All Chapters of The Wolfless Luna And Her Mates : Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
161 Chapters
A Favour
**Keira's POV***“Miss Keira, with these lessons I taught you, I hope you'll be able to remember every one of them. When we next meet, I hope you'll understand the things I've taught you.”“Yes, professor. I'll try my best to learn more about the things you've taught me.”As soon as the professor left the mini hall, I rolled my eyes and breathed a huge sigh of relief. That was one boring class. Well, I can't blame anyone now or can I. I brought this upon myself when I lied about having no education. Turns out I should have told the truth. I could tell that this might affect me in the future, especially if Drake was to come to the pack. For the love of the goddess, I wish he wouldn't come. I really do hope he'll change his mind. There's a possibility that when he finally makes a trip to the pack, he'll surely find out about me. For this reason, I've been trying my hardest to stay away from Pack activities. The only thing I've been doing with my wife lately was the boring lectures I
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**Keira's POV***“Yes. It's for Abigail. She needs it so she could use it to make something different with what she already has going on.”Dark stared at me suspiciously. I have long expected for him to stare at me that way, but I'm not going to relent for anything. I was expecting questions from him. Dark just stared at me for a while without saying a word, which was quite mysterious for me. “Dark, are you okay?”“Y…yes, I'm okay. I apologize for the long silence. It's just that I'm wondering what could be made from what you were actually requesting for.”I rolled my eyes to the back of my head when I realized he was being nosy again.“Dark, whatever it is Abigail needs it for should never have anything to do with you. It's solely her choice to do whatever pleases her with it, as long as she's hurting no one. Dark, I really hope you'll mind your business this time.”“Actually, I know I was being nosy, but I just couldn't help it. I mean, what if something goes wrong and the Alpha f
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One Is Missing At The Dinning
**Alpha Drake's POV****Getting to the Blue Crystal Pack, I was stunned at how graceful and enchanting it looked. I had always heard about how magnificent the pack looked, but I've never, for once, seen it for myself. As soon as my brothers and I arrived at the pack compound, we all came down from our various cars. I noticed Alpha Reynold and his family all standing outside to welcome us. They all had a smile on their faces and for some reason, I felt so at peace, being here. If it were to be other packs I visited before now, my wolf would have given into full alert. But while in Reynold's pack, I don't feel the least worried. My wolf was rather calm and at my peace. This was strange. It can't be that I'm the only one feeling this way. I looked in the direction of my other brothers, and I noticed that they were all looking relaxed. They walked over to where I stood, while looking in the direction of the pack house, where the Alpha and his family stood awaiting us. “Brother, do y
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Meeting An Old Acquaintance
**Alpha Drake's POV***My brothers and I stared at Reynold speechlessly after he narrated the whole story about his family. It was a tragic one. “Well, Alpha. I'm glad that despite all this, you finally found your daughter. Sorry, I'm about to deviate a bit from what we are discussing. The wolf less you mentioned, can we please take a look at them? You know the history of my pack and how I used to banish wolf less in the past.”“Yes, I'm well aware of that.”“You might not know this, but an incident occurred earlier that made me have a change of heart concerning the so long wolf less people. If you will, can I take a look at them? There might just be a few of my pack members among the ones you rescued.”Reynold stared at me with a smile on his face. “You know what, Alpha Drake? At first, I thought we would just be good business partners, but now, I think we'll become even closer than we ever were before now.”“I also think the same way.”“Why don't you come with me? I'd personally
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You're The Best Candidate For The Position
***Keira's POV***I stayed in my room for a few hours. Aside from the fact that I was feeling terribly hungry at that moment, I was also curious to know whether they've gone or not. My wolf had been bugging me ever since I got the message of their arrival. I had been able to endure all the whining of my wolf. But deep down, it's not just my wolf who wishes to see them, but me as well. I wanted to take a peek at them at least, to know how they were. But that was a risky move. I dare not expose myself, lest I get myself in trouble. I got up from my bed since I was tired of laying down and walked over to the window. I gently pulled open the curtains and took a perk outside the freshness of the air outside, now making me desperate to go out. With my arms folded on my chest and my head leaning on the window pane, I looked outside the garden and at the building where Abigail and the others lived. Just then I felt the urge to go see them. Though Abigail had earlier visited me since Dar
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Let's Talk About It
