All Chapters of The Wolfless Luna And Her Mates : Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
161 Chapters
She's Mine Now
***Ethan's POV***I waited patiently for Arthur in his pack Mansion while I sent my men to investigate the pack secretly. I don't smell her scent around here. This means she's not here. Makes me wonder where he actually hid her. “Ethan, wow! What a surprise visit,” Arthur commented as he walked down the stairs. I raised a brow at him with my hands folded on my chest, waiting patiently for him to come downstairs. “Are you surprised to see me in your pack?”“I asked curiously, while he laughed at my statement.”“I had been expecting to see you for a while now. Did you forget the last time we met? I told you one of these days you'll come to my pack.”“I see. So this is what you meant when you said I'll come to your pack one of these days?”“What I mean? I don't think I understand where you're coming from.”“Of course, you wouldn't understand what I'm trying to say, or should I say you're pretending not to know what I'm saying.”“I don't know what you're trying to say to me, honestly.”
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Be Mine
***Keira's POV***I don't understand why I feel uneasy, but I've been having this feeling of unease for a long time now. I wonder what's going on and why I'm Suddenly feeling so uneasy. I really hope there's nothing wrong due to the way I was feeling. Just then, Alpha Arthur stormed into the room. I arched an eyebrow when I saw his face. It seemed as though he got into a terrible fight. Seeing how his face looked, I could guess that he must have encountered a strong opponent. Maybe an Alpha just like him. That's the only way he will be this full of bruises. “Get me the bowl and napkin!” He ordered from his shoulders. I couldn't help but wonder what happened to him. “A…are you okay?” I asked way before I could control my mouth. “What do you think?” He asked, looking quite irritated while touching his injuries. “I'm sure I didn't say anything wrong by asking you what happened to you.” “You think you didn't? Shall I tell you that you did everything wrong by asking?”“Then I should
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Blue Crystal Pack
***The Blue Crystal Pack***“Alpha, after these many years, we have finally been able to track down Emilia.”“What? Where did you find her?”“She seems to be hiding within the walls of the Red Moon pack.”“What? What the hell is she doing in the Red Moon Pack?”“That I don't know, Alpha. What are you planning to do, Alpha?”“Did you find a child with her? My mistake. She's no longer a child now but a grown woman. Did you see a young lady with her?”“I'm uncertain if I saw a young lady. She's all alone.”“What? Why will she be alone now? After all the efforts she took in running away from me, she ended up being alone. What happened to my child exactly?!”“Alpha, please don't get too worked up. Please keep in mind your health comes first.”“How can I rest, Rochas? My mate and daughter have been missing for 25 years.”“You can't blame her for what happened. Considering the fact that your daughter is wolf less, it is a valid reason for her to run away. And besides, I think she must have e
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Focus On The Camera
***Alpha Drake's POV***“Ethan, what happened to you? You look terrible!”I stated. Ethan, sat down on the couch, looking all battered with a broken nose and busted lips. “Don't tell me you had a confrontation with Arthur. Fuck man, you should have told me about it, then I would have been there to take care of his sorry ass!” Damson snapped. “Ethan, say something. Don't be silent and keep us in the dark.”“Arthur has, Keira, and he said he's not going to release her for any reason.”“What? He said that?” Damson stood up immediately. I balled my hands into a fist. “Brother, I think, this Arthur guy is trying to bite more than he can chew. I suggested that we all storm over to his pack and bring down the reins of his pack!” Damson suggested. “She's not with him, that's the worst of it all,” Ethan objected.“What do you mean?” I asked with a raised brow. “Before I had an audience with him, I had earlier sent my men to check the pack for Keira, and before that, I didn't sense her ar
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Pre-Wedding Photos
***Alpha Drake's POV***“Oh my goodness!” Ethan exclaimed while staring at the news magazine. Damson equally stared at the Magazine bit with a sour expression. “Why do I feel so sick to the stomach merely looking at these pictures? So, this is what she had always wanted? To tell everyone that she's the lucky woman who happened to be Alpha Drake's favorite woman. Is that it?”I didn't bother to look at the magazine ever again. I had torn more than enough ever since the bulk magazine was sent to me. Looking at it one more time will make me nauseous, and I might just order the company to burn out every magazine containing my pictures with that of Amanda. The only reason I'm trying my best to control my temper is because of my mate. I really do not wish to lose her all because of my carelessness and lack of self-control. “Brother, I know how you feel, but the pictures in the magazines came out right. I'm certain that Amanda did an impressive job with that. Though anyone who's observing
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Amanda's Desperation
