All Chapters of Rejected On All Sides : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
104 Chapters
Chapter 11
“You still the same, Sasha.”“How do you mean?”“Beautiful and bold - always going for what she wants. Except when it comes to the man department. It could be that you feel less deserving of the men you want. And that’s why you sabotage by just settling for sex alone.”“Could that be the case?”“Possibly.”“There is a man I want. But I’m not sure whether what I feel for him is love.”“Well after now - you’d be sure,” Gabby said as he pushed her sexily across the lady's restroom. He yanked her easy-to-remove dress and pumped his shotgun into her slow and nicely.As he rejuvenated her vagina walls, Sasha saw him in a different light.He was no longer the nerdy whom she knew back in school.Of a truth, he looked like he had been going to the gym and had a near-to-perfection body.He was stabbing at all the right spots in needy greed - making love directly to her soul.She was soft and yielding to his touch against his hardness.But all this felt too familiar.She stopped him.“I got to
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Chapter 12
Dashiell was in deep thought.His wife was getting some sleep while he couldn’t.He was sexually frustrated.He had not slept with her in months.And she seemed less concerned.“Gisela, I need you.” Dashiell tapped her gently on the arm.“I already told you I’m tired. I had to take Karl to his basketball practice today. After that, I had to pick Emma from Grandma’s. I went grocery shopping and needed to cook and clean. Today was just really stressful for me. I’m feeling pains all over my body.”“What’s the essence of working out and maintaining your figure when you deny me sex? Is it that I’m not good in bed? Then talk to me. I will make adjustments.”“No dear. I just find sex tiring.”“I can give you a massage.”“No dear. I’m ticklish. I do not like receiving massage therapy. That’s why I work out.” Gisela complained freely.Dashiell was pissed.“You only sleep with me when you need babies. That’s why we never have enough of them.”“Baby, I don’t need all this shouting right now, pls
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Chapter 13
When she saw he wasn’t picking up after 15 missed calls, she sent a text. I’m at your garage. Come meet me there or I walk in and tell your wife I’m pregnant for you. “This lady is insane!” Was Dashiell’s initial reaction. He texted back. She’d never believe that. She knows I’m loyal and faithful to her. Sasha smiled mischievously to herself. Not with a pregnancy kit, a fake baby bump and seeing how sex depraved she has made you. Tell me, why won’t she believe me?” Sasha came prepared. Dashiell hissed in anger. He will walk out the door and go tell her his mind. He crept out of the living room without his wife’s notice. He was in so much haste and anger at Sasha for showing up uninvited – that he forgot to don a shirt. He wore skimpy boxers in the cold that mapped out his dick outline. “Dashiell baby.” Sasha was already calling out his name as soon as she sighted me. She licked her lips hungrily. “I can see you are ready for me. So much in a hurry as to not wear a shirt. T
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Chapter 14
“I’ve got some fellatio positions to try on you, Dashiell. You are in trouble today.”Sasha wasted no time in positioning herself against the garage floor.She didn’t care about baring her back to the cold floor.“Lie on top of me.” She commanded.Dashiell did as he was told, aligning his balls to her mouth. She began to tease-tickle and lick his balls. At the same time using one hand to rim him and another to hold his boner in place.As Dashiell was a lot weightier than her, he supported his body with his arms resting on the cold floor as well.“You are the best Sasha. You always make me feel things no one else can.”The sensation of her slippery and ‘spit full’ mouth against his balls could not be expressed with moaning alone. Tears and overwhelming outbursts of heart palpitations clouded him.He got off her and commanded with a deep voice.“On your knees.”Sasha knew how much he loved the knee position. In past years they had sex filled with fun oral sex positions. Now they were re
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Chapter 15
“Why did you say so?” “Gisela, six months is a long time. How could you deny your husband sex for six months? If you guys were in a long-distance marriage – I’d understand.” “It wasn’t like that in the beginning. Life happened to us.” “Gisela, talk to me.” “The kids and housework eat up my time.” “Those are lame excuses. Gisela, can I know what you putting on now?”“A night dress, of course.” “Is it like lingerie or something?” “No just some pyjamas.” “Gisela, this is what I’m talking about. When last did you wear something sexy in the bedroom?” “On our honeymoon.” “Gisela! It seems to me you’re too modest around this man that’s supposed to be your husband. When last has he seen some thighs and breasts?” “I mean the kids are around.” “When they are in the boarding house, do you try to scatter the house and have some fun with your man? When last did you seduce this man?” “Hmm. I know all these things but it’s not easy as a woman. I’m holding the home front and taking care o
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Chapter 16
“Sure thing. So, make sure to pamper your guy mentally and physically. Feel free to pet him. He is your baby. Men love cuddles, hugs, kisses and romance too. Gently massage his back with baby oil. You can tickle and play with his ears. Get a comb and scratch his scalp – he will enjoy it. A foot massage will do some magic too. Just spoil your man.” “It’s been a while since I did any of these things.” “Also leave handwritten notes everywhere – expressing your love and respect for him. Take him out to dinner and feed him. Whispering in his ears sweet nothings or jokes to get him smiling. Feel free to cook his favourite and take it to his job. Suggest his outfit sometimes. Tell him he looks dashing. Manicure his nails and help him shave sometimes. All this speaks volumes to a man.” “That’s a lot.” “Not really. These are just a few ideas. Your creativity is what matters. When you are the type who supports her man with her attitude and prayers, ideas will be coming on how to please him.
