All Chapters of Secret Crush: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
90 Chapters
Looking For Trouble 2
"Gross, Chloe. You should go clean up this mess!” Hailey whispered before the teacher sent Ella to the sick bay. She nodded her head and said. "Yes, I'll go grab a shower in the old locker room and come back to join you in the cafeteria.” She said. Chloe looked around her at the people who were there. Some were laughing, some were scrunching up their face at the vomit on her, while others had pity in their eyes. “Y'all shouldn't pity me, I didn't die,” she thought as she grabbed her bag and walked out of the class. She walked to her locker, thankfully she had some clothes there, as she had realized she needed more than one piece of clothing to survive in this school after the mess with Dana. She had remembered seeing her at the party last night giving her the stink eye. Who cared? She sighed and pushed her bag into the locker, then she grabbed a nylon bag she had there, put in the clothes she would be wearing, and walked towards the old locker room in the abandoned building, hopin
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Cat Got Your Tongue?
Zach stood there with her, knowing his plans were working, and his intimidating tactics were on par. He watched as her face flushed and the heat flooded her body from the neck down, and that made him pleased, but he made sure nothing was displayed on his face. There was no way he would smirk after what he had done because even though he enjoyed the kind of uneasiness he had brought her, he knew deep down this was still a violation of her privacy and body, in a way, and it was only something a creep would consider doing. “Maybe you're a creep, a very idiotic one at that!” his mind said to him and he nodded mentally in agreement. Maybe he truly was, because here he was, standing there with his roaming eyes over her body when he should have left the moment that towel dropped from her body. He was reluctant to look at her now, as if he didn't want to do that any longer and he blew out a breath, his chest heaving a little bit, but then his eyes came back up to lock with hers, and his b
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Chloe stood there with tears in her eyes as she watched him leave, asking herself why she had been so angry in the first place. He was right about so many things, and one was the fact that other girls wouldn't have reacted that way. That was true. The majority of them would have concluded he liked that, others would have asked him his reason for that, but she had acted like a fool, and that had brought all of these on. She didn't even care that she was half naked, she wanted to run after him, but she knew he was angry, and would probably fight even more. As the tears rushed down her face, she thought it was better to just let it flow, and she cried, thankful he was gone now because crying in his presence would have embarrassed him even more. She had kept it in as he said those words, and had almost exploded, but she had been able to avoid it until he was gone. If she didn't let it out like this and absorb it in, she was not going to feel better. Quickly, she walked to the sink to
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Visiting Zach
“I'll apologize when he comes over to my house.” That was what she kept telling herself, but it's been two days of the days he was supposed to show up at her house, five days altogether, but he didn't show up. He didn't even show up for movie night on Friday, and Hailey had blamed her for it. Today at school, he had avoided her, and even in the classes they shared on Monday, he didn't show up, but he was in school. She sighed as she dropped her phone on the bed, and then her bag. Dropping on the bed, she closed her eyes. A lot was going through her mind, her assignment, Hailey's drama over Zach's matter and giving her an ultimatum about dragging Zach to movie night if she had to, and her mother's drama. “I don't even have the strength to talk to her.” She said to herself mentally. She thought of what to do about Zach since he was showing up at her house. The best thing was to go to him, she supposed. She would have to go there when she was done getting things together. Standing
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Skipping Heart
Chloe’s heart skipped a beat as she prepared herself to face Zach. She watched Mrs. Fletcher walk away before knocking on the door gently, twice. When she heard a muffled voice ask her to come in, she took a deep breath and pushed open the doors, stepping into a space that reflected his personality.“Oh wow!” she said mentally, looking around at the décor of the room. The room was tastefully decorated with a blend of modern and vintage elements, giving it a comfortable and inviting feel. It was a sanctuary that seemed to encapsulate Zach’s essence.“I can get lost in the feeling this room elude.” She whispered to herself. She was surprised at how well arranged it was, and clean, and she wondered if Zach decorated this room himself and looked after it as well. He sure had a weird but very alluring taste. Although the room was painted black, and the king-sized bed pushed against the wall was all in black, even the sheets on it, the room was still looking so bright and beautiful. She
