All Chapters of Ayah For The Ruthless: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
78 Chapters
Chapter Forty One
“As a fairly paid makeup artist, I must say, yes you are right. The tribe here is ancient going back to the time of the Roman Empires. We have our own law and our identity is quite historic. But after the world wars, our king and his lineage were killed by assassination and we were roaming without any security or position in the world.” Mimun clarified while doing Ayah’s hair. She contemplated for a second and the whole life of the people here who have suffered for that long. She nodded as Mimun continued. “Our island is sacred to us and seeing how the tourists came here and took our sacred chapels and shrines as a means of entertainment, we were frustrated. That was when Mr. Ford came to the island. His generosity was as wide as the oceans. Our people complained about our sufferings to him and he then brought this island.” She said, “Not only that, he reconstructed it and even intercepted the visits of tourists. Now we have our name and passport for this island.” “I understand,
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Chapter Forty Two
Alex closed his eyes as Elio came straight at him. As he was anticipating a loud punch strong enough to break his bones and destroy his organs, he received nothing. He opened his eyes and looked at Elio who was still looking at him with a death glare. Elio aggressively patted Alex’s back. “I still cannot believe you are such a coward.” He said. “Mostly, such an irresponsible… Friend.” Elio said while looking away. Alex was confused. But he was more confused by the fact that Elio called him his friend. It was obvious that Alex was like a puppy who would never leave Elio’s side and he considered Elio as a friend but Elio never said it out loud. Elio never called anyone his friend. “F-Friend?” Alex laughed nervously. ‘Is he drunk or something? How could Elio the Great call me his friend?’ Alex thought. “You were supposed to catch up on me,” Elio said. “If I did, would you have kept me alive? Huh? You were fuming with anger.” Alex said but then stopped. “Wait, wait. So you do know th
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Chapter Forty Three
The island's people are much more talented than anyone can think of. They are somehow born with talent. Not only do their handcrafts look like remarkable masterpieces but anything they do makes it look like they excel on it. So is the same condition with the girls of this island. They were putting Henna on Ayah’s hands. Quite carefully though, as the elders have warned them that they must not make any mistakes as she is the Queen. But the girls are so friendly and frank that Ayah did not feel discomfort of any sort. “My oh my, Your Majesty. Your hands are so soft. As if they are made of clouds.” One of the girls complimented. Ayah smiled and thanked her. “You all apply the henna so beautifully.” Ayah complimented them that sent the girls to the high heavens. They became more focused on beautifying her hands. One of the girls was hesitating on asking Ayah a question. She has seen their king, Elio Ford and she had also seen his charm as well. Though respect was absolutely mandato
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Chapter Forty Four
Ayah was breathing heavily. Her body was heated up due to his touch. All those words she told the girls were flashing back to her mind. It was as if his touch was the only thing on her mind. She was a Muslim. Would she let a man whom she did not consider as her husband to touch her? She contemplated. Though she did not consider him t be her husband. He still was her husband. Elio Ford had forced her but she consented, somehow. She had signed the documents. She did not love him. Not one bit. She wanted to look away. She wanted to run away from this room. She wanted to escape his grip but he was not touching her. His eyes, those eyes had held her in place. Would she let him continue? A murderer? Just then suddenly, the sound of Haru resonated in her mind. That innocent child. The child that he killed. How could she ever feel desire for the man who murdered that innocent baby? She felt burning hate in her chest once again. Just the hate that she felt when he had kidnapped her, when he
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Chapter Forty Five
The scream resonated through the entire hall. The music was stopped. The dancing stopped. Neko recognized the sound of Mia’s voice. “Mia?” He worriedly got up to search for her. Alex left the couch and followed Neko. Elio had heard the sound as well so he came down. “What happened?” He asked reaching the guards. “A girl screamed in the hallway.” One of them said. “Go check,” Elio instructed. They both left to investigate. He came out of the bedroom. A thought hit him. What if it was Ayah? His heart skipped a beat. His eyes widened. He ran through the hallway. His eyes worriedly searched for Ayah everywhere. He found a balcony. “Ayah?” He shouted. The balcony was empty. He came out and ran everywhere else until he reached the commotion. Upon his arrival, everyone bowed and moved away to reveal a body in a pool of blood. It was a male guard who was probably stabbed. His chest was gushing blood. Elio told the guards to move the body. Alex reached the scene. “Dude, what happened?”
