All Chapters of Trapped By My Alpha and Beta: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
111 Chapters
Life After Death
Riley POVWe waited another day for the funeral so we could settle Jackie into her nursery and to talk with Star about Jax. Claire was supposed to be returned with our baby, but the witches who brought Jackie claimed Claire ran away. She was a powerful hybrid, but I felt something wasn't right about it.Freya arrived later that afternoon distraught not to find her daughter. I felt her pain, knowing what it was like to be separated from your child. Liam and I promised to help search for her. Star came the next morning with not so great news. We searched high and low of anyone that knew of a way to break this curse, but our only answer was the Kin of Mildred. One coven spoke of an elderly witch deep in the caves of a war torn land that they believed to be her mother. No one knew for sure though.Mildred was raised by her father in a strict order of witches loyal to Demetrius. Her mother was believed to be dead, but none knew if that was true. It was some hope for now.We placed my fat
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Time Goes On
Brandon POV -"Oh fuck, Barry!" I screamed loudly as I took my mate as mine. We were so worked up we didn't even make it to the bedroom. He was bent over the side of our couch with us both mostly clothed. "Brandon!" Barry grunted, then we both growled. I released so perfectly inside him and I knew how his body jolted he was coming too. "I love having our own house!" I said breathless, leaning against Barry's back. It's been so long since I felt my mate that I refused to pull out."Me too, baby." Barry turned some and I pushed him back down. My lips kissed his back as he chuckled. "Someone is worked up?""You have no idea, mate. I feel like it's been months. I won't be done with you for hours." I moaned over his back, licking and kissing his sweaty skin. Every part of him tasted so good."Shit! She is awake." Barry groaned."No! We just fed her and put her to sleep. No!" I said, stepping back and whining as I pulled out of his beautiful ass. I gave him a hard smack with a grunt. I was
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Past in Future
Riley POV"Brandon!" I squealed, leaving Liam's hand and running into his arms. A few months ago they adopted their first child and I've seen very little of him. She was a gorgeous little girl that needed a lot of care. Her hybrid of wolf and vampire was already present and it required a lot of training to keep her not only happy, but in control. Isabella had the best two dads to help her grow and learn who she is meant to be though. "My Queen!" He teased me."Please stop me calling me that." I smiled at him as I shook my head.Many bowed to me, but I was a just a normal person. I didn't even feel like a werewolf most the time. Mainly because I never let my wolf come out, or she didn't want to. I wasn't sure anymore who was pushing who away. "But it's true." Liam added, giving me a wink then extending his hand to Brandon and Barry."Well, I don't feel like a Queen and we are all friends here." I smiled at them. "Well, you two are more lovers, goddess you reek of sex." "Barry is an
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Who I'm Meant to Be
Riley POVI followed Liam back to the little party our company held at an upscale restaurant. Men were dressed in their finest suits and women their most extravagant dresses. It was a beautiful venue bathed in white with silver sparkles everywhere. I watched Darrel with heated eyes waiting for the perfect opportunity. I wasn't sure what Liam was planning, but I was sure it ended with death. I couldn't let that happen, but a part of me did. We needed Jax to tame us both. "You ok?" Sophia looked at me with worry."Sure." I took a long sip of my wine."I can feel your Lycan begging to come out. What did Liam do this time?" "It wasn't Liam, someone from my past." "Ooo, I smell death. I like it!" Sophia's eyes shined purple as her hand rubbed over her baby bump. She was on child number six and I didn't know how she did it. That woman was always pregnant and usually with more than one."My baby is going psycho." Her husband wrapped his arms around her from behind. "Does my wife need a le
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Letting Go
Liam POVI spent the last two years obsessing over finding a way to wake Jax that I forgot to give my mate proper attention. Riley was so understanding of the pain we both felt that she never pressured me to be better either. She held it inside and now she was a damn time bomb. A sexy as hell bomb I couldn’t wait to watch explode.The second I pushed her into the bathroom I knew she was in heat. She took a suppressant, but that was made for werewolves. It was only a matter of time before it stopped working, and now that it's been so long, it would take days to calm her. That dark wine and cherry blossom scent had every fiber of my being in tune to her needs. She needed to be satisfied, but revenge was deep inside her too. Whoever this old boss was, he hurt her in a way she wanted him to pay. I let her handle him by herself, knowing a human was nothing to my Queen. I didn't expect her to actually kill him though. My little demon girl had some true evil inside her. "Strip!" I demanded