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Ended In A Fight
In an instant, Zach pushed off the bathroom door and walked toward Chloe. As she instinctively backed away, her back came up against the door, leaving her with no place or room to escape. He intruded on her personal space, placing his hands on both sides of her head against the door. His eyes bore into hers, and she felt her breath catch in her throat.“What are you doing, Zach?” she asked, her voice coming out a little bit shaky. Oh shit, that wasn't good. It was as good as telling him he had gotten to her. Instead of answering, Zach raised his hand to her face to touch her, tracing the pad of his finger against the soft skin there.“Don’t touch me,” she whispered, intending to yell but failing to summon the necessary volume. Despite keeping her gaze fixed on the floor to avoid looking into his eyes; eyes that scared the shit out of her, she could feel the intensity of his stare, as if he was peering into her soul.Damn, she was at his house, his room even, so there was no way she c
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Turmoil Inside
Zach stood there, frozen in place, as Chloe’s defiant words echoed in his mind. Her unexpected visit had caught him off guard, stirring up a flurry of emotions he had never experienced before. It wasn’t anger that surged within him, but a turbulent mix of desire, confusion, and a longing he couldn’t quite comprehend.Damn, he hated she made him feel all of those things. He had never had to feel anything for anyone before, so it shook him. Of all the people in the world, it was this girl he fell for, the one who didn't care what she thought of others, or what she said to them as long as she passed her message across. Imagine that she had said she came here to his house from her place to apologize, only to get into a fight with him, and say all she could just to shake him. As he watched her retreating figure, a battle waged within him. Part of him wanted to chase after her, to hold her in his arms and apologize for every hurtful word he had ever uttered. But another part of him, the p
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Shouldn't Shape Us
Zach found himself on the balcony of his room, seeking solace in the conversation he desperately needed from someone, anyone. He heard a knock on the door of his room, his head turning in his head towards the sound. He wondered who it was at the door but he knew it couldn't be Chloe. She was long gone by now, he was sure. “Come on in,” he said and Mrs. Fletcher poked her head into his room. Mrs. Fletcher was a very caring and wise housekeeper, and he loved it when they had conversations. She greeted him with a warm smile as she walked into his room. “Chloe is gone.” Mrs. Fletcher said and he nodded, and then he started to talk about his confusion and emotions regarding Chloe. “I just don’t know what to do with all these. It’s just so confusing and frustrating for me. She’s right in front of me, yet she looks so out of grasp.” He said. Mrs. Fletcher listened attentively, and she realized that all she could do was provide guidance and reassurance. “You know this isn’t about y
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Long Road Ahead
Zach sat down in his car outside Chloe’s house, thinking about how to say what he wanted to say. It wasn’t going to be easy, not after the way he had treated her when she came over to his house. He was sure she had swallowed her pride to come to him but what had he done? He had just shoved her away with the words of his mouth and action of his words. He should have been more open about the way he felt a long time ago, and not now when all she wanted to do was kill him at sight, and trustfully, he deserved that. Sighing, he rubbed his face with his hand, trying not to do push his hair back because it will make it all messy. Mustering the courage to get out of the car after about half an hour he had been parked out front, he opened the car and walked to the door of the house. Once, then twice, he knocked on the door and took a step back to wait for the door to be open, hoping she was the one that would open the door. He felt that, if she was to reject him on the spot, then his humi
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Shutting Her Up
The next day at school, Zach didn't see Chloe, and it was as if it was her turn to avoid her. He tried to find her at every break, but couldn't and even Hailey wasn't seen as well, which means that they were avoiding him purposefully. Well, he deserved that, he knew that at least, but he also deserved to be given a chance to explain himself to her and apologize. He walked to his next class, the last one of the day with the thought of not seeing Chloe, only to bump into someone's back as the stopped abruptly at the door of the class. Frowning, he grabbed their shoulder to stop them from falling forward, seeing as the collision had been strong. The moment he grabbed her though, he knew who it was he had collided with. Chloe!Her touch told him so, her smell told him so, the way her skin felt under his touch told him so, the way an electrifying zap ran through him told him so. He looked at her now, grabbing her even harder and pulling her to him. In his arms, Chloe struggled to pus
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