All Chapters of Alpha CEO’s baby mama: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
124 Chapters
The deal.
Rose’s POVThe second I could think clearly, it all came rushing to me.Rage. Red hot rage bubbled up inside me as I looked at him, processing what he said.Bound for life.No. Hell no.Without thinking, I struck. The sound of the slap echoed in the room for a few seconds.My breaths came harsh and loud as his face, snapped to the side by the force of my slap, came turning back to meet mine.“It doesn't matter if it was an accident or not. What matters is that it's there. It is real, and it can be taken back.” He said in his damned monotonous voice.His words and tone were grating more and more on my nerves. How could he be so calm about what he had done?I wished he was joking, I wish I could leave his office under the thoughts of calling him crazy.I had seen him turn into a wolf. Had seen other wolves, which had attacked me. His words were no longer impossible.Which only meant that they had to be trueI fought the overwhelming urge to cry and curl in on myself. I couldn't show any
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A new friend.
Rose’s POVI sighed as I gazed up at the monotonous ceiling.For the first few days of my arrival here, I had only resided within the four walls of my bedroom. The reason was partly out of a strange sort of rebellion, a reminder that though I agreed on it of my free will, I most definitely wasn't happy about it. The second reason was out of fear. I didn’t know what I was more afraid of - me My absence in wandering hadn’t seemed to waver the rest of the household. Every day, the people dressed in blue would knock at my door, either bringing breakfast, lunch, and dinner in the evenings. Occasionally they spoke, asking me if I needed anything else to which I always refused. I had fallen asleep constantly in the past few days, and I wasn’t sure if that was my body releasing the stress I had been through for the past few weeks or otherwise. Yet, everytime I fell asleep after a meal. I would wake up to see it gone.Thus, there really seemed to be no need for me to leave my room, and for
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Learning about the werewolf world.
Rose POV“So, what do you know about werewolves?”I glanced at the blonde haired man before looking away.Werewolves. The name still rang true in my mind. Despite never saying it out loud, the thought of calling them that constantly came to mind. I always halted myself from doing so, however, the thought of referring to them as that seemed too unreal, yet… humanizing.I said nothing in response at first, shrugging.“Nothing much. I never paid attention to fantasy,” I finally said.From my youth, I had never liked the idea of the supernatural, the idea far too vague and fake for me to get into. Although I enjoyed media regarding magic, lore such as vampires, werewolves, fairies, kelpies and so on were never on my radar. Any little information I had gaied through it was practically gone. I thought they weren’t real afterall, and there was no point in dabbling in what wasn’t real.Present me was now heavily regretting my past decision.I'd expected… Well, I honestly didn't know what I h
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A sense of belonging.
Rose POV.At my stunned look, I received laughter.“What? Couldn’t you tell?” He asked, raising his eyebrows.Rael as the Alpha?The more I thought about it, the more it made sense. From his annoyingly domineering personality to the way he gave orders so flagrantly, he definitely fit the bill.The title even suited him. I repeated it whilst thinking of his face. My traitorous mind went to the way he stood back in my room, his words.“All mine.”“We are bonded, Rose. For life.”Heat spread up my entire body, including my legs.‘What is wrong with me?’ I immediately cut out my thoughts. I refused to think about him. No matter how attractive he was, he was still an asshole.I repeated that in my mind before a voice brought me out from my thoughts.“Miss?”Immediately I turned back, the face making me remember that I was with someone.Pushing all other thoughts from my mind, I cleared my throat and wore a smile.“Sorry, I didn't hear you before,” I said apologetically.“So is it because h
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Bonding back with her friends.
Rose’s POV“I spy something green,” Kayla pointed out.With a sigh, Jade and I spoke. “The curtains?”Kayla groaned and visibly deflated bask into the couch, leaving both of us staring at each other with a shared smile.It took far longer than I had wished for me to finally muster up the courage to call them. After staring at the phone for far too many times, I thought of the friendship and safety that came with the feeling of pack, and I wanted that again. So I dialed her number.At first, we had talked for such a long time about so many things, yet avoided the main topic which got us there in the first place. It was as though all of us were trying to avoid stepping on eggshells so as to not irk the other out. It wasn’t until the next day that I had enough.Flashback“I'm sorry” I apologized to them.“Why are you apologizing?” Jade asked after silence.“For acting so bratty… and shutting you two out,” I replied, thinking back to the time in the apartment, where I bursted at them.
