All Chapters of HIM ALL ALONG: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
128 Chapters
LAROZO: I didn’t understand the concept of being sent away for Greg Bolt and hence took a fight to his diminishing self. The pretty boy didn’t flinch at my flames. He lashed his reserve and left me with a broken nose. His retaliation got me subjected. His audaciousness verily had Lucky captivated. And the clarity of it drove me to insanity. I am not so fearful myself. I am way better to say. A scholarship boy has nothing comparable to me, or so I thought. Only bringing a fight upon him resulted in an angry Lucky steaming my bedroom. “What is wrong with you?” He questioned the second I pushed the door open. “Not now.” “You shouldn’t have hurt him, Larozo!” He had managed to hear about the fight and was seated, waiting for my return. “I had a bad day. The last thing I want is you adding to it.” I stripped on his watch and changed into a more comfortable outfit than the choking D’caprias uniform. I saw Lucky flickered. I saw his lashes fluttered and cheeks bloated. I confirm I w
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GREG: Faith in Lucky is consuming. I believe in his purity and empathy. He wouldn’t hurt me. A trustworthy prince like Lucky Rogers is incapable of causing harm to anyone. “Lucky can’t do that.” James sounded firm as well. He called when he caught my pictures flying the internet. After being fed with the story, he maintained that Lucky did nothing of such and no one should confront him about it, or he would have the house ablaze on his return. Dad didn’t take it lightly. He kept calling who-knows-all, requesting all my pictures eradicated from the internet. He made to send me to the States if I hadn’t refused to run away. I did nothing wrong. It is an exposure and a new life to adapt to; I won’t hide from it. I won’t abandon Nick and everyone I have come to connect with, Nicholas’ friends and my angry best friend. I will learn to deal with them all. “I will stay,” I maintained on the last call from Dad. “I won’t move.” “Your ticket is extended. Tell me when you change your mind
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GREG:Rose’s birthday was terrific. It went beyond envisaged. Dignitaries all over the country came hopping and circulating the glamour.To some, it was a birthday party. To many, it was networking, and to all, it was connecting with Greg Waldeen.The media got the chance to loiter all they have always wanted, except I went on as James advised, leaving them no facial photograph of me.Being under cameras and captures has always been the ache. Needing clues on how I would handle all of it, I had to call James for suggestions.“Wear your mask, Greg. If you are not ready for direct exposure, don’t push it. Try not to please anyone and be at your comfort.”I didn’t bother to please anyone. I had my bronze mask glued to my face to the frustration of the media, who had believed to have my face in their grasp.Challenges from the media were the least of my encounters. I had faces coming over to introduce themselves. They kept seeking contact and friendship, which I found disturbing and intoxi
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NICHOLAS:I drown in shame. I can’t believe I dimmed myself in such a nasty situation. I have ruined my uphold, my stance, my dignity. I have driven out my integrity.I check my phone at every beep, praying Greg wouldn’t call. I have done the unbelievable, I do not know how to splurge my words; I can't stand to face him.I seek no redemption. I have done wrong to the only person I shouldn’t. I mustn’t seek forgiveness. There is no excuse for my actions, not even when I have done it for someone I love dearly.The call from the clinic had me helpless for days. The required medication for Elena is one I have been anticipating but wasn’t expecting.I waited for her tumor development, surgery, and freedom, but for a while, I selflessly focused on my heart that I forgot to sort money for these.According to Dr. Saint, it is beyond his medical perspective. Elena has been on close observation that the sudden outgrown tumor gave him no explanation.“It is strange,” he said over the phone call.
