All Chapters of The alpha king's slave: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
81 Chapters
Chapter 61 - A house in the forest ...
WAKING UP with Lorenzo’s arms around me was so incredible. I didn’t have the words to describe it. I breathed in his scent and our scent hit me right between the eyes. A huge smile broke out all over my face before I realized that our staff would be walking into this very room any second!“Where are you going?” Lorenzo’s voice was soaked in amusement.“Our staff are going to walk through that door at any moment!” I tried to wriggle out of his grip but he held on far too tight. “Lorenzo! Let go! I need to take a bath! You need to take a bath! We need to …”“Hide our scent?” His lips touched the crook of my neck and goosebumps burst out all over my skin. “We are mated, sweetness, and they will all know exactly what we did because we got married yesterday.” He kissed me some more and I felt as if I could just melt right back into him. We might have only spent one night together, but he knew exactly where to touch me to make me wet all over again. An hour later, we were in the shower when
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Chapter 62 - Love and money ...
WE SPENT THE NIGHT in my little house in the forest and in the early hours of the morning shifted and returned to the castle. Words can’t describe how happy I was. We had two days to finalize a couple of things and then our bags were packed and it was time to go on our tour of the kingdom.I saw a lot of the world while I was a slave, but it didn’t mean I saw a lot of our kingdom. Travelling as the queen was the complete opposite of travelling as a slave, that much was sure. For starters, I wasn’t chained to the bottom of a boat! Lorenzo made sure to take me to all the sights. I was amazed by the beautiful architecture and how much different it could be from one place to the next.Some packs lived in very rural homes deep in forests while others lived right in the middle of human towns. The packs that still lived close to the forests were down to earth and although the packs that lived in human towns were also fairly down to earth, they were far more into modern technology. I loved se
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Chapter 63 - A killer on the loose ...
A COUPLE OF WEEKS AFTER OUR HONEYMOON, I could feel the tension in the castle again. I thought we were supposed to have peace, and when I asked Lesley about it, she hesitated, which meant it had something to do with me.The nobles that were against freeing the slaves were gaining support. The whispers in the passages grew to a point where Lorenzo appointed two extra guards to protect me. Slavery was a lucrative business and when you had people working for free, why would you want to pay them now? It was frustrating! After all the work they had done to free people who deserved to be happy just as much as the nobles did!I retreated to the library as much as I could to get away from all the whispers. Reading soothed me. Reading about how slavery started infuriated me. It gave me more insight into why the nobles were feeling the way they were. My mind flooded with memories of the day Lorenzo rejected me. The anger in his eyes when he saw me at first and the confusion after he said the wo
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Chapter 64 - Woops!
“Okay, and exactly how are we going to draw this killer out when it’s an entire group of people who don’t agree with our new regulations?” I could smack the smug right off his damn face! I loved him dearly but sometimes he could really push my damn buttons!“I don’t know.” I shrugged and walked closer. “You are a big, strong male.” I traced my finger along the collar of his shirt and sighed. “You figure it out.” I smiled, but before I could make my escape, his hand slipped through my hair and his lips crashed down on mine. I loved kissing him. I loved doing all sorts of things with him, but I had a meeting with his mother about finding Lesley a husband and I couldn’t be late. As soon as we broke apart to catch our breath, I straightened up my clothes that my darling mate ruffled and left his office with my guards and ladies-in-waiting all following me.My meeting with the queen didn’t go entirely as planned when Lesley looked a little apprehensive about finding a mate. I got the disti
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Chapter 65 - Business as usual ...
WE WERE SITTING DOWN FOR BREAKFAST when all hell broke loose. An omega collapsed and started frothing at the mouth. People ran around and we all got up. It took a moment for someone to check the omega, but it didn’t take much for us to guess what happened.An hour later, the doctor confirmed it. My food tester was poisoned, and I was in actual shock. I knew there were threats. I had been threatened every day of my life as a slave, but to actually see someone die because someone tried to kill me! I paced back and forth in Lorenzo’s office. My knuckles turned white while my hands clenched together.“If the killers have the kind of information, we suspect they do … They would have known that you have people tasting my food.” I looked at Lorenzo and he nodded.“I think this was their warning shot. Their way of trying to tell us that they could get to you no matter how much protection I put in place.” Lorenzo sighed, pulling his fingers through his hair.“What the hell do they want?” I was
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Chapter 66 - Into the wolf den ...
