All Chapters of The Alpha And The Lost Celtic Princess: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
74 Chapters
The Male Pain
***Adams PoV***We sat in some tavern sipping whiskey and waiting for our food. We were all tired and dishevelled after days of negotiations with the Sirens. Some resolution had been met and we had removed the werewolves from any involvement but the Sirens would continue to battle out their own political war but now neither side could no hire or use the werewolves as informers on the land around the islands. I had been raised knowing I would be a Beta but no one had raised me to be a royal Beta and political issues had never been in my mind. I was born to fight, protect and enforce but I was enjoying the negotiation side.The waitress dropped our food onto the table as per usual she had first tried to get Emmett's attention with her flirtatious behaviour, but as usual Emmett was cold to her, polite but cool and she re directed it at me. I still by nature enjoyed a little flirt but no one came close to Casey. The waitress leaned low flashing her cleavage my way but I kept my eyes on he
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The Rome Pack
**Charlie POV**Emmett sat where Danny had been as he pulled me and our baby into his huge arms."Hes perfect." Emmett whispered. "I am so glad I made it here you have no idea what the journey back was like." He added. I laughed as Emmett told me about feeling the labour pains and that Adam felt Caseys he outlined how he would ensure all warriors with pregnant mates would be re stationed close and I chuckled thinking how it took one King to feel labour pangs and a whole law would change but it was a good thing so I didnt tease too much. However when he gleefully announced he could now say he knew what labour was like i was quick to repeat his mother's words to him telling him when he pushed something the size of a Melon out the hole a size of a golf ball we would talk. Emmett wisely changed topic. I told him about the plan to send Max to train the youths in the Italian Pack and he was hesitant in agreeing to Daphne's joining him but I put my foot down and seeing as I just had his pup
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In plain sight.
***Charlie POV ***I sat at my desk Ash slept softly in my arms as I read through the report from the pup school requesting a new teacher I happily signed off my name to the request granting them the new teacher and moved to the next request it was a reporters request for a portrait of the the Princes and Princess for the supernatural press I sighed as I declined the request. This was a double edged sword hiding their identity protected them but also encouraged those to seek them out to get the precious picture of them and a big pay day. Emmett and I agreed once they were a little older we would let the world see them. I looked up as a gentle knock tapped me door I caught his scent and smiled. "Come in Danny." I called as he entered he had two take away coffee cups with him. Danny seemed to have taken a liking to nearby coffee shop and found any reason to stop there and bring me one back. I took the cup thankfully and sipped it. "Thanks Danny. Your right it has the best coffee in to
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***Daphne POV ***I wandered a little from the cottage into the trees and stopped in a clearing that looked like a little herb garden I could smell the various herbs growing there. I smiled thinking of Sasha's pots of herbs that Danny still watered on their apartment balcony. "They never really leave us you know." a voice said and I jumped slightly. I turned to see a young woman with long black hair she wore a green sundress. "the ones we lose stay with us." "How...." I began to ask how she knew I was reminiscing about my friend. She smiled softly as she moved closer to me. "I have a gift." she shrugged. "Are you Greta?" I asked her and she laughed "No Greta took me in she is my mother in many ways. She raised me and thought me to use my magic." She explained. "But I have been waiting for you to find your way here Daphne." I froze when she said my name. "How would you know I would come here?" I gasped. "I didn't but Sasha told me you would." she said as my head became more mudd
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Just Dance with me.
