Semua Bab Mute Luna : Bab 101 - Bab 110
129 Bab
Chapter 102
Danciana's Point Of ViewAs I hailed a cab and slipped into the backseat, my heart raced in my chest, my thoughts a turbulent storm. The weight of the truth I had hidden for so long now pressed against me, threatening to crush me. With Aurelia's newfound voice and her knowledge of my involvement in her kidnapping, fear slithered through me like a serpent. What if she decided to expose me? What if she informed Alpha Dante, her mate and the leader of our pack, about my complicity in her abduction? These worries were incessant companions in my anxious mind.But then, I reminded myself that I had already spoken to Aurelia, spun a web of lies to protect my secret. I had successfully fabricated a story, convincing her that my actions were only to safeguard her. As much as I wanted to believe that she had accepted my explanation, doubt still niggled at the corners of my thoughts.The cab driver's voice pierced through my thoughts, breaking the silence. "Where to, miss?" he inquired, his eyes
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Chapter 103
I dialed Casey's number with a sense of urgency, my heart racing as I waited for her to pick up. The worry for Aurelia gnawed at my insides, urging me to take action. Finally, Casey's voice came through the line, and I wasted no time getting to the point. "Hey, Casey, it's Genevieve. I think we should go check on Aurelia, make sure she's okay, you know, like we left her."Casey's hesitant reply held a mix of annoyance and impatience, "Yeah, yeah, I guess it's in our best interest to make sure she's not causing us any trouble. When and where should we meet?"Relief swept over me as Casey agreed to my proposition. "Thanks, Casey. Let's meet at my place in an hour. We'll figure out our plan from there."An hour later, Casey arrived at my doorstep, her face a mix of irritation and indifference. We exchanged a brief nod, silently acknowledging the necessity of our task. "Hey, Genevieve," Casey greeted as she stepped inside."Hey, Casey. Thanks for bothering with this," I said insincerely,
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Chapter 104
Aurelia's Point Of ViewAs I sat in the cozy sitting room, the warm sunlight filtering through the curtains, I felt a sense of tranquility wash over me. The soft cushions beneath me provided a comforting support, and I relished the moment of solitude before Angela, my loyal friend and fellow pack member, entered the room.Moments later, Angela joined me, her expression slightly tense, and I could tell there was something on her mind. As we exchanged greetings, she took a deep breath and began to speak, her words carrying a mix of determination and worry. "Aurelia," she said, her voice steady yet tinged with concern, "I've been thinking about something important. I've decided that I need to visit my own pack, the Silver Howl pack."I turned to her, intrigued and a bit surprised by her announcement. "The Silver Howl pack? But why now?" I asked, genuinely curious about the sudden decision.Angela's eyes bore into mine, and I could see the weight of her responsibilities reflected in her g
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Chapter 105
Dylan's Point Of View:I could sense that my mum was disappointed after she came back. I smiled to myself, well aware that her frustration was centered around the fact that Aurelia had managed to escape from the warehouse where she'd been held. I was seated on my bed, engrossed in my video games, when I heard the knock on the door. I called out, asking who it was, and she replied that it was her. I told her the door was open, welcoming her inside.She opened the door and walked in with an expression that could only be described as smug. It was a familiar look, one that I had grown accustomed to over the years. I quickly hid my smile, not wanting to give her the satisfaction of knowing I found her irritation amusing.I asked her what was wrong, even though I knew it had something to do with Aurelia. She wasted no time, launching into a fabricated story about her car breaking down. I couldn't help but roll my eyes internally; my mother was an expert at deception, and her lies were almos
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Chapter 106
Alpha's Dante I stood there, outside Danciana's office, a feeling of unease knotting in my stomach. She had asked for me to come, a rare request. I knew I had to find out what was going on.I rapped my knuckles against the door, and at her invitation, I pushed it open. What I saw inside surprised me. Danciana, her dark hair cascading like a river of obsidian, was sitting at her desk. She looked shocked to see me, and without missing a beat, she stood and bowed gracefully."Alpha Dante, it's an honor to see you," she greeted me, her green eyes shimmering with respect.I returned her gesture with a nod and a polite smile. "Danciana, please, have a seat."She sank back into her chair, her fingers neatly folded in her lap. "How may I assist you today, Alpha?"I took a moment to consider my words. "I'm not here for a checkup or any medical matter," I began, keeping my tone even. "I've come to check on you and inquire about our patients. How are they faring?"Danciana's serene smile never