**Keira's POV***After my little chit-chat with Dark, I felt a mixed feeling of relief and worry at the same time. The feeling of relief came from the fact that I was able to survive the coming of my mates without them finding out about me. But then, my worry comes from the fact that my dad extended the invitation of my welcome party to my mates. This was like a death sentence. How am I supposed to run away from my party without anyone suspecting me? It would have been easier if I could be allowed to stay in my room. The whole idea of the welcome party was to introduce me to his Alpha friends, that I'm well aware of. This was a looming disaster. I couldn't think straight since Dark broke the news to me. But then, there's something more urgent I needed to attend to. I hurried over to Abigail's quarters only to find her reading a book while sitting on an armchair outside the house. I creased my brow slightly. This was my first time seeing Abigail read a book. What the hell am I see
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Face Your Fears
***Keira's POV***After narrating my whole story to Abigail, I was surprised when I saw her stare at me with eyes wide open and tears running from her eyes. “Mrs. Abigail, are you okay? Why are you crying?”“Child, why didn't you tell me this is what you went through. I'm a seer, but I can't see all of your pains. You should have told me about this before now. If only you had, I would never have let Drake and god brothers leave here feeling at peace. They did you wrong, for goddess’ sake!”I furrowed my brows at the words of Abigail. “Abigail, is there something I'm missing. The way you addressed Alpha Drake and his brothers would have made me believe you knew them personally.”Abigail heaved a long sigh and placed her hand in mine. “Child, if there's anything I truly believe in the goddess for, it is her way of doing things and bringing people together.“I still don't get you, what are you actually talking about. I wish to know.”“Alpha Drake, as you know, is someone I have known
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Let's Talk Alone
**Keira's POV***I just don't understand why she seemed to hate me this much. If I had somehow offended her in the past, that would have been better because that means I have had my fair share of apologizing to her. But presently, it was nothing of the sort. She must hate the very ground I walk on for no good reason. She folded her hands on her chest as she walked over to meet me. Getting close to me, she paused and eyed me, as I was about walking past her. “And where do you think you're going?” I paused and shut my eyes to take a deep breath. This isn't what I want to encounter at this point. I wish she would understand. “Ramona, I don't think where I'm actually going to have anything to do with you.”“Oh, really? It doesn't, huh? I just saw you going in the direction of my father's office. Don't tell me you're going to give him excuses about why you couldn't attend the gathering yesterday. You knew we had strangers coming home, yet you dared to be absent.”“Wow! I never knew you
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A Wonderful Soul
***Keira's POV***“But honey. If there's anything you wish to discuss, I think you should discuss with your mom around, and yo-”“It's alright. I'll give you both space. We can always talk some other time,” she quickly stood up from the chair and when she walked close to where I was standing, she suddenly paused. “I'm glad you're feeling better now, truly,” she uttered before leaving the room.The moment the door was shut behind us, I breathed a huge sigh of relief. I opened my eyes slowly, only to be met with my dad's curious gaze. Immediately, I walked over to meet him. “Dad, I'm sorry once again for missing yesterday's activity. Though I wish to discuss something else with you.”“Sure, go ahead. You know you can always talk to me.”“It's about the party you're about to throw for me. Will you be inviting many guests?”“But of course. Why do you ask, though?”“Uhm, I wanted to know, so I'll be aware on what to prepare for and when to start making my preparations.”“Huh? You don'
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Bad Tempered Kids
**Alpha Reynold's POV***Emilia shivered as she paced from one end of the room to the next. “Emilia, can you stop pacing around?”“How can I? What if she doesn't like the dress, or she finds out it was me?”“That would be a good thing then. Your taste is as good as her taste. She might not line you now, but the fact remains that her taste for things is no different from yours. The things she likes are the same things you like as well. For this reason, I'm more than sure that she would like the dress. Emilia shut her eyes and took a deep breath. Actually, you don't have to tell me all this to make me feel better. It would be unwise to let her know who the dress is from. If she finds out that it's from me, I can put it to you that she'll automatically reject the dress whether she's won it or not. “Goodness! Alright, it's better she doesn't find out it was from you. The only reason I wanted you to her the dress because I wanted you to seize every opportunity you can get to make your
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