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Chapter Forty Six
“Elio,” Alex called him trying to grab his attention but his anxiety levels were rising which was making him panic and unable to focus. Lastly, Alex grabbed his shoulders and looked into his eyes. “Look at me.” He said. “Whom did you bring on this island with you?” Elio was somewhat baffled by the question but took a moment to think. The ones he had taken with him on this trip were Neko and Mia. “It was her friends. Her two other friends.”“Was there anyone else?” Alex wanted him to come up with the solution by himself so there would be no other unnecessary misunderstandings again. Elio pondered. Other than these two… Did they do something to her? Now that he thinks about it. He has not seen these two in a while. What are they even doing? Did they help Ayah escape? Did she go by herself? Did she run away? Alex sensed it“Elio,” Alex called him to grab his attention. Desperation laced his voice.Elio removed his hands from his shoulders. “I think they did something to her.” He said.
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Chapter Forty Seven
Rain poured and the thunder growled. The sky was aggressive in a different manner. The rain was flowing all over the land and grasping the dryness all at once. Ayah's eyes were going to close. Her last words before the darkness engulfed her were his name. He was so close yet so far. She wanted him to come and hold her like he used to. The world seemed too cruel for her soul. Too harsh. The only protection she ever felt was the roof over her head until he came into her life like a storm and removed all sorts of normal events occurring into her miserable life. Though he had hurt her and killed her in many ways, he had been the only one who protected her and hugged her. The only one who knew she was hurt, the only one who could sense her pain was Elio. Now that his figure was searching for her, she wanted to speak. She wanted to scream but it was as if her voice had been snatched. Something was grasping her throat tightly.Silent tears rushed on her pale cheeks. But she did not suff
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Chapter Forty Eight
Mia and Neko swiftly entered the room. Though Mia had warned Neko not to make a single noise while entering the room so they would not disturb Ayah in any way, the door seemed to defy Neko and made a creaking noise. Neko made an apologetic expression but unforgiving Mia decided to– as quietly as she could– slap his bald forehead which made a sound. Both of them reacted silently to the loud noise. Just as they thought they messed up, the soft laughter of Ayah resonated from the bed. Both of them could not see her because the massive bed was covered with white curtains. "Guys, just come in. It's fine." Ayah's voice was groggy and tired but she somehow managed to sound as she always did. Both of them rushed to her side and slid the curtains so they could see her. She smiled while looking at her two friends. Ayah did not have the slightest idea that they were here until the doctors confirmed it. "My gosh, Ayah, we were so scared," Mia said while sitting beside her and giving her frie
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Chapter Forty Nine
She has been embracing him in his arms. Her legs wrapped around his waist and her hands wrapped around his neck. His body was warmer and quite bigger than hers and that was what made her comfortable. The thunders were not stopping and the drizzling sound of the rain coming from the floor-to-ceiling window had washed away her fears. Ayah did not want to leave Elio at the moment. All her prior thoughts washed away from her mind. She merely hugged away all her contemplations. Elio was frozen in his spot. His body was warm but his nerves turned cold. His blood was running higher and hotter. His mind was silent as if an eerie sound was resonating in the walls of his brain. Her warmth against him had made him feel things. Things he could not describe. It was a feeling of ecstasy. Or perhaps much beyond than that. He felt calm yet there was a storm brewing inside him. His demons fell shut just as his eyes did when she relaxed over him. The lullaby once again started singing in his ears.
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Chapter Fifty
"Do we need to prepare breakfast for His Majesty in the Master bedroom?" The girl in the maid attire asked while her eyes hung low. Mia was confused. She was brushing her hair in the morning when a group of naid decided to just enter the room and ask her a silly question she did not know the answer to. "Just ask Alex I guess." She said to them, still a bit confused. One of the maids looked at the other. "Mr. Alex is not present at the moment so we figure you must know. If we have disturbed you in any way, we sincerely apologize–" Mia hurriedly put her hands in front of them. "Hey, it's okay." She said. They should not feel guilty for no reason. After all, it's their job. She should cooperate. She decided to think for a moment. It's not like she ever thought she has to take decisions for a damn King and be treated like Royalty so this was quite new to her. "I guess, yeah. Just serve them breakfast." She said. "Just as you wish. Shall we prepare your breakfast in the main dining
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