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Ignored by the Alpha.
Rose’s POVHis footsteps rung loud and deep. The more he came, the more his figure came into sight.He wore his usual set of clothing, a complete black set with a shirt, suit and trousers. His hair slicked back perfectly, showcasing his perfectly shaped jaw. His eyes stared even more intensely.He looked like a wet dream as always, and if it was any other time, I would have been appreciative of his looks. Now I was only annoyed.“Well, look who's back!” I muttered loud enough for him to hear me as he walked across the hall, passing the dinner table as he did.He paused for a moment, before he walked further off.“Aren’t you supposed to greet or show common courtesy?” I turned, only to see him still ignoring me as he passed.Every second of silence threw me off. Every single time, it was the same thing.Ever since I found myself leaving my room, there was nothing for me to worry about when it came to Rael's presence, specifically because there was an evident lack of it. In the evenings
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A new terror.
Rose's POVIn my days here, there was one thing I was sure of.Rael Allston was an arse.The worst of them all.How could a man ever be so arrogant, so out of touch with reality?Of course, I could understand a bit. He was the leader of a pack and one of the most revered and youngest billionaires ever. That was enough of an ego boost to keep one in the sky for a long while.But God, I hated him more than anything. I hated his stupid smug face, I hated his god-like body, I hated how sexy his voice was, even when he said those things that had made me angry.And even worse, I hated his absence.I didn't know why the hell I felt this way. Whether it was because of the stupid mate bond I now knew extensively about, or just my plain loneliness, I craved his presence.And that made me even angrier, because why should I even think about him? He wasn't worth my time.“Ro…”Three months, right? He had already kept me here for weeks, so I was sure that at least one of the months had ended. All t
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The attack of the dankeh.
Rose POVStumbling across the polished floors, I had finally regained control of my body as I made to run.But where could I go? The place looked desolate. It came to me quickly. He had obviously led me away from the eyes of any pack member or any witnesses. I couldn’t have called for help or ran for refuge when I didn’t even know where I was, or how far I was from any pack members. I was completely alone.I cursed at myself. Though he had led me here, I was the one who stupidly followed, not even noticing the trap he led me to.Looking back at him, he seemed to be growling, yet hadn't moved. It was as though he was simply biding his time, playing with his prey.The thought brought in more fear and anger to me. I had to move quickly. I was afraid, but I wouldn't go down without a fight.The memory of my past experience came back. I was in shock back then. When I was attacked back then, I was fearful. The memory of the pain, the slashes, and the victorious growls of the wolves.The
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A strange rescuing.
Rose POVRael was here.Rael was here.I was near tears of relief, in seeing his annoyingly perfect figure standing far on the entrance of the hall. All other thoughts I had of him were washed away by the total relief I had.Because he was here. And I was safe when he was here.The deep rumbling sound was like cold water being poured on my frame. Instinctively, I backed further away from the wolf which had growled, no longer toward me but at Rael.Tendrils of worry wrapped around me, no longer focused on myself but at the man who had taken me here in the first place.I looked at Rael in the distance.Was he going to transform? The memory of him transforming into a large black wolf made me shiver slightly, but looking at the hind of the wolf that almost tried killing me, I would choose it over everything. To my surprise, he didn't transform, not made any move to do so. Instead, out of his back, he brought something out.It was a strange thing he held. It looked similar to a gun if not
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In shock.
Rael POVI waited for Adian to finish the call, looking toward the sleeping dankeh. After listening through, he turned toward me.“I've called the collectors. They'll be here soon to collect the wolf to the experimental lab. Hopefully, this time, we get more info to find out what we need.” ‘Good. ’ I thought to myself, taking a final glance at the wolf before turning toward Adian. There was no doubt nor question in me in his words. I trusted his implicitly after all. It was one of the reasons I had made him my Gamma years ago.“Do not alert the Elders of this situation just yet. We need to conduct more research before we give them any reports of the events here,” I said, which he nodded at in return. “Yes, Alpha.” He simply replied.In an instant, my body relaxed and my mind eased a little. There was no need to inform the Elders just yet. Not until I could come up with a concrete explanation for what had just happened.Turning back to the sleeping body of golden brown fur, the gears
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