All Chapters of My Tormentor, My Savior : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
113 Chapters
Cruel Yet Kind
Taking the mug of coffee she came back to his room where she saw Sikandar Shah leaning back on the crown of the bed. He was busy scrolling his mobile. After taking a shower, he was wearing loose trousers and no shirt. He was just wearing an undershirt. Seeing him in this state, Biya became nervous and quickly lowered her eyes. She put the mug of coffee on the side table of the bed and then stood at a distance from the bed.Picking up the mug Sikandar Shah glanced at her who was standing with bowed head and punishing her fingers. Sikandar Shah became annoyed with her doing this habit."Come here." He put the empty mug and his mobile on the side table of the bed and then gave her the order.Engulfing her saliva, Biya tightly shut her eyes and then took baby steps towards him because there is no other for her other than to obey his order.As she came closer to the bed, Sikandar Shah pulled her with a jerk and made her fall on the bed beside himself. While Biya wasn't ready for this sudd
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Dejected and Hopeless
"Haya, wear something better and then come to the drawing room." Haya's mother scolded her angrily as she came to her room. "Have you refused her?" Haya was standing near the window looking outside of it when she asked her."I will refuse her. You come there and meet her for once." Her mother told her looking at her angry daughter in a helpless state. "Let's go." Straightening her dupatta she came to the drawing room behind her mother. "Assalamualaikum…" She greeted everyone as she stepped into the drawing room."Walaikum salam, how are you, Haya?" After meeting with Saad's mother, she came back and sat beside her mother on the sofa."I'm fine, how are you?""I'm perfectly fine, Zehra and Zaman, you both know the purpose of my visiting here. I came here for the proposal of your pretty daughter for my son, Saad. You know Saad. I also liked Haya a lot. Now you just make sure to not send us back empty-handed." On the mention of her proposal, Haya dropped a complaining look at her mot
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Another Punishment
"Hello, Sikandar Shah, speaking.""Assalamualaikum sir, order sir." His man received his call on the very first bell of his phone. "Now you and your men will not do the work which was assigned to you by Farid. You will not trouble them anymore. From now on if that girl or her family suffered an inch, then I will not spare a second to kill you with my own hands and to make your death a gruesome example for other people. Got it." "Y…y….yes sir. Nothing will happen as s…such. Right now I will stop everyone from their duty." That man spoke immediately in stuttering."Any other order, sir?""Goodbye." Sikandar Shah shut the phone. He picked up his wallet, mobile, cigarette, and the keys of his car from the table. He walked out of his office and came to his BMW car. Farid was also following him from behind till his car. Very quickly, as he tried to open the back door of his car, Sikandar Shah said to him."No Farid, I will go by myself. You come in another car." Saying to Farid, he climbe
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Not Bothered
After coming to his room, Sikandar Shah switched on the TV. He sat on the couch and started smoking a cigarette. Despite his will, he can't fully focus himself on the TV. Biya's dreadful eyes were making him restless. The ashtray, which was on the table, was filled completely with the ashes of cigarettes. Due to his soundproof room, he can't listen to the screaming and yelling of Biya. Harshly, he threw the remote of the TV on the table and picked up his mobile."Hello Feroz, don't need to open the hunter dogs for today." He ordered the guard."But sir, they have already been opened," Feroz told him in a fearful state."What nonsense is this, Feroz? Grab them quickly and tie them immediately. If you become a little late and they harm anything of me then I will turn you into pieces and make you the food of these dogs. Do it quickly, I am waiting." "Y…y…yes m…master." After putting the phone down, Feroz quickly called another guard with him. And then they went out to grab Sikandar S
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To His Home
"Haya, wake up. Aren't you going to the office today? You are getting late." Her mother tried to wake her up who was sound sleeping."Mama, I am not going to the office. I resigned yesterday. I left my letter there." Saying comfortably, she again hides her face in the blanket. "What? Are you out of mind? Why you did this? We obliged to your request and rejected the proposal. And you..... you know this it was only your salary through which this house was running. Then why you did this?" Her mother was really hurt by her this act. "Mama, please you don't get tense. I'm here. Everything will be alright. And one of my colleagues told me about the job in two offices, today I will go there. And I am sure, I will definitely get a job there." Haya got up sitting on the bed."But why did you resign? That job was much better." "Please mama, I don't want to stay there and create more problems for myself. It's in the betterment of me, you, and all of us that I resigned. I did what I found righ
