All Chapters of The Alpha's Ruby Obsession: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
149 Chapters
Chapter Fifty-Nine: Conceited
Adrian M. KnoxThere was something he was missing. Adrian couldn't place his finger on it, but there was definitely something missing.Ruby’s mother, who hated her, wanted her. The same woman who valued perfectionism wanted her desperately enough to tarnish her own name in high society with a court trial.See, a mother who could care less about the daughter they insisted was better off not being born, would have simply taken the payoffs given by the Clive families and vanished to minimise more scandals and avail a possible comeback, but...she didn’t.Something was off, and simply getting him divorced to be vindictive was not it.So then what? What about his wife made the great Amélie Clive desperate for her Mallory?Surely, it couldn’t be the same thing keeping him glued to her; that would be sick.His hand reached the door’s knob, holding it open for her, and for a second, his mind flashed to the last time they walked through the same door together—she was unconscious, bloody, and sh
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Chapter Sixty: Candles
AdrianThe feel of her flesh, as he pried the flimsy shirt off, was cool. Again, she moaned against his mouth, and again, he swallowed and pressed her sex harder until the fight left her arms, and she no longer pushed him away.Her apple scent faded as that of her watermelon grew stronger and more delicious.His pull from her was quick and only aimed at tugging her shirt from her flesh before his mouth captured hers again, and this time, she returned his kiss.His hand found her waist. The buttons were easy to undo, but for some reason, his fingers did not cooperate on the zipper, not until she pulled her waist back so he could access it more quickly.Footsteps sounded from the hall's end."Fuck...go back!"He commanded with ease as he pulled his lips from her to turn in the direction the footsteps sounded from."My apologies, Alpha."The voice of his head maid responded before the footsteps receded, but the damage had been done; the spell was broken."You would force a pregnant woman
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Chapter Sixty-One: Not Enough
Adrian M. Knox "Elaine!" His stand from his desk caused the ice pack that was nestled on his crotch to fall to the ground with a rattle courtesy of the still-crispy frozen cubes. "I'm serious, Muaas, dead serious." "For God’s sake! Is this your idea of throwing a tantrum? Opening yourself to a stranger whose risk factor is uncertain because God forbid you put in much thought to your first time with a man? Elaine, my wife is pregnant. I have to stay with her. I don't have time for this, okay?" His fingers slid the red button on time before she uttered another word that would shake his resolve. Yes, she was his weakness and good God, did she know it because even now, he wished to call her back and beg her to behave in a way that did not stir him. His hand reached his hair, but nothing he could do could still the fast beat of his heart. How? How could he feel this possessive He wasn't feeling possessive; it was protective. Her first time should be special and... His.
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Chapter Sixty-Two: Alone
Ruby M. CliveMy nod is quick but not quick enough to beat the Alpha’s rise to his knees.His hands find his belt buckle before he hesitates.He…doesn’t have his gloves, come to think of it…I did not see them on him earlier, either. When did he stop wearing them in my presence?Perhaps after mother?Hah...a new form of pity?Grand.My eyes seal; I do not want to notice any more about him."A condom-""The worst has already happened."I answer quickly."I mean unless you have engaged with others, in which case-"His hands hold my thighs apart before I can seal them."No...just you, always you."Always?I almost laugh, but I cannot seem to get the sound out.I want to believe it, to believe him, but…I will not get hurt again.My hand gestures to him, and like a good boy, he lowers himself, and without much thought, I press my lips to his.The feel of his hand guiding his length inside me permits my legs to widen.The fullness that envelopes me forces me to break the kiss so I can grit m
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Chapter Sixty-Three: Yuck
His taste on the back of my throat is salty; each time I seal my lips on his member, a gagging escapes me.His hand presses the back of my head deeper into him, choking me; it is only when tears erupt from my eyes that he eases his grip. My pull from his shaft is not dignifying; my saliva and some of his seed hangs from the corners of my mouth.“Fuck..”He groans before his hand reaches for me.I offer my chin so that he may wipe the mess, but instead, his hand holds his shaft that he then proceeds to stroke against my cheek until the white moisture spurting off ceases to flow.“So can I?”I ask as my head leans on his shaft. I like the control he gives up when I stroke him—in a sense, men are simple…but I, too, succumb to him when he places me in his mouth.“Two hours.”“Two? Alpha, this is the Queen we are discussing; she always has a myriad of activities planned aside from the brunch.”“I just…. don't like her.”“Alpha, I sucked your cock for that brunch. I won't drink, and I only