Danny POVI stood awkwardly outside the nightclub. I had left Sage with a nanny but I was riddled with guilt having told Charlie I was working tonight and that Anthony and I were tracking a lead. I hadn't been in a nightclub since before Sasha had got pregnant, even then that was for her. I was awkward in this type of place. I wore a black button down shirt and dark jeans as I waited for Anthony. He soon arrived and with a nod to the bouncers we jumped the waiting que and entered. I sat at one of the VIP reserved tables and ordered a bottle of Scottish aged whiskey for the table. Soon Anthony and I were half way down the bottle of whiskey when I began to feel its effects. The music was loud and the club was in full swing as I stood up to the rail to look down at the full dance floor. I scanned it carefully before I spotted her she was dancing with a few other girls. My heart jumped when I saw how she danced like no one else was there, she laughed and smiled like she hadn't a care in t
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The Search begins
Daphne POV We sat on the floor the maps of the catacombs of Rome spread out next to the map given to us by Sasha in the wooden box. "There are so many how do we work out which one is the right one. None of these line up. The piece Sasha gave us looks like a whole new piece." I sighed. "I think we need to look for the ones that have that marking on the walls somewhere." Max mused as he pointed to a symbol at what looked like the beginning of Sasha's map. "It looks pagen in origin don't you think ?" I asked him and he shrugged. "There are over forty Catacombs here. Maybe we should just start with the Catacombs of Callixtus." I suggested. "I need to research the symbol a little more too." I added. "Whatever you think Daphne. It sounds like as good a starting place as any." he agreed keenly. "I reckon we won't know what we are looking for until we see it." he added as we both looked at the maps. I played with the amulet around my neck. "This is all so strange."I mused as I studied t
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Green Sage Wax
***Daphne POV ***Throwing on a pair of black jeans shorts , a white cropped t-shirt and my black vans I was ready for a day wandering beneath the city of Rome. The catacombs ran for miles and covered different periods of history. Most were tied to the Catholic faith but there was Jewish catacombs and Roman ones. The oldest Catacombs were where I was hoping maybe we would find the symbol but these were not necessarily open to the public. So today Max and I were doing a recon mission to see where we could possibly break in and wander the older catacombs. Whilst the catacombs were overseen by the Holy See the catacombs of St Callixtus were under the care of the Salesian Fathers. I had from general research open to the public realised that only five of the catacombs were open to the Public San Sebastiano, San Callisto, Priscilla, Domitilla, and Sant'Agnese. This meant Max and I were going to have to track down the local Watcher and see what he could help us with on a supernatural level.
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A Lead.
Max.The drive to the Catacombs was amazing I loved riding a bike and having Daphne pushed that close to me sending delicious mate tingles through me added to the free feeling. This wasn't quite my bike it was one front he Royal Fleet in Europe. Daphne had mused why they would keep a bike but when she saw how people drove around Rome and the narrowness of the ancient streets it became clear to her. We had wandered the tourist open Catacombs listening to the guide and scanning the walls for any sign of a symbol that may help us. We both knew we wouldn't find it in the catacombs of St Callixtus but we had to start somewhere and as two eighteen year old who had only recently learnt what a catacomb was we were finding our feet. Daphne was more adapt at studious endeavours the I was, I went to school because I was made to go but my whole life was pre decided that I was a warrior of the Fianna and I had worked hard at subjects that weren't part of the common teenage curriculum. Daphne was r
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A lingering scent
***Daphne POV ****I lay in our bedroom floor with the offical documents outline maps of the catacombs and then the ones Fr Colm had provided. I had spent hours pain stakingly transferring the supernatural catacombs onto tracing paper to see if I could line them up anywhere with the known catacombs. Eventually I felt the answer was somewhere along the Vie Appain as some of the tunnels to the left were merely blurred squiggly lines in the offical map meaning perhaps the human who drew this suspected there were more but did not include them. Max had gone alone to see if he could scot out an obscured entrance to the underground and the beep on my mobile phone had just confirmed he had. I put a rough ring on the map where from Max's description as to where I felt he was and was content that we were now moving forward. My phone rang and smirking to myself I picked it up. "Well if it isn't the Kings peasant brother." I teased. There was a silence on the other end "Ah hi Daphne it's Lucind
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Stick or Run
***Dottie POV ***I ripped through the trees the dry leaves crunching under my feet as the werewolf Queen called out to me. I cursed myself for the stupidity of what I had done. I knew she would be at this event with the King but I had heard she had declined to stay in the pack house and that she would be travelling with a minimal gaurd. Desperate for the job as a server I had convinced myself I would avoid Danny if he was there and that no one else would spot me. This job had landed in my lap only the day before it was a cash payment and it paid really well. I had been struggling because Danny was searching for me and his damn influence ran deep into the shifter community. I needed to look after myself carefully and my grandmother whose health was ailing had slowed down our flight. "Dottie." the Queen called again before she finally caught up to me. She tackled me to the ground and we both rolled across the woodland debris. "Charlie." the King called his voice full of concern. She
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