All Chapters of She Will Be Mine: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
44 Chapters
Chapter 31
Jacob and I flew out of Texas as soon as we could. Dad was not happy to hear about the trip, but he also understood why I was going. He admitted he will have to learn to see Jacob's face often since he is the father of my baby. Any urgent work matters I had been meaning to do this week I handed over to Rebecca, and then postponed what I could till next week. And now, we're here.I take a deep breath and step out of the car, standing next to Jacob. We just arrived at his family's estate in Louisiana. My mouth hangs open when I see the mansion in front of me. The sheer size of it takes my breath away. I come from a wealthy family, but the house in front of me is nothing compared to mine or any other I have seen. Jacob takes my hand and walks us up to the massive french doors. Jacob presses the bell, and I look around as we wait. I was not looking out the window as we drove in, so I didn't take in the beauty of their front yard. The flowers are all trimmed to perfection, and the fountain
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Chapter 32
Jacob clears his throat. "I think you should take a seat.""Okay, fine." I walk into the room and sit on a couch close to the bed. My patience is running thin, but it's probably for the best if we don't have this conversation in the hallway."Where do I start?" Jacob swallows and rubs a palm across his face."I don't know, maybe from the beginning?" I suggest, sarcastically."Yes, you're right; from the beginning would be best. But first, will you promise me something?" Jacob bends down to my level and tries to take my hand, but I yank it away. He sighs and turns to face Nana. She nods, encouraging him to continue.He looks back at me, but I speak before he has a chance. "I don't think you can ask me to promise you anything after everything you have done to me and what you just said a few seconds ago.""I know, you're right. But promise me you won't leave until you've listened to everything I have to say."I consider his request. "Fine, I can give you that; I'll wait for you to finish
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Chapter 33
The following morning, I wake up to a knock at my door. I climb out of bed to answer. Pulling it open, I find Jacob dressed in a fine Tom Ford suit that hugs his body well. I wonder what he's so dressed up for."Good morning, Jacob," I say, yawning. I move out of the way to let him in."Morning, mon amour," he pecks my cheeks and smiles. "How are you and the baby doing today?""We're fine.""That's good to hear," he says, gently rubbing my flat baby bump and gazing at it with love. Jacob is going to be an amazing father. He continues, "I came to inform you that I'll be gone the whole day. My grandfather has asked me to handle some business for him.""I'm surprised he would after the way he acted yesterday.""Me too; When he called this morning, I was expecting him to inform me that I'd been disowned." Jacob smiles. "I want us to have breakfast together, if that's okay with you, before I leave.""Sure, let me shower and brush my teeth. I'll meet you in the hotel restaurant after freshe
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Chapter 34
The van comes to a halt after a few minutes on the road. One of the men comes over to the back and opens the door. He lifts and carries me into an abandoned building, placing me on the ground once we get inside and enter a room. They don't bother untying me and just leave me on the floor. One sits on a couch that's been placed against the wall while the other walks over to a cooler and pulls out two beers.He walks back to the other one and hands him a bottle. I watch them take a few sips before the one sitting removes something from his pocket, placing it on the small table in front of him. I can't see exactly what it is from here, but I watch him roll some paper and sniff the substance off the table. It's white, so I'm guessing it's cocaine. The other one joins him, both alternating between drinking and snorting for the next few minutes.I ignore them and look around, trying to find something to help free myself. Fear builds in me as I'm unable to find anything. I turn back to face
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Chapter 35
JACOBI step out of the conference room where the shareholder's meeting just ended and collect my phone from my secretary. I frown at her when she tries to avoid my gaze as she walks away. I had told her to notify me if I got any calls from Sarah, but glancing through my notifications I can see she didn't. My mother must have asked her not to tell me. My secretary is one of the many minions my mother has placed at my side, so it doesn't surprise me that she would listen to her instructions over mine.I quickly dial Sarah's number. She called quite a few times. I hope everything is okay with the baby. I smile as the phone begins to ring. I'm so happy Sarah decided to consider being with me after finding out the truth. I never imagined things going the way they went last night. It was foolish to not tell her the truth sooner. Maybe if I had, she would have already forgiven me by now.The smile on my face disappears as the call goes to voicemail. I begin to panic, wondering why her phone