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Clearing Misunderstanding
"Sit," Saad said letting her hand go when they reached a big lounge. And he himself disappeared to a corner.With a startled look, Haya was staring at this big mansion. Everything seemed so expensive and arranged decently and nicely which was speaking out loud of the taste and choice of the owner of the house. Multiple colors of paintings were there on the wall. One of the paintings caught her attention.In this painting, a prince was sitting on a horse. Along with him, his princess was sitting in the front and he was staring at his princess with adoring eyes. The front two legs of the horse were raised high in the air. Afraid of falling from the horse, the princess was holding the prince from his collar. While the prince was wrapping his one arm around his princess, like his precious thing, to keep her closer to himself. And with the other hand, he was holding the reins of the horse."How do you find it?" She was so lost in the painting that she almost flinched on listening to Saad's
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Re United
Hammad was standing in the doorway of the lounge, folding his arms around his chest, and with adoringly and mischievous eyes, he was looking at both of them. Haya, becoming startled, quickly moved away from Saad. The presence of a stranger and on top of that his calling her bhabi had made the face of Haya turn like a red flower. Saad also composed himself."You ... .when did you come?" To wipe his guilt, Saad gets up from the sofa."My dear brother, I came when you were so lost confessing his love with an open heart. What I mean to say when you were busy trapping the little girl. After entering there, what I just saw was that like in old movies my dear brother is speaking the same long old dialogues to try to make the princess fall for him. So I thought why not remain silent and listen to these dialogues to enhance my knowledge? I mean I would feel the need for it in the near future. Isn't it? The dialogues were good but I didn't enjoy it. What I mean to say is you would have hugged
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Amending Ties
"Hina…" Unaware of her surroundings, she was sitting in her room with a window staring at the sky to the fully glimmering moon. Her tears were rolling down her face in a row."Y ... .yes mom." Seeing her mother near herself, she quickly rubbed her eyes. "Hina, since long I have been calling you. Where is your focus?" And why are you crying? Tell me, what's the matter?" Mrs. Bina asked her in a desperate voice while making her sit beside herself on the bed and taking her face in both hands."N…no Mom. Nothing is like that. I was just missing Shah. It's been many days since I last saw him. And he also doesn't tell us that he suffered from an accident. Mama, what happened to the Shah brother? Before he wasn't like that." Putting her head in the lap of her mother, she again cried. "Hina, what's there to cry about? Tomorrow you go and meet him by yourself. Your tension will also finish then." Mrs Bina told her adoringly running her fingers in her hair."But Mama you forbid us from talkin
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Inside Upheaval
Lost in her thoughts, she was sitting on the stairs looking at Baba who was busy in the lawn when someone grabbed her by her arm and made her stand up with a jerk.She wasn't ready for this sudden attack. Because of jerking her, her feet twisted badly and a whimpering sound came out of her mouth. Without being bothered by her pain, he harshly made her stand in front of himself.The fingers of his hands, which were piercing in her arms, were making her go through severe pain. She felt as if his fingers were plucking the meat of her arms and it was affecting her bones."How dare you to defy my order?" On Sikandar Shah's roaring, Biya looked into his eyes which seemed fury and all red like fire. But today Biya didn't feel any fear and dread from his eyes."What nonsense is this? Leave my arm." She said without getting scared of him."Answer to my question Biya Zaman." "Biya Sikandar Shah. Call me by Biya Sikandar Shah. When you hate my father and you want to wipe his name from my mind a
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Locking Him
Biya was still waiting for Sikandar Shah to arrive at her room. She has already planned how she would react to Sikandar Shah fuming at her locking the door and threatening to kill her. She already planned how she would degrade Sikandar Shah.But she was astonished beyond her thinking when Sikandar Shah didn't come. In a desperate state, she was pacing in the room getting worn out in famish. 'I didn't even eat anything in anger. Let me eat now. It's already one o clock, and Sikandar Shah would be dug into his room. I won't have to see his wicked face.' Thinking that, she came to the kitchen.She ran her eyes in search of food but she didn't find anything special for eating. In fact, a lot of dishes are cooked every day but it is the law of the Shah mansion that after Sikandar Shah eats food the rest left of it is given to servants. Not a single servant ever remains starved here.When Biya couldn't find anything then she made tea for herself and took out the jar of coconut biscuits fro
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