All Chapters of I UNKNOWINGLY SAVE AN ALPHA : Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
155 Chapters
chapter 141
Annie’s povI vowed to keep my dark secret hidden, to shield Zack from the truth at any cost. I couldn’t bear the thought of his disappointment or, worse, his rejection. I had to find a way to control the darkness within me, to stifle the insatiable urge that threatened to engulf my sanity.The night enveloped me in its embrace, casting elongated shadows across the walls. My resolve wavered as I grappled with the enormity of my burden, my mind clouded by fear and uncertainty. I know that the road ahead would be treacherous, fraught with challenges I could scarcely fathom.But deep within the recesses of my soul, a flicker of determination burned brightly. I refused to succumb to the darkness, to let it define my existence. With renewed resolve, I set out on a path of redemption, determined to find a way to break free from the chains that bound me to my cursed fate.As the first light of dawn pierced through the veil of night, I made a solemn vow to myself. I would conquer the darkness
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chapter 142
Zack’s povI and Freda were at the dinning table. We had just finished eating dinner. Aiden had told me about an incident that had occurred at the town square. . He had also mentioned that because Freda was present the man had a surviving chance. Freda was about to leave. “I heard what you did for a member of the pack today. “ I said. She sat back down. She was silent and was looking down. “Aiden had told me. You helped a man today. He would have been dead if it weren’t for you. “ I said. She looked up and shook her head. “No, he had a fighting chance because he is a warewolf. He would have been dead if he were human. “ she said. “Like me. “ she added. “Still, I think he would be dead if you did not help him. Thank you for that. What kind of injuries did he sustain? “ I asked. “There were claw marks and teeth marks and a few chunks of his flesh was slashed. “ she said. My brain was racking at the piece of information. It was no mere animal attack. It was a warewolf attack, a
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chapter 143
Annie’s pov “We can’t let this go unpunished. Freda needs to understand the severity of her actions.” I said. At the boardroom with other board members, I stood accusing Freda of her past crime against the hospital. And as usual Zack has swooped in to rescue his damsel in distress. He came just in time to hear me drop the accusation. He was already against it. But this time, I will not let Freda get off easily as she did the last time. This time I am aiming for her practice license as a doctor. Once her license is taken from her, she will feel that Zack can no longer protect her, most of all, from me. She will finally run away from the mansion not being able to stand Zack’s presence any longer. I know what practicing mean to Freda. The few moments I spent with her as close friends, I could see how much what she does mean to her. It will kill her to know that she will not be able to practice anymore. That will be my chance. Once she is no longer in the mansion, I can move on wit
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chapter 144
Freda’s povI was all tied up to a tree. My mouth was tied. I tried to figure out where these men brought me to. At first I had thought that Zack had sent them to find me but with the way they handled me like a prey, I am certain it is not Zack. Zack would never treat me like this. Then who are these people, I wondered. Could they be kidnappers or serial killers? But why tie me to a tree in an open place like this. Why not in a cave or basement or cage like I see in movies. Just when I was trying to figure out what was going on, Annie walked towards me casually. She was we Kaine. My eyes widened in bewilderment. She and Kaine are behind this? How is this happening.Yes, I was certain Annie was up to no good. But never have I imagined that she was working with Kaine. Knowing fully well how Kaine tried to kill Zack many times. But here she is, with him, like they are besties. I should have known. Who else would want me out of the way other than she. How can she betray Zack like this
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chapter 145
Zack’s pov“You dare and try to kill her? Isn’t it enough that you want me dead? Now her too? What did she ever do to you?” I growled at Kaine. “She chose you. Her biggest mistake is choosing you with all your problems and shit over me. I could have given her a happy life which you are obviously incapable of giving to her. I mean, considering how she ran away from you. “ Kaine taunted. “Shut up. “ I yelled. “What would you know about love when all you do is betray all around you. “ “And you who know about love. You could not hold onto your first love and your second love, you can’t even protect her. We both know you don’t deserve it. “ Kaine said. I was fuming already. I launched at Kaine with a shout. Kaine blocked the attack. We both faced each other. We almost looked like we were about to tear each apart. At least that is how I feel. I was so terrified when I could not find Freda. My heart raced at the thought of what could happen to her if I don’t find her on time. And I
