All Chapters of Legend of the fated mates. : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
46 Chapters
10. Just leave me!
Lionel came back with the elevator and stepped inside his office only to find a crying Grissom sitting by himself on the sofa. "Griss! What happened, where is Ava?" He asked, shocked to see his friend so emotional. "She....she p...passed out, she panicked waking up arms and ran away!" He whispered with a tear-stricken face. "Oh sorry man! God! Damn that bastar Lucas! you know where she went?" Lionel asked him while taking a seat next to him. "I think....i think she went to her apartment, Bet...Betty is free from school by now" he muttered while rubbing in his eyes. "Okay I'll call her, just give me a second please." Lionel says while dialing Betty's number. After 3 times Betty finally answered her phone. "Hello, who's this?" She asked. "Hi Betty, i am your sister boss, well one of them anyways, i am Lionel, please can you tell me if your sister Ava is with you or not?" He asked her, praying that she indeed was with him. "Why do you want to know?" Was her reply af
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11. Bruno to the rescue....
Shocked beyond anything that Bruno was sitting in front of her Ava stood there frozen on her spot for a moment or two before she crouched down in front of him while Bruno watched her with his sad golden eyes. "I'm sorry Bruno!....i....i just couldn't face Grissom, he....after Lucas.....i felt disgusted.....suffocating! I just.....I'm sorry, he must hate me by now" she muttered as Bruno listened intebtky to her while he grabbed sher gently by the waist and put her into his lap.Without trying to hurt her with his sharp paws he rubbed her back slowly. And little by little he felt his little human mate relax in his arms. He sighed contently and leaned his huge body against the wall, trying to steady himself. After a while when Ava had fallen asleep in his huge arms he held her up with one arm while with the other he helped himself to get up from the floor while trying not to hit anything and slowly stretched himself up to his full length and walked down the stairs with his mate still
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12. A deal with the devil!
"Dev! How nice of you to come!, Please take a seat, what do you like to have?" Lucas asked the mayor who had taken a seat across from him in his office. Develin took a seat in thrkeather chair and brought out his sigar to smoke. After lightning it up he took a puff, ingaled deeply and then looked up at Lucas. "It has come to my ears that you had some trouble?" He asked Lucas curiously but cold. Luca frowned not expecting this line of questioning coming up. "Uhm i had but that's fixed so i don't know what it is that you heard and why it is something of your concern sir?" He asked a bit timidly, knowing very well as NOT to cross the mayor!"Hmm well let me decide that for you, Lucas! Anyways i want to strike a deal with you that can help us both, so are you interested?" Develin asked with a wicked smirk adorning his lips. "I'm all ears Decelin!" Lucas replied curiously. "Good! Now listen well! I know about your little incident here with a certain young girl but that ill just let
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13. Betrayal.
'Why can't i stop thinking about her sister??' Lionel muttered while he was trying to focus on his work in front of him. He was getting distracted by his thoughts of Betty, Ava's younger sister and he felt akward and disgusted by it since she was not yet 18, just 17 years old!! And he didn't have a clue as to why he started to think about her so much! It was only some days ago since he had spent some hours in her presence......"Man i need to get laid!" He muttered out loud with a semi-hard on in his pants which he git from thinking so much about HER....He picked up his phone and dialed his friend and boss. "Grissom, dude are you free tonight?""Hey buddy, yes i am, what's up?" "Let's go to a club, i really really need a woman man!" Lionel admitted while left his office and walked over to the elevator."Ah the old fashion problem huh? Well i understand, I'll come with you but when you find one I'll go, i don't want to be the thirth weel on the wagon as they say here ok?!" Grissom
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14. Hurt.
"GO AWAY!! BOTH of you!!!" Ava hick-upped through her tears, as Bruno sat in front of her, holding her tight in his paws with tears falling out of his glowing sad orbs. *Bruno* "I'm not letting you go!! You're MY Mate and, that that stupid human of mine did this to you i can't change it but i regret it very much but i will not let you go little one, because i love you!!" Bruno said to her which she couldn't hear since their matebond was not completed."Ava, Bruno says he feels very sad and sorry that Grissom did this to you but he will never let you go because he loves you very much!" Lionel translated the mind-linked message from Bruno to his inner lion back to him. Ava squirms in Bruno's tight grip, wanting to go away but he wouldn't let her and nuzzled his big head in the crock of her neck, inhaling her scent to calm him down. "You know i earned you sis, i just wished you went to talk to hik about it sooner!!......i am not saying that he is right to do this but i think i could u
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15. Bad feeling.