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Chapter 17
“Is Rowan in his office?” Lumi requested from Sasha, his secretary.“Yes, he is.” Was her prompt response.“Good. I have an appointment slated for 2pm. May I go in now?”“Come with me.”“Thank you.” Lumi swayed her hips as she walked. She was particularly feeling very happy that morning.Last night, Fenris had planned out a surprise for her.He took her skating. And after that, they got talking – having deep conversations followed by a deep kiss that lasted an hour.They didn’t go beyond kissing. But the memories of last night wouldn’t leave her.She couldn’t wait to finally be with him.She could sense he’d soon propose.“Who do we have here?”Alpha Rowan got up in all pride and dignity to welcome her.“Good morning, Rowan. I see you have been expecting me.”Lumi smiled and held out her hand for a swift handshake.He lingered in her warm hands for a while.“You’ve got soft hands.”“Thank you. They are skilful hands as well.”“I could tell from your business proposal. Pardon me – kind
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Chapter 18
“He’s afraid of losing everything.”“He considers your proposal a threat?” Didi retorted.“Not exactly. He knows Fenris’ ideas will clash with the board of council he is trying so hard to please.”“I see. Your proposal will involve Fenris coming on board.”“Yes. And also, a seat next to him. I’m tired of seeing Fenris waste away his potential behind the scenes. He needs to step into the light.”“He is lucky to be marrying such a woman as you.”“Here is the proposal. Would you like to glance through?” She offered him.“Café Chrysalis by 1 pm on Saturday. Meet me there with your pitch. Then I’ll see what I can do for you.”“Fine. But I will be coming with Fenris.”“Why? You don’t trust married men?”“Fenris is a huge part of this and he has to be there.”“He can’t come. You have to be there alone.”“I will think it through.”“Have a lovely day, Lumi.”“Wait – how did you come to know my name? I never told you.”“Fenris talks about you to his junior staff. He made sure to tell everyone y
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Chapter 19
“Why do you always hinder my progress – our progress? You are too possessive and suspicious. I don’t like it.”“Lumi you are not going anywhere.”“Oh yes, I am. Do you realize I’m doing this for us?”“If this is about getting a seat on the board of council, then forget it. I don’t need you seducing any man to get me a seat.”“Wow. You just accused me of flirting around – when you are the one who does that!”“What! When have you ever seen me flirt? Stop accusing me falsely!”In fury, Fenris walked out – slamming the door thunderously after him.“All I know is I’m going. Do your worst! You cannot control me!”Lumi was panting heavily.One minute they are agreeing as a couple. Another minute – they are fighting tooth and nail.Why couldn’t he trust her?What was so wrong with what she wanted to do?Perhaps she could speak to him without all the shouting and chaos.With the mind of settling things amicably, she went after him.“Fenris!”“Leave me alone!”“Let’s settle this.”“You can have
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Chapter 20
Quinn stood up to welcome him. “Oh, Rowan. Welcome. Didn’t realize you are back.” Rowan kissed her in reply. “Fenris, why does it look like you have something up your sleeve? I thought I could trust you.” “I don’t understand.” “You seem desperate.” “Shouldn’t I?” Fenris was seething his anger. “No use getting angry. Get out of here as fast as you can.” Ash, his inner werewolf warned. “Are you that afraid of a fight?” “It’s called wisdom. He is stronger than us. If I see you spoil for a fight with him. I’d run.” “Oh no, you can’t run out of me.” “But I can!” “Alright fine. I’d just tell him a piece of my mind” “Shut up and leave. That sounds like trouble. He already suspects you when he means no harm.” “But why would he suspect me?” “Can’t you see, Fenris? He has a lot of enemies. He doesn’t know whom to trust. And he can prey on you being the weakest.” “I’m not weak. Being an omega werewolf doesn’t make me weak” “Good. Then be not foolish too.” “You need to leave my
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