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chapter 146
Freda povI am running in an endless tunnel. I can't really see because it is very dark around and yet somehow I don't hit an obstacle. It just seemed like I know where I am running to, and yet I am oblivious of my surroundings. The tunnel had a murky smell, almost like I was in a sewage tunnel. The smell of stagnant water and aged bacteria was heavy. I paused to catch my breath for a while. I was panting heavily, my chest heaving in an un symmetrical pattern. I looked around, squinting hard in the dark trying to make sense of where I am. I looked down, there was water under my feet, my shoes soaked to my toes. I walk slowly, moving foward, my arms stretched out to feel for any object that may be in my front. Just then I hear growls. Snarls and teeth gnashing that seemed to come from behind me. Terrified to my bones, I slowly turned around, and for some reason I could see what was behind me though it was still very dark. It was a huge monster, one I have never seen before. It
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chapter 147
Freda's pov"Remember when you asked me to marry you? " I asked. He nodded. "Does it still stand? " I asked. "Are you saying yes? " he asked, excited. I nodded. He picked me up from the ground and rained kisses on my face. "We would hold a feast to celebrate this. " he said. He was grinning from ear to ear. "What made you change your mind by the way? I thought you wanted to wait? " he asked. Thinking of what to say, I turned around and walked towards the window. "I know I wanted to wait and I thought that was the best decision as at the time. " I said. I turned and faced him. "But I just went through a near death experience and during that moment all I could think of was you and how I could have allowed myself to be happy with what we have. Not thinking of what the people will say or think about it. " I said. I moved closer to him. "I know I kept you on hold but at that moment all I had were regrets for not taking the chance with you. " I said. I took his hands i
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chapter 148
Freda’s pov“Somebody help me!!!! “ I screamed. She gripped my neck and squeezed tight. Her gaze focused on the my necklace. I have always worn it. My mother had given it to me. “No, don’t touch it. “ I said. “Awwn, I’m curious though. “ she said. Annie held it and pulled at it. Just then I felt a surge of energy through my body. I felt my body break and change. I felt my teeth grow longer. I grew to the same height as Annie. She looked at me, startled at what she was seeing. “What in the w—” she started to say. With a powerful force, I slashed at her throat, killing her on the spot. I was panting so hard, trying to catch my breath. When I had calmed down a bit, I looked down at Annie. She lay still on the ground and a lot of blood was spilling from her neck. “No no no no no. “ I said as I crouched down to her. I pressed my hands against her neck trying to stop the bleeding as much as I could. “Annie? Annie? “ I said, slapping her lightly on her face. “Wake up Annie.....
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chapter 149
Freda's POVZack announced to everyone that Annie had left the pack. The staff seemed to whisper among themselves. "She never said she was leaving.""It never seemed like she was ready to leave. ""I thought she was trying to get back with Lord Zack. "Zack cleared his throat and the whispers stopped. "Due to pressing personal matters that surfaced, Annie had to leave. I will appreciate if there are no whispers in her absence. " he said. "You may continue. " he announced. Zack reduced the feast days to two days for my sake. I was in no mood for more celebration. My mind was racing with thoughts. Zack, knowing well that I may not talk much with people. I mean, I just killed someone. And although it was on a basis of self defense, it did not make me feel better. I felt terrible that Annie had to die like that. I never meant harm for her. The mansion was a bit quiet without her. She was usually everywhere trying to take change of every single little thing. She put on a com
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chapter 150
Freda’s povHe faced me. “I presume you have questions for me, young lady. “ he said. “I do. “ I replied. “But first, do come in, please. “ he said as he led us into the cabin. He gave us tea to drink. When he sat down with us, I started, “Mr Peterson, I just discovered that I am a warewolf but I have lived as a human all my life. How is that possible? “ I asked. Mr Peterson sighed. “I think it is time to call for a family meeting. They need to know that you are still alive. They all thought you were dead all these time. “ he said. “What do you mean by family? Is my mom alive? “ I asked, my voice shaking. Mr Peterson got up and left to make the calls. I felt Zack’s hand on my back. “It will be okay. I am right here with you. “ he said. He held my hand in his. I nodded. “Thank you, Zack” I said. I reached out and held his hand. He gave me a little squeeze with a side small. “Always “, he mouthed. He stood up and walked around the living room observing things. The cabin gave
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