack of communication since they had left. She also knew that her mother had a tendency to be overly concerned about their relationship, often reading too much into small disagreements or misunderstandings. As Robert turned to her with a forced smile, Christine couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt. She knew that she had been distant and cold towards her mother lately, and she could see the hurt in Robert's eyes as he tried to reassure her about their well-being. "Oh yes, I'm done talking with your Mom," Robert said, his voice ti
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Chapter 50
Rachel had fallen asleep with her music still playing softly in the background. The melodic tunes of her favorite playlist filled the room, creating a peaceful ambiance as she drifted off into slumber. However, as the night wore on, the music began to buzz and crackle, the sound growing louder and more erratic.Unbeknownst to Rachel, the noise from her malfunctioning speaker was not only disrupting her own sleep but also disturbing her neighbors. The sudden buzzing and crackling jolted them awake from their peaceful slumber, causing grumbles and curses to echo through the thin walls of the apartment building.One particularly irate neighbor, Mr. Johnson, groaned as he rubbed his eyes and glanced at the clock on his bedside table. It was well past midnight, and he had an early morning meeting to attend. The incessant buzzing from Rachel's apartment was the last thing he needed.With a heavy sigh, Mr. Johnson threw back the covers and made his way to Rachel's door. He knocked loudly, h
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