All Chapters of Marked by a Lycan: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
107 Chapters
Chapter Eleven
Taking a seat, I gathered my courage and glanced at the chancellor, who emanated an aura of wisdom and insight. The question burned on my tongue, eager to be unleashed."Do you believe in the supernatural?" I asked, my voice steady but laced with anticipation.The chancellor leaned back in their chair, his expression contemplative. His eyes seemed to gaze into the depths of my soul, as if discerning the truth hidden within my query. A moment passed, pregnant with profound meaning, before he spoke."The supernatural," the chancellor began, his voice carrying a weight of experience, "is a realm intertwined with the mysteries of our existence. It encompasses the unexplained, the extraordinary, and the aspects of life that defy our current understanding. While some may dismiss it as mere folklore or imagination, there are forces at work in this world that lie beyond the boundaries of what we can comprehend."His words hung in the air, opening up a realm of possibilities. The answer was ne
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Chapter Twelve
Levi's POV:As soon as the test was over, I signalled my buddies to get a grip of themselves and head out. We made our way to the school library, my footsteps echoed in time with the rhythm of my troubled thoughts. The usual pack meeting had taken on a sense of urgency, as the looming presence of the rival Red Fang pack sent ripples of concern through our once peaceful territory. Each passing day seemed to bring them closer, their intentions still unknown.Jason, my loyal Beta, fell into step beside me, his eyes filled with curiosity and concern. He knew me well enough to sense the weight that burdened my mind. "Levi," he began, his voice a low rumble, "you seem distracted. Is everything alright?"I sighed, my gaze fixed on the path ahead. "No, Jason, everything is not alright," I replied, my voice heavy with the weight of my worries. "The Red Fang pack's movements are growing more aggressive, and we need to be prepared. We can't afford any missteps."Silence settled between us as we
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Chapter Thirteen
A mixture of emotions swirled within me. Confusion, doubt, and an inexplicable pull towards her that defied all reason. "I don't know," I confessed, my voice barely a whisper. "But there's something about her, something that draws me to her like no other. I can't ignore it."Jason, his loyalty unwavering, placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder. "Levi, our pack has always been guided by the wisdom of our ancestors. We must trust in their teachings, but also in our own instincts. There may be more to this than we understand."His words resonated deep within me, a reminder that sometimes the path we walk defies the conventional, challenging the boundaries of what we thought we knew. In that moment, I made a silent vow to uncover the truth, to unravel the enigma that surrounded my mate, and to protect her, wolf or no wolf.Jason's voice cut through the tense atmosphere, laced with both curiosity and a hint of mischievousness. "Levi, how did you even find out that your mate doesn't have a
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Chapter Fourteen
Jasmine’s POV:As I stepped through the library's entrance, a wave of awe washed over me. The vastness of the space, adorned with towering bookshelves that reached for the heavens, filled me with a sense of reverence. Sunlight streamed through the stained glass windows, casting colorful patterns on the polished floors, as if the very essence of knowledge danced in the air.I wandered through the labyrinthine aisles, my fingers lightly grazing the spines of the books, their titles whispering promises of hidden worlds and forgotten tales. The hushed whispers of other visitors and the soft rustling of pages enveloped me, creating a symphony of words that stirred my soul.As I continued my exploration, my eyes scanned the room, searching for Ms. Paulina, the enigmatic librarian with a penchant for unravelling secrets, and the key to the answers I sought. I navigated through the maze of shelves, discreetly glancing around for any sign of her presence.Then, in the corner of my vision, I not
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Chapter Fifteen
I navigated through the labyrinth of shelves, my fingers lightly brushing against the spines of countless books. Each step brought me closer to the history section, where I hoped to find answers about the enigmatic City of Grapetown and its connection with Werewolves.As I perused the rows of books, my eyes scanning the titles, a wave of frustration threatened to consume me. The volumes before me chronicled mundane aspects of the city's past tales of past mayors, architectural developments, and other seemingly irrelevant details. My heart sank, for I had hoped to find something more profound, something that would unravel the mysteries that had captivated my thoughts.Feeling disheartened, I found solace in the nearby book section, sinking into a plush armchair. I gazed around, my eyes tracing the spines of various books, seeking a momentary respite from my disappointment.And then, as if by some miraculous twist of fate, my gaze landed on a book with a black cover adorned with a strik
