All Chapters of The Alpha's Ruby Obsession: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
149 Chapters
Chapter Eighty-Seven: Anyone But
Adrian M. Knox“You…marked Ruby?”He nodded to Elaine’s repeated question."No."She uttered as she shook her head from side to side.The Adrian I know, my Adrian, my mate, wouldn't mark another woman while I am lying unconscious.”"Elaine-""No! Don’t lie to me, I can tell when you are about to lie. Tell me what happened. I can’t hate you! I won’t, so just be honest with me, okay?”“Elaine!”He called more firmly, but she did not let him speak.“You are my mate; you are supposed to be with me! To choose me, so no! I won't let you tell me that you marked her; it can’t be true, it-"Again, her body spasmed as if she were seconds from convulsing."Doc- Doctor!"He called.In his head, he had yelled the words, but in reality, his words were barely a whisper, and when no one stormed into the room to aid him, he rushed to her bed, where the emergency button rested above her headrest. He almost pressed the button, but her hand covered it.“I'm fine! Muaas, I'm fine. I just…needed a minute.”
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Chapter Eighty-Eight: Never
Adrian M Knox"How is she?”He asked as he closed the door to the hospital’s roof garden.Leon liked it there; he liked all things peaceful and ‘crisp’, the perfect definition of a man who would say their ideal first date would be a walk in a park. He was a romantic, a threat to him when it came to Ruby because he could treat her with a gentleness he couldn’t muster.He was leaning over the railing, completely disregarding the wooden bench decorated with bamboo on both sides."Normal, good. Is there a reason she can't smell you?"Leon responded, and he stiffened.Adrian wasn’t much of a smoker, but that question made him want to press one of Ruby’s drugs of choice between his fingers and inhale so that, for at least one second, he could feel how she does when she runs away through the smoke.That is how she copes—coped. Cigarettes, right?Was she smoking now—where she had run away to?She was…afraid of him; she was crying as he fell asleep.“Weird.”He muttered, but again, Leon did no
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Chapter Eighty-Nine: Chai
Adrian admitted honestly. He did not trust him—anyone with Ruby.“I have messed up too much for you not to seem perfect in her eyes. Everything about you screams homely and understanding and...everything I seem to fall short of with her. I really messed up."Adrian confessed."Yeah, you did. I didn't raise you like this."He scoffed at his best friend's lack of empathy and choice of words, and just as they were about to hug it out, the door to the roof flew open.Leon stiffened and bowed, and before he could do the same, the Lycan, whose frame oozed a fury that felt palpable, approached him with his fist balled.It took only a second for it to connect with his jaw painfully until he tasted iron on his tongue. "You do not threaten my wife."It was a command; every inch of him understood that. He held the same ability but to a smaller degree."Understood, Your Majesty."Adrian answered as his fingers caressed his jaw to check if anything was out of place.Just some blood from his buste
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Chapter Ninety: Used Panties
Adrian M. Knox This was the third time during the week that he found himself back in the hotel room—her hotel room, to be specific.She cleared out her room in the manor, leaving only the clothes he bought her—they were not a lot, merely two or three tailored dresses and the flowers she bought with Leon.It was almost as if no one but him existed in that space because not even a stray hair, a spare toothbrush or even a hairbrush remained. He couldn’t tell if she was meticulous or his staff spared him having to collect her items to build a nest with them.Oh, right, she did leave a few things in her room, her shelf that they had refurbished to stock with parenting and childcare books. There were so, too many for one to say she was not prepared or excited for motherhood.Yet another thing that eluded him in the fog surrounding Elaine.Had he given in to her need to discuss their future with Elaine as his mate, would things have been different?He could lie and argue that they
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Chapter Ninety-One: Incentive
Elaine Lenard BrockettHer bags were packed, her bed made, and her make-up on.Had she borrowed the supplies that Muaas offered despite them being Ruby’s shade, yes. She could have refused and stood strong in her individuality, but there was something about beating Ruby at her game that appealed to her.Similar to when Adrian couldn’t stop staring at her when she wore Ruby’s gown. It was evident that he liked the piece on her, so perhaps this time, it will work in her favour again.A sigh escaped her.All this, the make-up and packing, was done over an hour ago, so what the hell was taking Muaas so long? Leon said that he would convince him to come, so why had an hour passed on his watch?An unfamiliar nurse, male and clearly too big for his uniform, stood by the door and knocked."Can I help you?"She asked the nurse, trying her best to keep her irritation at bay."I have been asked to escort you to the car."Her heart fluttered."By the Alpha, right? Why didn't he come to escort me