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Chapter 36
Once I arrive at the abandoned building, I rush inside. My heart racing harder with every step. I'm praying it's not too late. I can't imagine my life without Sarah. The guilt of causing her death would ruin me. I pray I won't have to face such an existence. I kick open the first door I come across. The man in the room jumps up from the couch as the door falls off its hinges."What the fuck!" He shouts, the joint he'd been smoking tumbling to the ground. The whole place reeks of weed, I could smell it even before I walked in.I don't care to give him a second glance, instead scanning the whole room for Sarah. I don't have to search long. The blood trail coming from the room's right side is enough to tell me where she is.The man who'd been sitting on the couch walks toward me. "Who the fuck are you?" he growls, but I don't answer and push him out of the way.Dropping to the floor, I take Sarah's head in my lap once I get to her. All the anger I felt as I drove here vanishes as I hold
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Chapter 37
Jacob sleeps soundly close to my lap. It's been a few hours since I woke up. I went back to sleep after our conversation. Exhaustion from all the crying I had done and the injuries I had sustained took hold of me. I gently stroke Jacob's hair while he sleeps. Lifting my hand away from his head for a second, I wipe away the teardrop falling from my eyes. I've been doing some thinking. And what I'm thinking about makes me tear up. I sniffle a little, and the sound causes Jacob to wake up."You're crying," he says, seeing the tears in my eyes."No, I'm not," I lie, wiping the evidence from my face. "I need to talk to you.""What is it, mon amour?"A bullet tears through my heart hearing him call me that. His love. Placing a hand on his face, I try to memorize every detail. This is the last time I'll ever be close to him, so I take my time admiring his handsome face. He is about to place his hand over mine, but I draw away before he can. I adjust a little on the bed and clear my throat be
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Chapter 38
Later that night, I wake up to the feeling of something wet and soft on my forehead. I don't open my eyes because I know who it is. Jacob is here for his nightly visit. I don't know how he gets in this late, but he's come to see me every single night even though I asked him to stay away. I won't lie; a part of me is happy he didn't listen, because I look forward to this nighttime ritual. I lay as still as possible, pretending to be asleep."How are you doing today, my love?" Jacob whispers. "I'm here to visit like I promised I would. I hope you're doing better."I want to answer, and say yes, I am doing better and tell him there's nothing to worry about, but I don't. His voice tells me how concerned he is, and I wish I could ease his worries, but I can't. He'll stop coming once I acknowledge his visits, and I don't want that. I need this time with him.Tears sting the back of my eyes. Knowing these are the only moments I'll ever have with him makes my heart ache. I truly wish things c
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Chapter 39
I wake up to the sound of someone calling my name. The first thing I see as I open my eyes is a dark brown ceiling. Someone touches my arm, and I turn."Thank God, you woke up. I was worried sick." Tamara gets up from the chair she'd been sitting in and pulls me into her arms."Tamara?" I don't return her embrace, confused about where we are and what happened. "What's going on?" I ask as she pulls away from me."You don't remember?" Tamara's eyes widen.Closing my eyes, I try to force my brain to recall what happened. Tears flow down my cheeks as I remember. It wasn't just a horrible nightmare. It's true. I open my eyes and face Tamara, just as Harvey walks in."Harvey, please tell me Jenny was lying," I plead, begging him to tell me the words I wish to hear."Sarah..." His eyes are filled with sadness."Please say it." More tears stream down my face. Tamara grabs my hand and gives it a small squeeze."I wish I could."I swallow and force myself to ask a question that I'm not sure I w
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Chapter 40
SARAHI bite my nails and pace the room, waiting for news of Jacob's rescue. Harvey came an hour ago and told me they were able to figure out where the gang was holding him, and that they were going to get him back. I have barely eaten or slept since I found out Jacob had been taken. I can't even think straight. The thought of losing Jacob and how much that will destroy me is all I can think about.The Smiths didn't report Jacob missing to the authorities. They feared the gang would have harmed him more in retaliation if they did. Instead, Edward hired a mercenary group to find him. But I also suspect Edward didn't want to get the cops involved, so the gang members wouldn't tell them about the kidnapping he had hired them for. I disagreed with their decision to not to go to the cops, but I honestly don't care as long as they find Jacob. Someone bursts into the room, snapping me out of my thoughts. I look at Tamara, wondering why the hell she came in like that."They found him!" Tamara
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