All Chapters of I kissed my Boss! - Book 1: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
87 Chapters
Chapter 21
(Renata Pellegrini)I watch him, his eyes are closed, I watch his tongue seductively glide across his bottom lip as if he's still savoring some sort of taste. Our breath is uneven, our chest rises and falls rapidly, I close my eyes and with my trembling fingers I touch my lips, still feeling the pressure that was made a moment ago with his mouth. My whole-body tingles for more.I open my eyes and lose myself in the immensity of Mr. Filippo's penetrating gaze, without pestaning, without deviating, burning with desire, burning with lust.What a perverted look!As if in a hypnotic trance, I am startled by his lips once again pressing against mine, my eyes open like saucers, I try to pull away, but he puts his hand on the back of my neck preventing me from moving.I open my mouth to protest, however, he uses this opening to stick his tongue in and I can't take it anymore. I melt in his arms again, it's like I've been in the driest desert for years and he is the drop of water I crave. I pu
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Chapter 22
(Filippo Valentini)I come out from inside the guest room leaving her alone, I hear her calling me, but I just follow stunned to my room, I go to the bathroom, enter and turn on the light.Virgin! - my mind can't stop thinking about it, she didn't even have to assume it in full. Just knowing that I was the first man to kiss that little honey mouth makes me feel stunned and... proud? A strange feeling invades my chest, a feeling of possession... Her first kiss was mine. I really hope that I was the only one to have experienced the softness of that velvety, fleshy mouth. Just imagining another man touching her makes me want to pull out a gun and shoot them all in the head!A virgin right in the next fourth! I have never had sex with a virgin, and knowing that I almost had sex with one makes my big boy sore from so much horniness. I'm going to need another shower!I step into the shower stall and turn on the shower, the image of her full, firm, round breasts sinking into my hands become
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Chapter 23
(Renata Pellegrini)I watch him silently, sitting on the stool with my arms on the kitchen table, as Filippo opens the refrigerator and gets some bread rolls with cheese and ham, and a carton of orange juice. He puts the glasses on the table and fills them with juice, hands me one, then goes to the counter and puts the bread rolls in the microwave for thirty seconds.“It is very nice to leave food ready in the fridge, just to warm it up later,” I say to myself, I always wanted to do this, but never had time, and worse, taking care of all the meals every day, left me even more out of time, so I was always in a paradox. “You who made these buns?” I ask in a louder tone, breaking the silence.Last night I did not sleep well at all, I had a horrible nightmare about the man who was trying to kidnap me. This man had come back to life, but not as a living being. His head was blown off, it was like a buzzing sound, he was running after me fast, and managed to catch me. I was crying and strugg
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Chapter 24
(Renata Pellegrini)How to describe the emotion of stepping for the first time into a mall? And even more, when all the stores are open just waiting for you to enter? Knowing this makes a chill run through my stomach. I feel like a child excited to go to a different place. This is good."Does he bring all his assistants here?" - this thought pops into my mind, I stare at him, my eyes sparking with anger, I wish I could electrocute him with the force of my gaze.“Didn't you like the stores?” He asks, staring at me, we stop walking and I feel my face heat up.Where did my desire to kill him go?“W-we haven't been in any yet," I say, looking away.“You don't look so good, ragazza.”“It's just... a thought has come to me," my voice is only a whisper.“About?” He asks with a raised eyebrow, and I feel his gaze burn my skin.“It's just that it crossed my mind that you might have already come here with the other assistants, just the two of you, walking through these huge corridors…” I stop t
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Chapter 25
(Renata Pellegrini)As the car approaches the company, I feel a chill run down my spine, my hands are trembling and my breathing is getting more and more labored. Just imagining the conversations that will take place as soon as I get out of the car makes me frustrated.I glance at Filippo and he doesn't show me anything, it's like he's been a wall, since we left the store, he's kept quiet.I begin to feel guilty. I know what the attendant did is wrong, but that doesn't justify the way I spoke to her... Shit... I hate feeling this way.“We are very close to the company.” I comment, I give him some time but he doesn't answer anything and doesn't even look away from the road, I take a deep breath, “I think it's better to leave me here, I won't have to walk far, it wouldn't look good to see me arriving in your car, people are very mean with their opinions and the gossip....”“I don't give a shit about other people's opinions; you should do that too.”“Oh, I get it,” I try to appear calm,