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NICHOLAS:I stood under the red maple tree outside the school gate, waiting for Greg.It is taunting of me to welcome him back to school after days of absence with my robbing face.I could hide in a hole and avoid him if I had slept since my intended flaw. I deserve the restlessness; I do not care how many days and nights I go without sleep, I only wish to get Greg to hear me out.I do not stand to ask for forgiveness, nor do I intend to check the fate of our relationship. I only want to beg his forgiveness and cry him an ocean to keep us.Yes, I said it.How could I not seek his forgiveness and know the status of a relationship when I am close to death at the thought of losing him?I would spend the rest of my days asking for redemption and proving myself again if I had to. I would rather die than give up on us.Along the school path, I saw an expensive car that had never driven a student into D’caprias, making its way towards the school gate.The luxury got the students open-mouthed
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GREG: My heart came to a crash. “Please, no cops.” I pleaded nervously. Mum pronounced cops on Nicholas. It is the right thing to do to a thief, except I couldn’t bear the thought of sending him behind bars. The cops will not only escalate it, but for their bust, they will involve the media, and Nicholas will be labeled the nation's most famous thief. “Gregory, I know how you feel, but I can’t let it go. I can’t entertain a thief into this home.” “No, you have no slightest idea. If you do, you won’t keep calling Nicholas a thief.” “I didn’t make him a thief.” “Mum, please.” I shut my teary eyes, and when I reopened them, my cheeks soaked with liquid. “Let this go. For me. Can you do that?” “I am sorry, sweetheart. We are talking about my treasure, my symbol of commitment. I could consider your request if he had taken something else but that. He got good eyes for a thief, you know.” “Mum!” “Allow me to take him,” Granny intervened, tugging my arm. “Come, my boy, you need some
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GREG: ~Hey~ (~~Pardon me. I couldn’t address you as I feel since I lost that right. I do not know of my right to write you either, but I want to believe by your kindness that you will read the honesty of a lowly thief you have refused to put behind bars. I wouldn’t brag on my belief of why you protected me except to thank you. Gregory, I do not want to apologize. Not because I am not sorry and ashamed of humiliating you. It is because I do not deserve your forgiveness. I do not deserve anything. I hate to say I do not deserve your love when it is all I need to survive. I want to live, Greg. I want to live knowing you let me admit to and rectify my wrongs. I want to live knowing you do not hate me. I want to stay alive, hoping you would come to me. Hence, I will remain in the garden until you come to hear me out ~~) Reading the last paragraph, I ran out of James' room like a pursued prey. (~~You may decide not to come, I won’t be expecting much. But I will be here still. I hav
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NICHOLAS: The clinic holds a clear view. There was neither the couple doctors nor Ms. Reinta, the resident nurse, to see us ride through the gate or walk the long corridor. I need not be surprised about the scanty. It is so in Sanray, thanks to the absolute safe zone of the clinic. Believing Dr. Saint and his partner are either satisfying their urges on the effect of the weather and the nurse, perhaps, in a ward attending to a patient, I took Greg into Elena’s ward. “Meet Elena,” I said to the puzzled Greg. “My sister.” He didn’t react to the sudden news that I have a bedridden sister after assuming he knew me, nor asked questions about her or anything at all. Instead, he looked around the ward expressionlessly. I got sudden creeps on the possibility he feels skeptical about the clinic. But then, Dr. Saint and his partner take absolute care of their clinic. Notwithstanding the old construction and lack of a handful of patients, it won’t classified as shabby or unsuitable for pat
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NICHOLAS: I couldn’t believe it was his touch until I lifted my arm to feel it. ‘Don’t get ahead of yourself, idiot. It is just a sleeping cuddle from a sleeping person.’ I was near to believing my subconscious self and his warnings when I felt Greg move his palm, caressing my arm. ‘Don’t get excited, stupid. Greg sleeps so freely.’ Then I felt his movement and adjustment on my nape. ‘Don’t try it. Don’t react; you clot. Greg is sleep-moving.’ His soft kisses came on me, making me shiver and twitch. ‘Don’t make a fool of us. Hold it in.’ Greg tendered more kisses on my neck. “I miss you,” he breathed, and I shut my eyes and clenched my hands, trying to listen to my subconscious self, not to disappoint us. ‘Good. Hold it in. Greg is sleep kissing and talking.’ Greg kissed my ears and plastered kisses all over the parts of my body he could access, moaning as he went. ‘What now?’ I asked my subconscious self, who I know is as confused as me. Greg traced his hand all over my b
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NICHOLAS: “Hmmm.” I perceived amidst sleep. The scent was comforting and alluring. I have no one beside me but Greg, and I wonder why he would exude freshness when I still smell of cum. “Nice!” I reached for his hand with closed eyes and brought it to my nose. “Did you use a perfume?” “I did,” he said. The voice came deeper than I knew. But since it was a morning call, who cares for a clear voice? “Hmmm,” I kept sniffing and kissing his hand as I went on. “How did you get one?” “From my closet.” Huh? Closet? I blinked open to see my Greg, only to be furnished with Dr. Ray squatting before me, grinning like the Joker. “Holy shit!” I dropped his arm in disgust and sprang to my feet to his laughter. “Why did you….?” “Good morning.” I watched his laughter turn into a snigger. His eyes remained steady and stuck below me despite my celerity. “Fuvk you, Ray!” I stumbled upon the discarded clothes on the floor to cover up, causing more amusement for the old-ass doctor. “What the fu
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