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Liam POVI watched my gorgeous mate as her belly grew each day. For this pregnancy I decided to take a picture and measurements every day to record for Jax. Brandon got me a damn baby journal because he was my mate's best friend, so, of course she told him everything. I mean everything too. The most intimate details that little omega knew and it annoyed me. "Why are you growling?" Riley smiled at me, knowing my anger was at the man I stared daggers at. I placed the picture in my book and slammed it shut."Nothing!" I turned away from Brandon and Barry feeding their little hybrid demon a vile of blood. Vampires were savages and these two idiots were trying to raise one. I thought Claire was bad as a hybrid, we haven't seen anything yet with Isabella."Daddy, Daddy!" Four little voices came running into the kitchen and nearly tackled me. Three Lycan girls and one Alpha boy. Soon Riley won't be the only one that can kick my ass. "There's all my babies." I rubbed over their backs and ki
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Blood Vow or Curse
Riley POV"I'm the mother of the woman that spelled your mate, and I want your protection before lifting this curse. A blood vow or he stays asleep forever." The smile that crept on the old woman's face was pure evil, just like her blackened soul. She was definitely related to Mildred, the resemblance was clear and I knew her scent. I looked to Jax, then to Liam. He wasn't convinced and neither was I. She could break the curse, but at what price?"Agreed!" I stepped towards the woman and Liam grabbed my arm."Are you insane! You don't even know what vow she is asking for.""I don't care. She wakes him or I kill her. I prefer to come to an agreement and see our mate again, but one way or another her blood will be shed." My eyes heated as I let my Lycan come forward. I didn't want to hurt Liam and he knew that too. He also knew I would do whatever it took to get Jax back."What are you terms?" Liam said with a clenched jaw. He didn't like this, but he knew I wasn't backing down."I wan
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Liam POVThis fierce goddess of a woman just did the dumbest shit possible. I wanted Jax awake more than anything, but this was a mistake. I could feel it in my bones that giving Allura life, hundred of years to plan and manipulate, would eventually be our undoing. Allura moved swiftly to Jax. Her hands moved over his body as magic poured out of her hands. Her sickly sweet voice, full of lies and deceit, circled around us in an echo. My body tensed and I couldn’t move. My eyes moved to Riley, my gorgeous mate clenching her hands in a tight fist as her body shook in anticipation. Her wrist had a deep cut where her blood vow to Allura would remain until one of them died. Fuck me! Jax is going to be so pissed I let this happen. He will quickly see that there is no taming a Lycan though, especially when that Lycan is Riley. She is not the same woman he once knew. She was more powerful than any now, and she knew it. My head shot to Jax as a soft moan escaped his lips. His eyes squinted
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Liam POV"So how did you wake me?" Jax crossed his large arms over his chest. Maverick was in a frenzy watching him all day. He ate five plates of food just for breakfast and all while talking and joking with all our kids. Jackson took ten minutes to warm up to him, then wouldn't leave his side. Jax fit right in like he had been here every second the last few years. Riley was glowing, watching him naturally being one of us. Honestly, I was never worried we would need an adjustment to when he woke. Our kids loved him just as much as they loved Riley or me. They saw him everyday and knew his life through stories we told them."I'll let our gorgeous Queen explain that one." I side eyed Riley, happily hanging her out to dry. I was happy as fuck she woke him, but I didn't agree with the terms."Maybe we should discuss this later." Riley tried brushing it off when Sophia and Dylan walked in."Later? Seriously, Riley?" Sophia was not happy and a fairy was not a pretty thing to see upset. "
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Together Again
Liam POVI remained behind my mates as they walked hand in hand to our bedroom. Riley had been glued to Jax's side since he woke and I loved seeing them together. I was reluctant to claim him so openly because this relationship between us was so new. We hid our bond for years, then a few days after accepting each other publicly he was cursed asleep. Also, I was afraid it wasn't going to last. I knew it was him, Jax was really here and seemingly unaffected from the spell he was under for so long. I prayed that was true, but worried somehow Allura or Mildred added some twist to his awakening.I sat in a chair to the side of our bed and listened to my mates argue. Even red eyes and screaming I was filled with joy watching them together.Riley filled Jax in about Claire's disappearance and her blood vow to Allura as she changed into her pajamas. She acted like it was all nothing, but Jax was pissed, as I expected he would be. He tried laying down orders to Riley and I chuckled how she sho
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