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Chapter 26
(Renata Pellegrini)“Good afternoon!” A couple greeting me approaches. “We have an appointment with Mr. Valentini.”“Ah yes, what is your name, please.”“We are the Galanis.”I verify on the agenda the time of eighteen o'clock and confirm their names, on the computer I send an email to my boss advising the arrival of the clients.“Just a moment please, Mr. Filippo is in a meeting, but it will soon be over," I try to be as nice as possible.Although I smile, inside I am in agony. This is the second time I have felt like this today and I don't like it at all! Filippo has been locked up for two hours with a high society woman, who, like him, is a CEO, I have to admit, very beautiful, and she has not made a point of hiding her interest in him.I really hope they are just talking about business.I take a deep breath; I cannot delude myself with his words. Filippo is a dream come true, and to hear from his mouth that I am his girlfriend has me on cloud nine, but I know that he is too much s
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Chapter 27
(Renata Pellegrini)Humm, that smells good, I feel my mouth salivate and my stomach rumbles for food. I open my eyes, sit up in bed and my stomach twitches, making me feel discomfort and a snore echo out of my belly.“Buongiorno!” Filippo enters my room holding a tray of breakfast. “You woke up on time,” he says with an almost invisible smile on his lips, having only a small line marked on them.I keep watching him and he is wearing the same clothes as yesterday, but without the suit, the baby blue social blouse is folded up to the elbows, and on top of the blouse he is wearing my pink barbie apron. I hold back my laughter.“You ... you slept here?” I ask, coming to my senses. I feel my cheeks flush.“Sì, ragazza,” he answers as if it were the most normal thing in the world.“W-where?” I ask looking at the floor, bite my lip and in my mind a small hope arises that he will answer that he slept in the same bed as me.I know it's wrong to share the same bed without being in a relationshi
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Chapter 28
(Renata Pellegrini)“Mr. Valentini,” Caio says, surprised and turns his neck to look at Filippo. “What are you doing here?”Filippo raises an eyebrow, puts his hands in his pockets and as the first time I was here, his face carries the face of an evil man, capable of doing anything evil, is it wrong that I find him so sexy in this pose? He leans his shoulder against the doorframe and the look he directs at Caio gives me the creeps.I carefully take my wounded leg off Caio's lap and he stands up facing Filippo, who doesn't look at all at any moment, his attention is totally on Caio.“Are you questioning your boss about where he is within the company itself?”“No, sir," Gaius hastens to answer in a fearful voice, "It's just that you have never been here before, so I thought you might be in need of some…”“You are not paid to think, you are paid to sit at the counter and welcome people,” Filippo cuts him off in a rude way, I stare at his attitude, he was so calm this morning, why is he s
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Chapter 29
(Renata Pellegrini)> One week later:I always believed in the phrase: "What nobody knows, nobody spoils", I read this phrase in a post on instagram when I was sixteen, I don't remember who posted it, but this phrase was marked in my memory and since then I bring this to my life, even though I never have many people around me.I feel that Filippo thinks differently than I do, and in a way, I am even happy that he wants to take me on, but I know that in doing so, we would face many problems... correct, I would face many problems. I am poor, an orphan, and a foreigner - he is also a foreigner, but he has lived here much longer than I have and has his name recognized all over the world - I am just a recent graduate who was lucky to have a teacher with good contacts. I can't even imagine the degree of offense I would be exposed to if they knew that someone like him was dating someone like me.Filippo was upset with me about my request, even though he didn't say anything, I could feel it.
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Chapter 30
(Renata Pellegrini)“Why are you crying?”“Why?” I repeat his question with debauchery, I turn around and close my eyes tightly feeling more tears coming, my heart is hurting, I don't like this. “Get out of here,” I commanded and turned around. I don't want him to see me crying even more. “Go back to that shitty dinner, with those shitty people and keep pretending I don't exist!” I speak feeling my heart bleed, the tears slide freely down my face.I'm caught completely off guard, Filippo grabs my waist and spins me around, colliding my body against the marble surface of the sink with his own, he leans over me and rests his forehead against mine, my gaze falls on his mouth and he bites it in a sensual way teasing me. I hold his arms as I feel his two big hands squeezing my ass under the dress, pressing his fingers into my bare flesh, since I was wearing thong panties, he lifts me up as if I were a sheet of paper, sitting me down on the sink, I hold my breath as I feel the coolness of t
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