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Chapter 107
Dylan's Point of View:As I strolled through the bustling shopping mall, my eyes scanned the crowd, searching for any sign of Casey, the woman who had been my mother Genevieve's accomplice in the kidnapping of my stepsister, Aurelia. It was a race against time, and I needed to find out if she were aware that Aurelia had escaped.With each step, my mind raced, and my heart pounded in my chest. The only person who knew Aurelia's current location was my friend, Dr. Danciana. I couldn't afford to let my mother and Casey discover her whereabouts. Spotting Casey in the distance, I decided to tail her discreetly.I approached the mall's receptionist and tried to mask my urgency. "Excuse me," I began, "I'll be back for my shopping bags. Could you please keep them safe for me?"The receptionist frowned. "I'm sorry, sir, but we don't provide that service here."I reached into my pocket, withdrew a wad of cash, and placed it on the desk, desperation in my eyes. "Please, it's important. I'll be q
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Chapter 107
Aurelia's Point Of ViewI was leisurely strolling through the aisles of the local grocery store, my mind preoccupied with the various items on my shopping list, when the familiar jingle of my phone broke the ambient chatter of the shoppers. I fumbled in my bag for my phone and saw that it was Angela calling. I swiftly swiped to answer the call. I couldn't help but smile as I accepted the call."Hey, Angela," I greeted, my voice filled with warmth. "Hi, Aurelia," came Angela's equally cheerful response. "How are you doing?"I smiled, even though she couldn't see it through the phone. "I'm good, just doing some grocery shopping. How about you?"Angela's voice held a hint of excitement. "I'm coming back to town today. Are you still at my place?"I chuckled softly, knowing that Angela often relied on me to take care of things while she was away. "Of course, I'm still at your house. Yep, still holding down the fort. You know I have nowhere else to go."She paused for a moment, a touch of
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Chapter 108
Aurelia's Point Of ViewAs Angela and I crossed the threshold and stepped inside the house, a whirlwind of emotions churned within me. Angela's concern was palpable as she turned to me and inquired, "How are you feeling, Aurelia?" I sighed deeply, my anxiety etched on my face, and replied, "Angela, I'm just so worried after what happened with Vivian today." My voice trembled slightly as I continued, "I can't believe that she not only denied knowing me but also created such a scene at the shopping mall, making me look like a terrible person in front of so many people." Angela's empathy was evident as she came closer, taking a seat beside me. Her gentle hand found its way to my back, patting it soothingly as she reassured me, "Aurelia, don't worry. We'll figure this out together."I looked into her eyes, my own filled with confusion and frustration. "Angela," I began, "I'm so sorry for burdening you with my problems. You've just returned from your trip, and you deserve rest, not my dis
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Chapter 109
Danciana's Point Of ViewI couldn't believe that Alpha Dante was still worried about his mate Aurelia, even after all we made him believe concerning Aurelia poisoning him and running away from the pack. I was definitely sure Alpha Dante may start searching for Aurelia again. And staring at my brother, I prayed to the moon goddess that she heals him completely and helps him recover quickly. I just hoped my treatment worked on him. I just prayed.As I sat at my desk, lost in these thoughts, a nurse rushed into my office, her face tense with urgency. I looked up, startled, and asked her, "What's wrong?"She quickly took a deep breath and began to explain, her words coming out in a rush, "Doctor Danciana, there's been an incident. Some of the guards have been rushed to the hospital."My heart sank. I had a sinking feeling that this was going to be more serious than I had anticipated. "How many guards?" I asked, my voice trembling slightly.The nurse replied, "There were up to five of them
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Chapter 110
Danciana's Point Of ViewI couldn't believe that Alpha Dante was still worried about his mate Aurelia, even after all we made him believe concerning Aurelia poisoning him and running away from the pack. I was definitely sure Alpha Dante may start searching for Aurelia again. And staring at my brother, I prayed to the moon goddess that she heals him completely and helps him recover quickly. I just hoped my treatment worked on him. I just prayed.As I sat at my desk, lost in these thoughts, a nurse rushed into my office, her face tense with urgency. I looked up, startled, and asked her, "What's wrong?"She quickly took a deep breath and began to explain, her words coming out in a rush, "Doctor Danciana, there's been an incident. Some of the guards have been rushed to the hospital."My heart sank. I had a sinking feeling that this was going to be more serious than I had anticipated. "How many guards?" I asked, my voice trembling slightly.The nurse replied, "There were up to five of them
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