***Keira's POV***“Why are you staring at the pictures like you've been confronted by a ghost?”Amanda's words snapped me off my thoughts and I quickly took my gaze up to her. My chest thumping faster than normal. This can't be right. I read through the words which were written on the other page. “Popular celebrity, Mr. Drake, the ladies ideal man, is set to tie the knot with his long-time girlfriend, Miss Amanda Black.”Instantly, my hands trembled. I blinked back the tears that were threatening to fall out of my eyes at that moment. “It seems she's finally understood what it is.”“This is a lie. I know you're doing all this just to spite me.”Amanda bursts into chuckles at my disbelief. “I've never seen anyone who's as pathetic as you are. I really feel sorry for you, you know.”“You must think that I'm stupid, but I think you're missing something. If I guess correctly, the only reason why Drake would agree to marry you is because you must have had something on him, and not beca
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Find My Daughter
***Amanda's POV***“Amanda, you should focus on getting married to Drake, leave Keira for me. You should be thanking me that your wedding to Drake wouldn't turn out to be a disgrace as long as you have Keira here.”“That's what you've been saying. I don't understand what you saw in her that had gotten you so hooked on her.”“The same thing that got Drake and his brothers hooked.”“No, you're wrong this time. What got them hooked was because she was their mate. You of all people know what they do to the wolf less, just like Keira.”“Amanda, I'm not asking you this as your Alpha but as your brother. If you really love Drake, then you should go for him. Don't think about what you promised him. I'll figure things out myself. Do you understand?”I stared at my brother in disbelief. I wish I understood where he was coming from or why he decided to do what he had in mind. This is just so confusing. Arthur has never lost his head for a woman before. To worsen it, she wasn't even his mate. We
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Let's Get Married
**Alpha Drake's POV***“Have you heard any news concerning Keira's release, brother?”I raised my head up to stare at Damson. “Damson, listen, I understand why you're this stressed. Trust me. I'm more stressed than you are right now, but if there's anything I want us to do, it is to be patient. I'm not yet married to Amanda.”“Brother, what are you waiting for, then? I thought you already made the promise that you'd marry her?”“Yes, I made the promise, but that doesn't mean I want to get married to her now.”“Huh?” And why not? You already made the promise. Don't you think it's only wise that you keep to your part of the promise?”“You talk as if it's easy to marry someone you don't love. We already have our mate marked, remember? You think it's easy to be with someone else when I already know where my mate is?”Damson heaved a long, deep sigh and sat next to me. I can tell that he's really disturbed by the whole situation, and he's desperate to have her back. “Listen, I promised y
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A Heartbreaking Video
***Keira's POV***I stared at Arthur in the cell where I was locked in. He looked at me with a gaze that was filled with pity. Why does he pity me? Isn't this what he had always wanted to do to me?“Keira, please don't be stubborn. It's for your own good.”“I don't need your goodness. I would rather be in this fall than accept your proposal.”“You're as stubborn as a bull yet, I just can't stop my feelings for you. Scott, get her out of there.”The cell guard immediately walked into the cell and led me out. “Why are you taking me out? I told you that I prefer being in the cell.”“I know, I know. But I think you need to see this. Maybe this will help set your head straight. But first, I want you to come with me.”He walked ahead of me. At this point, I was perplexed about what to do. To be honest, Arthur has shown to a great extent that he really had feelings for me. At first, I had thought he was going to have me beaten up to a pulp, but that wasn't the case at all. He rather treate
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Wolf Awakened
***Keira's POV***It's been a dragging and agonizing long day, after I found out my mate is married to another. I was taken to the infirmary, shortly after I passed out. I had no idea what to do and what not to do. It was terrible to say the least. I had no idea what to do and what not to do. Tears kept flowing out of my eyes. “Ma'am, uhm, I don't know what happened to you, but you need to take things slowly. Crying this way will only make you sick.”The doctor who was sent to see how I was said. I wasn't concerned about what he was saying at this point. It's not only that I wasn't concerned with my health. I don't even want to live. Seeing that I wasn't responding, she heaved a long sigh and prepared to leave. “I'll be going now. I'm sure you'll be okay for now. “Just as she headed to the door, I knew it would be so regretful if I let her go this way. “Wait!” I said aloud. She quickly paused and turned around to face me. “Is there anything you'll like for me to do for you, M
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