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Chapter Sixteen
Lost in contemplation, a sudden gust of wind whipped through the library, rustling the pages of the book I held in my hands. I looked up, puzzled, searching for the source of this unexplained force. The wind danced and twirled, a mischievous sprite teasing the edges of my curiosity.As the pages fluttered and threatened to escape my grasp, I desperately clung to them, fearing the loss of the precious knowledge they held. But the wind was relentless, merciless in its determination to snatch the words from my fingertips. With a final defiant flourish, the pages slipped free, descending towards the ground like confetti at a forgotten celebration.Heart pounding, I bent down to retrieve the fallen book, my mind still reeling from the profound revelations I had just absorbed. Yet, as I reached out, ready to reclaim the weighty tome, my eyes widened in astonishment. Standing before me was a figure, a silhouette cast in the flickering shadows of the library's dimly lit corners.His presence
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Chapter Seventeen
Levi’s POV:As I raced through the streets with the speed of my intermediate form, a sense of urgency propelled me forward. The unusual aura that surrounded the city library had set off alarm bells within me, an instinctual warning that something was amiss. Without hesitation, I abruptly left the meeting with my pack mates, my focus solely on uncovering the source of this disturbance.Arriving at the library, I stealthily maneuvered through the chaos, my heightened senses attuned to every sound and movement. The air crackled with an otherworldly energy, and my gaze swept through the room, searching for any sign of what had caused this disruption.And then, my eyes locked onto her, Jasmine, my mate to be. Her beautiful figure weaving through the aisles, desperate to escape the clutches of the strange aura that pursued her. Time seemed to stand still as our gazes met, an unspoken recognition passing between us. Without a second thought, I made my way towards her, my voice echoing throug
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Chapter Eighteen
As the Red Fang Wolf's voice echoed through the air, a sense of unexpected respect emanated from his words. "Levi, there is no need to fret," he said, his voice tinged with a mix of admiration and surrender. "I know that I am no match for your strength and skill."A flicker of surprise crossed my features, as I absorbed the weight of his acknowledgment. The tension that had enveloped the room seemed to dissipate, leaving behind a newfound sense of understanding. With a final nod, the Red Fang Wolf retreated into the shadows, his presence fading like a distant memory.Turning my attention back to Jasmine, her hand still clasped in mine, I felt a rush of relief wash over me. We made our way through the chaos of the library, but I couldn't help but notice one area that remained strangely unscathed, the library management office.Leading Jasmine by the hand, I guided her toward the office, our footsteps echoing in the hallway. As we entered, the scene within was a stark contrast to the ch
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Chapter 19
“Young man," he said, his voice laced with an undercurrent of hidden emotions, "I sense a familiarity about you. Have we met before?"I paused, caught off guard by his remark. "I... I'm not sure," I stammered, trying to collect my thoughts. "I don't recall ever meeting you Sir. But there's something about you that feels... familiar."Jasmine's mother, interjected with a warm smile. "Perhaps it's just a coincidence, dear," she said soothingly. "We're grateful you brought Jasmine home safely. You must be tired after such a long journey. Why don't you stay for dinner? We'd love to hear the story of your adventure."I hesitated, my instincts telling me that there was more to Mr. Thompson's familiarity than mere chance. But their kindness and hospitality were genuine, and I couldn't ignore the invitation. "Thank you, Ma’am ," I replied, my voice tinged with gratitude. "I would be honoured to join you for dinner."As we gathered around the table, the atmosphere shifted. There was an underly
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Chapter Twenty
Jasmine’s POV:Lost in the memories of the exhilarating events that had unfolded earlier, I found myself nestled in the comfort of my room, the quiet solitude allowing my mind to wander. The echoes of Levi's presence still lingered, his touch and his unwavering protection etched into the fabric of my being.A wistful smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I recalled the stolen kisses, tender and electrifying, shared on our way back. Each embrace had conveyed a multitude of emotions, passion, longing, and an unspoken promise of unity. His lips against mine, the warmth of his touch, and the way his eyes held mine with unwavering devotion, all of it flooded my thoughts, igniting a longing deep within my heart.I sighed softly, leaning against the window sill as the moonlight bathed my room in a soft glow. The memory of his hand in mine, fingers intertwined, brought a sense of comfort and safety. In Levi's presence, I had felt invincible, as if together we could conquer any challenge t
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