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Chapter Ninety-Two: I See
"Ruby..."Adrian’s call echoes in my mind as his large hands part the flesh of my ass so that his shaft can sink deeper inside me.My limp and jelly-like legs hang on his elbows while he continues to fuck me on his feet. I am uncomfortable, but that is only because he has me in his arms as if I am a sex doll that weighs nothing and worse…the position makes it so that my clit slaps against his flesh each time he thrusts into me.Another cry escapes me as my hands leave the security of his shoulders to gaze at the blue of his eyes."Ruby..."He calls again, his mouth eerily close to my ears.A nagging fear tells me that he intends to bite my nape, but instead, he spins my body roughly and presses me against the wall—no traps me with the wall because now there is no way out no matter how much I wish to fight the cold embracing my back.Resistance is futile; my body feels like jelly, my nails claw his back, and my lips cry out as my orgasm inches to its climax because he has yet to stop p
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Chapter Ninety-Three: Good Samaritan
Katherine Dill."‘I see’? Did you just say, ‘I see’? Dominic, you bashed his head in!"I have always hated whiney people; I hate how I sound like them now, but I don’t know how else I can get my point across because he feels a little too calm.“I did, and you are overreacting, don’t you think?”“Over- overreacting; what has he even done to you?”“Exactly, overreacting because you don’t even know what he has done to me.”Am…I- am I having a stroke right now?“Plus, he is still alive, is he not?”Dominic uses his foot to poke the man whose blood trickles to the ground—the man groans.“See, overreacting.”"I don't care that he is ‘still alive’. That's a crime. You don’t just physically assault someone like that! It’s wrong and- oh God, what if he has a concussion?""If you insist on smoking, change the brand."He utters.“What?”“The brand you smoke, change it. It's not a good one.”Since when is smoking good for any- wait a minute!"Hey, don’t change the topic; what did he do to you to
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Chapter Ninety-Four: Where else?
"We’ll move the play set here and have the entire area be a rest or recess space for the kids, and then….”Sally’s voice is soothing; its soothing nature makes it easy to tune out.It's evening now, and besides the delicious-looking sandwiches brought, I haven't eaten much else today.Stress is slimming, one would say, but anymore, and I might just give myself ulcers."You look even worse than before you went out for coffee."Sally utters—weird, she was directing the workers a few seconds ago, so how come she is squatting before me?I really am the common denominator because why am I still not happy? Wasn’t leaving Ketria supposed to change everything? Why do I feel so numb?My mind flashes to Dominic before an inner groan fills me.He shouldn’t be the one to thrill me; a married man should never- should never make me feel this way."I'm fine, just a headache, and I guess I’m-""Guys!"A young man, I think his name is Craig, storms inside the enclosed workspace, commanding everyone’s
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Chapter Ninety-Five: Anything
His mouth is rough against mine as he forces my lips open, not that I fight him. It doesn't matter that there is smoke around us, that we are in public or in a dirty alleyway that many may have fucked in. None of that matters because his expert hands squeezing my ass make my centre throb enough that I forget I am somewhat royalty being held by a simple man—he is a bartender, right? A moan escapes me, one he swallows all too greedily, giving me no chance at sanity as his tongue strokes the roof of my mouth, shuddering me. “What is it?” He asks as he breaks the kiss. One of his hands move from my ass to cup my chin forcefully. “You are mine, yet…” He pulls my face to him and sniffs me before letting out a groan at my scent. “What is it…what is it that makes my wolf confused? You are my mate, right? You feel what I feel…don’t you, Katherine.” He sounds unsure. I want to tell him that I am his mate, that I made a mistake and marked another, but that the mark was temporary. I want
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Chapter Ninety-Six: Mate
"Kath-" "Don't say it...don't say anything." I urge with one of my hands still raised to the air as if I could magically command him should he insist. Stepping away from him is hard; his scent is so sweet that I feel as if I am floating on the ground. My insides feel giddy, my centre throbs ridiculously, while my knees, shit…why are they so weak? Why does each step I take away from him seem like the last? "Katherine!" His yell stills my movements. I want him to call me Ruby; I want him to say my name in his voice that melts me, but instead of yielding to my fantasies, I bite my tongue. It hurts; perhaps I bit too hard, but then again, the pain helps me keep my eyes from fluttering shut when he nears me again. I should run. I should, but...I can't—I can barely keep upright. His hand reaches mine, pulling me back to his cinnamon and coconutty scent; are males supposed to smell this good or has the goddess tailored him for me? His gaze arrests my lips that remain parted because,
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