Days are passing and the preparations of Lionel's coronation are in full swing in the fantasy realm at the castle. The Royal lions palace is turning more and more into a beautiful world of special flowers and other quirky things. All of the fantasy realm is helping, acknowledge the importance of the occasion this full moon! The time for a new era of reigning in the Kingdom, from the old to the new. Everyone is contributing. From the great to the small, full breed or half breed, animal, Fae or any other creature, all eager to do their utmost best to do what is needed to make this full moon special full moon even more special to the Royal family and also for themselves. "Mom? Is dad around and available?" Lionel asked his mother, the lion queen. "Yes he is in the throne room but i believe he is having a meeting with the Fae counsel and i don't know when that will finish dear" she answered him. "With the Fae counsel?, I wonder why?" "For the security of tomorrow's ceremony dear bu
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16. Sisters day.
Somewhere in the city, two unknown man are having a private conversation...."Is everything ready?" A man asked."Yes sir it is, have you spoken to her yet?" "No i haven't and I'm not planning to either, it's too risky!""But you are sure she will comply?" The other man asked, slightly worried."Yes, yes, because she knows what will happen if she does not and i think that she would not like for her dear husvand to know about what happened in her past so i am pretty confident about that!" "Hmm i hope so because you know how the BOSS can be if things are not going as he wants and i dont want to be at the end of it!" "I get that but what about your wife and son, do they know?""My son does not know anything! He only knows that his mother is dead and my wife knows only what i told her, that i have found him and i like to keep it that way! I love them both so keep my family put of this!" "Yeah alright, chill! I'm not the BOSS and besides you are the one that took and hid him away so yo
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17. I love you!
The palace is already buzzing with excitement and eagerness ass slowly all the guest re arriving in the throne room to whiteness a new era arise with a new King!While Betty introduces her fairy friend from school, Lee to her sister and takes a seat with him next to Grissom and Ava on the other side of the palace in a room far away from prying eyes a man and a woman are standing face to face both with breathing hearts and eyes full of emotions!......." can't be here!" The woman muttered."I can and i am!.....i will claim what is MINE my beautifull Lioness!" "But we can't be together!! You now it's forbidden!!.....if the Kings finds out he will have both our heads!!" "I don't give a shit about the King, that is the old one!.....what i do like to know is......who is the REAL father of the new King??.......tell me and please don't give me that shit you've said before because i know he's MINE!!" The man growled lowly while holding the trembling woman tightly in his arms while g
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18. Wrong bed?!
The sun was already out and the little flying creatures where busy doing their morning routine that always started off with their singing, waking everyone else up from their deep slumber in the fantasy realm.So as well our newly Weds or mates, Grissom and Ava, who were still curled up in bed in his treehouse who was now theirs, the place where he made his little human mate completely his!Two warm body's still tangled up with each other after lots of mating during the night till early morning.As the first rais of sunlight pearced trough the roof of the treehouse which consisted of different kind of leaves, they started to tickly the couple in their much needed sleep, waking them up from their blissful dreamy state.Ava steered in her sleep and opened her eyes slowly one by one and jawned. Blinded by the first ray of sunlight she quickly shut her shiny orbs annoyed to discover that the sun was the culprit that had woken her up from her beautiful dreams."Stupid sun!" She muttered and
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19. Runaway-Mate
"MATE!" Lionel whispered and Betty's eyes grew wide like saucers."I...I'm not your mate, y....your highness!" She squeeked horrified."Betty, you are! Your scent.....i just know and my lion just acknowledged it! Please be calm, I will not hurt you, just sit down and let's talk okay?" Lionel suggested seeing the sudden fear in the young girls eyes while all he could think of was to claim her and make her his permenantly but he pushed his desires down for a minute. Betty who still could.not beleave the words her friend Lionel has just uttered to her and was also still greatly confused as how she had ended up in his bed?!"Please, Lionel, your highness, I....I'm sorry I don't know how I ended up in your bed but I'm sorry, this shouldn't have happened! Your my friend! And you are the King now so its imopossible for me to be with that....being your mate....and your so much older then can't.....we can't, sorry I hope you find another mate!" Betty blurted out wha
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