OVER THE NEXT TWO DAYS, I took the time to study everyone I came into contact with. Trying to figure out what I really knew about them was giving me a headache. I realized that I was the damn fake they were making me out to be!Since I moved to the castle, I haven’t taken the time to get to know people as I did when I was a slave. I was so wrapped up in my own things that I didn’t take the time to stop and really get to know the people around me. That had to change. Even if it didn’t change the situation. I needed to get to know the people around me.I knew enough about Lesley, but I hardly knew anything about my favourite guard or Leila. So, each chance I got I would talk to them. Tell them about my past … The parts that haven’t been made public yet, and let them tell me about their families. They were pretty easy to talk to and not defensive about the fact that I was prying into their personal lives. One of the younger guards became incredibly nervous when I asked him about his fami
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Chapter 67 - What is the old king up to?
THE MUSIC WAS softly playing in the corner, and people were standing on all sides talking and laughing, but there was tension in the air. Word had spread about the attempt on my life and that Lorenzo was looking for the guilty party. I could see from the faces of the people who were in attendance that they either knew what was going on or had already been questioned and released.Lorenzo’s mother waved at us and we took our places in front of our thrones. The trumpets played and Leila was announced. She looked stunning in the soft pink dress as she walked to the steps in front of us. Lorenzo went through the motions of declaring her nobility, and I scanned the crowd in the hopes of seeing something … Anything that could give me an idea of who hated me so much that they would actually want to kill me.Lorenzo introduced Leila with her new title and the party started with Lorenzo and Leila opening the dancefloor. I smiled as I realized that her life would never be the same again. Leila
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Chapter 68 - The real traitor!
Strange things he has done over the past couple of months start coming to mind. Things I saw that didn’t make sense at the time, but I didn’t pay much attention to them. Conversations he was having with people he shouldn’t have been talking to. My heart broke as I thought of the old queen and what this betrayal would mean for her.This time around, I knew that Lorenzo wasn’t going to save him. He couldn’t. I wondered for a moment if I shouldn’t perhaps leave. That way, Lorenzo wouldn’t have to choose, but then the old king would win. Lorenzo would become weak without me, and he would be able to take over. Besides, the old king would hunt me until he knew for sure I was dead. If I ran and stayed alive, I would always be a threat to him.No, I wasn’t going to be run out of the only place I could call home and I wasn’t going to leave the man I loved. I stopped pacing and looked at the door. I needed to know what the hell was going on. Lorenzo wasn’t saying anything in our link, but I kne
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Chapter 69 - The aftermath of hatred.
ArianaI WAS STILL PACING when he finally walked into the room. Our safety protocol required that the guard take me to my old bedroom for safety reasons, and it helped to make me feel slightly more at ease to be in there, but as soon as I saw Lorenzo’s face, my heart sank.I could see something serious happened. Opening my mouth to say something before closing it again, when he closed the gap between us and pulled me into his arms. He held on so tight that I thought he was going to crush me. He breathed in my scent and I could have sworn I heard him sob, but by the time he pulled away, he looked strange.Different. As if something had died inside him … He let go of me and sighed deeply as he walked over to the windows. His arms folded tightly around him and I was dying to know what happened, but I didn’t want to push him to tell me.“He’s dead.” Lorenzo’s voice cracked before he turned around to look at me. “My father is dead.” His eyes filled with tears and he made no move to come cl
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Chapter 70 - It takes a queen to save a queen.
NEWS OF THE DEATH OF THE OLD KING spread like wildfire throughout the kingdom, and everyone wanted to attend the funeral. The old queen hadn’t come out of her room since the day he died and I was beginning to wonder if she would even make it to the funeral. She wasn’t eating or seeing any visitors. I had hoped that she would at least hear Lorenzo out, but she refused.I could understand where she was coming from. If someone had killed Lorenzo, I wouldn’t have spoken to them either! But Lorenzo was her son. Couldn’t she at least hear him out? Find out what happened. Find out why he killed his father … I tried to see her a couple of times to let her know how the funeral arrangements were going, but there was no sound from her room.I was beginning to think she wouldn’t come to the funeral, but when the crowd went silent, I could feel that she had arrived. She walked through the crowd slowly. It had been two days since we last saw her. She looked pale. Her eyes had dark circles around th
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