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Chapter Sixty-Four: Lie
Adrian M KnoxAdrian’s arms grew numb; there was no flattering way to ask the pregnant woman lying on his arms to move because his arm was now officially dead; she looked too peaceful for that.The idea of normalcy with Ruby had always eluded him, but the dinner had been nice. The only issue was that he wanted more afterwards; he always wanted more from her afterwards...but she fell asleep as soon as she placed her head on his chest.It was the same last time; she would always press her nose to his sternum, inhale him, then cling to him as if she were drowning and he was her raft before her eyes would shut and her breathing would deepen.It was both adorable and frustrating, frustrating because this would be the third night we had masturbated near her slumbering body—at some point, he began to convince himself he was not a pervert.Then again, he wasn't sure if she would have wanted to sleep with him all too often, considering they went to the hospital a week ago, but... it's been a w
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Chapter Sixty-Five: Hypothetical
Adrian M. Knox.Lie?What did she mean by ‘lie’? Has she already decided on his affair? That’s- that’s not fair; he did his best to resist Elaine."I didn't do anything, Alba. I only sent her to a hotel and used a cab to come back home.”She nodded and, without a word, turned away from him.“Wait…wait!”His hand reached for her, tugging her back to him; thankfully, she did not fight her crash into his arms, but despite how much he tried to turn her to face him, she only offered her back.“Say something! Anything?”He pleaded.Did she believe it? Did she assume his words were a lie and that not pressing the issue would be best? What?Why the hell was she so difficult to communicate with? And why? Why couldn't he smell her? he was inches from her, so how come her scent was missing? How come the only thing stuck in his nostrils were hints of roses and vodka that hummed even in his veins, keeping his mind solely on Elaine?"You only sent her to a hotel? ‘Only’?”“Yes.”He answered.“So, I
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Chapter Sixty-Six: True Luna
Adrian M. Knox"You are pregnant."The Alpha reminded through gritted teeth to her provocation of sleeping with the first man she saw."Then I guess I'll do it raw then since I can't get super pregnant.""Oh yeah, because STIs are just rumours to you that you could afford to jeopardise our child's safety for a chance at being vindictive.""Don’t you like that we are both living on the edge?"She responded with a smile that irritated him.This was the version of her that he knew. This was the goddamn ‘Clive’ he married.“Why the hell are you so angry when I did nothing?”He asked, no yelled—this wasn’t how their conversation was supposed to go. How could communication fail so miserably?“This isn’t me angry, I mean, yes, perhaps a little, but I am also relieved that you didn’t bring her here.”“Am I that untrustworthy?”He asked, but she didn’t answer.He felt his shoulders deflate and his spirit diminish.“Ruby, am I that untrustworthy?”He asked again in a voice that sounded too smal
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Chapter Sixty-Seven: Adulting
Adrian M. Knox."What is this?"The question slipped from his lips in a tone that didn't suit him."It's a list of interns."His secretary answered as if he had missed the title at the top of the document."She is out."He uttered, placing Elaine's folder on the table."But she is the most qualified-""This isn't a debate; she is out."His head swirled. As if his argument with Ruby had not been bad enough his mind permitted him to dream of Elaine, dream of ravishing her, and the guilt consumed him.He was a married man; shouldn’t his subconscious mind also remain faithful?He sighed into his hands.“I do not even want her in this building.”He uttered again to his secretary as if his rejection did not make them suspect him anymore.He did not want Ruby to pull away, and he did not want to be Elaine’s mate.Elaine deserved better than a potential divorcee, better than to have to fight for a married man…better than him, she deserved better than him.She was supposed to be his kid sister
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Chapter Sixty-Eight: In a Way You Cannot
"Let me go! Let me go. I want to see Muaas! I want to see my mate!"Elaine persists, throwing her arms around only for them to get arrested once more."Elaine!"The head maid calls as she rushes across the hall, stilling her fuss as surprise overcomes her face.“Benny…”Elaine whispers, perhaps the maid’s name, before the maid winks to her, then bows to me."Please allow me to escort her outside; I have known her since she was a child; if two grown men carry her this roughly, then she could be traumatised-”"The head maid too, take her with you. She is fired."My turn to the surprised maid from the security personnel is quick."You are fired.""The Alpha would never permit this!"Her yell is fast, but not faster than the men’s split, so that one handles Elaine and the other grabs her by her arm.The nearby maids, enjoying the loud drama unfolding in the halls, thanks to Elaine’s hysterics, begin to snicker and whisper amongst themselves."Anyone else wants to lose their jobs today?"M
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