All Chapters of Please Be Mine: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
154 Chapters
Chapter 71 Freedom
Diana Pov...It’s been three months since Alejandro released me. I'm elated to have my freedom back, though not from his hatred. When I left he still hated me to his core. His words were harsher and dark. His stare was deep and scrutinizing enough. I missed Arthur's birthday, but at least I can have it next year, the next year, and forever. The regret of wounding them creeps me, I just hope I can alleviate the pain I have caused by being greedy. I'm not still free, my perfect freedom is when I got their forgiveness until then, I will continue my life now. I miss two years of my life and two years with my son."Diana." Mom called startling my reverie. "Mommy, I'm here at the lanai." I responded wiping my tears."What's your plan now?" Mom immediately asks. Even my closeness with Mom changes after what I did. She proves that she will never tolerate my attitude and being immature."I'll try to meet my agent, to see what they have for me to save and start a small business." I smiled tim
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Chapter 72 Siblings
Anita Pov..."Sweetheart, how are you? Venus is already two years old, when do you plan to come home?" Daddy immediately asks. "I'm just fixing our documents dad. We'll be there before you know it!" I replied. "That's good to hear sweetheart. We already miss you so much!" He beamed. "Likewise dad, I always miss you guys. Grandma let me go home, in exchange for participating in all her fashion shows and an annual visit here." Daddy laughed. "Just let it be sweetheart! She will soon retire and get busy with her other businesses." Dad slips still laughing. "How I wish that dad. She's getting old, but keeps insisting she's not!" I laughed in response to daddy. "Well, that makes her stay younger, sweetheart. That's her passion, if it wasn't for the modeling she's busy with, your mom probably still has more siblings. By the way, did you hear anything about Alejandro?" A deafening silence pass before I respond restraining myself not to collapse again. "Dad! How I wish I could turn bac
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Chapter 73
SAMANTHA POV... I feel sorry for my brother, three years of his life were wasted and lost. But I will not give up, now that I know where she is. I had to convince him to have a vacation. I will manage the company, I graduated in business management and I have run businesses abroad. I have a mini boutique in New York and a branch in Australia. I also have Coffee Shops and Burger Houses. That bitch caused all these misunderstandings and miserable days for my brother. "Are you done ordering food, Sam?" My brother asked as he returned to our reserved seat. After 2 years, my older brother and I also dated, which we used to do before he was hit by Cupid. "Yes brother, I also ordered your favorite food, I know you haven't treated yourself in a long time." He just smiled but didn't reach his ear. I want him to be happy, even mommy locked up herself at home because she blames herself for what is happening to my older brother. "Brother, you need a little break. Have a vacation somewhere el
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Chapter 74
Anita Pov...As we arrived I gently close my eyes, savoring the cool breeze. My homeland where I buried my heart. We are supposed to celebrate Venus's 3rd birthday to surprise dad, but things didn't go as we planned. "Uncle Van, can I meet my daddy here? He lives here right?" Alex asked Van for the 10th time while they were walking beside Lisa and Venus. "Uhmmn! Not sure sweetheart, but there's a possibility." Van tried not to fail his words. "Okay Uncle Van, I'm excited to see him. One of my friends told me I look like my dad." He muttered smiling. "Ha! How?" I ask terrified. "He said, daddy was interviewed on live TV and is famous on business news being the young entrepreneur, but that was a year ago mom!" My mouth fell open. I looked at Van, but he frown and was confused. I admit, I don’t know anything since I shut myself on social media. I thought by doing so, everything will be fine, but I guess I'm wrong. I don't want to admit that Diana is right. "Mommy, let's go. I want
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Chapter 75 Chasing Him
Anita Pov...We are in front of the Vida Hotel, Lea was no longer in the reception area. I blew air before entering. I'm nervous and scared I might bump into Mam Lorrie. I still remember the last time we met, she was very reluctant for me to be a part of their family and hates me. She thought a random man got me pregnant when his son was the only one who takes advantage of my innocence. Van squeezed my sweating and shaking hands. I want to run back to Manila, but my kids need him. Why, don't you need him? My brain asked flirtatiously."Yes mam, sir, how may I help you?" The receptionist asked when we arrived."We don't have any appointments, but we need to meet Alejandro Smith." Van answered politely."Sorry sir, but Sir Alejandro isn't in charge of this branch." She replied. What does he mean by that? "Oh! Can we talk to Mr. Smith instead, you can call her secretary and tell her Van Rosario and Anita Paloma are waiting here." Van asks nicely. He's really good with this kind of stu
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Chapter 76 Burning Desire
Samantha Pov...I clenched my fist, gritting my teeth cursing! How did he find me? I'm scared, she'll pop up somewhere and do something I will definitely regret. I hold my head, staring at my table frustrated. This week is already tiring and that crazy stalker added. "Sam, aren't you going home?" Rex asked after entering the office."Later Atty." I sparingly responded to him."C'mon, let's go. You need to eat! You can't work properly with an empty stomach and tired." He muttered pulling me to my desk."Wait a minute Atty. I'll just get my things."I muttered stopping him from dragging me out of my table. "You know, you can call me Rex, it's like you don't even know me." He implied. I smiled.I couldn't contain my feelings overpowering entering this place with him. The last time I dine with my brother, I feel cozy and relaxed, but being with him it's heaven and comforting. I feel like a teenager drag by his crush to eat ice cream giggling inside my heart. God! Samantha, you're already
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Chapter 77 Palawan
Jack Pov...I'm watching my grandchildren play with Andrew and Almira. They look like their father, why I didn't notice this when I visited Alejandro in Cebu? I had a face-to-face with him not just a few minutes. His kids were peas in a pod. I know he hated me for humiliating him before. I can see, the annoyance in his face, but he manages to talk to me like a professional. I regretted not giving him a chance and didn't listen to his mother as well. I've been tough ever since my wife died to protect my children. They were my treasure, my billions are not worth it if my kids aren't in good shape. I tried to nurture them as fierce, a fighter. It's normal for a father like me to become tough and strict. I hope they will see each other and sort out what matters most. Three years were already too much for their hearts, but I'm still afraid things will not go as I wished them. If my wife is still alive, she can help me. She's good at communicating in situations like this. My temper always
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Chapter 78 Remnants of Last Night
Samantha Pov...Ughh! Why does my head hurt so much? I groaned waking up and massaging my head before stretching my arms and slowly opening my eyes. My head is spinning like hell making me dizzy as my eyes twitch. I lazily grab my phone at the lampshade table to see what is the time already. Gosh! It's almost noon, got lucky today is Saturday I don't need to rush going to my work. I can still enjoy cuddling in my bed. After an exhausting week, a whole day bed hug is a must indeed! Being a model I am pampered in everything and my business is not something that bothers me like this. I salute my brother for his wisdom to do all of this in three years adding more! It's not just an exhausting but a life-threatening battle. He said this makes him sane but how? In my case, I'm going insane! I shrug it off getting off bed when I shivered cold.Wait! Why I'm naked and my whole body hurts like hell? What the hell happened last night? I just remembered drinking at the bar, how did I get home an
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Chapter 79 Alejandro's Giving Up
Anita Pov...As we reach the entrance of Vida Resort Palawan. I feel like, I'm in front of a jury waiting to be sentenced! My hands profusely sweat and goosebumps are all over my body. The unnerving feeling is making me waver. I breathe heavily, shaking my head! God, please calm my nerves, my feet feel weak to step forward."Hey! Just relax they won't bite, but they will stare!" Van jokes."Oh god! Van, please don't joke around!" I groan still shaking entering the resort."Take it easy. Breathe noona!" Van tries to console me, but my hard-headed head can't resist the unnerving feeling creeping into my bones. What is this feeling again? I only feel like this when something unexpected is going to happen."Mam Anita?" A woman called in the elevator, turning my head to her."Lea? Is that really you?" I blurted surprised to see her."Oh my god! It's really you, thanks goddess for visiting Vida Palawan ma'am, but why only now?" She ushered pulling us to her office whilst Van suddenly keeps
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Chapter 80 Accident
THIRD PERSON'S POV..."Where is Samantha?" Rex asks entering the lobby startling the receptionist with his deep voice."Sir, Ms. Lea brought her to the hospital. She fainted while waiting for Sir Alejandro." The receptionist replied immediately."What?" He burst out.The receptionist cowers at his loud voice. The atmosphere is odd as everyone is not in a good mood affecting everyone. Rex, pulled himself running towards the office restlessly. Alejandro is not the type of person to leave his work behind! Everyone knows how strict and punctual he is!Rex Calling!....."Mam, Sir Rex is calling." Lea chirped."Just text him we're on our way Lea!" Samantha replied."But mam!" She retorted."Sir Rex, Mam Samantha and I are on our way back to the office!" Lea texted Rex.When they arrived at the office, Rex immediately greeted them anxious. "What happened?" He asks frowning. Samantha didn't have a chance to respond running to the CR. Rex chases her while Lea put her medical check-up on top o
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