All Chapters of MATED TO THE REJECTED ALPHA KING: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
164 Chapters
Chapter 54
Boss's povIn the black market prison*I walked down to the room to my right, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.I had all the support that I could get, and all were ready to work alongside me, and we're all prepared to pull the dealer down. It will not be long before he notices that he cannot exert his control over those that he tends to hold captive."Are we ready now for it, boss? I am so heated up for this. I cannot wait to place my hands on his guards and flush out the living air in their bodies," my slave said to me.I looked back at her, seeing that she could no longer wait and was more angry than I had to expect of her before including her on my list."Not yet; let us wait for the guards to take their positions, and then we are going to break up; no long talks, just go in and kill, and that is all. I hope everyone Is ready to act." I said to her:"Sure they are; that is why we are here. No long talks she replied.I nodded to her in agreement. I looked throughout the pla
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Chapter 54B
Boss's povIn the black market prison*He had immediately rushed down to his door in order to escape from the room, but he was already late, as I had almost caught up with him. There was no going back now. He is now in my hands, and nothing can save him now.I am sure that I am going to deal with him so much that he will not have the chance to mess up again."Move slowly backwards, dealer. And remain where you are," I ordered the dealer as I pointed out my weapon to him."What is this? Are you all mad?" He screams at me.I looked at him in a mean way in order to express my displeasure over his screams."Watch it out, dealer, you are no longer in your territory again, so you have to respect me if you would like to be still breathing the next minute, or I will have to assure you that you will not breathe the next second," I said angrily to him."Who gave you the audacity to move into my office like that? Have you gone nuts?" he barked. "Guards, guardy...!"He screamed, but he did not ge
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Chapter 55
Monica's povWhile in exile*"Let us teach all these guards a lesson that they will never forget when we are out of these cells," the inmates added.This was it.At this point, there was no going back, and the black prison will turn into a very big fighting scene very soon.I watched as AK-50 had to order his guards to do their bidding, and he had to release the other inmates."Break the padlocks; they would fight by our side. Make sure that you show no guard mercy; death is only what is left for them at this point," he ordered his warriors.I peered as they walked down the corridor throughout the cell, breaking all the padlocks in order to free the prisoners and then increase their numbers, both male and female.They had to reach my cell, and they recognised me, and they were confused about what they had to do to my cell."Are we going to break this cell and free these sets of prisoners?" they said to AK-50.He looked at our cell and saw us, but he could not figure out that I was the
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Chapter 55B
Guard's pov*In the black market prison*I rushed down not too far from there section to try to organise guards in order for us to neutralise the situation but it made no sense as they advance more and more faster .But I was not willing to back down as this fight is going to end."Get to the fronts and stop those inmates" I ordered the guards that followed me."Sir, they are already going to the dealer office, I guess that it will not be safe anymore" he said to me trembling."Do not say that, they are just prisoners, what ever you do you would have to bring them down. They can not do anything in here" I said to them "now go and try to stop them. I will follow the other way and then I will catch up with you " "Ok sir, let's go, let's go!" He screams to the guards"Follow me," I said to a part of of the guards as I watched thr other part go in to stop the commotion.I rushed into tje section of AK-407 and her friend and I could not find her there, and I need to divert.They might sur
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Chapter 55C
Guard 001 povIn the black market prison*I looked up and looked at AK-407, and I could not know why it would give me an option to stop.It was not usual, but I will have to bring her to what is currently going on."What did you say?" I said to her."Stop; if she has to take me in order to stop all these fights, so be it. If I am the cause, then she can have her way," she said to me.The boss smiled and glanced back at me, mocking me with her smile."I hope that you have heard what she had to say, so I do not see any reason for you to be here if you are trying to create a scene. I suggest that you just have to think about that again. I am sure that you would have to be wise by now." She said, "It will not be wise to just waste your guards."I looked back at her after hearing all the words that just dropped out of her mouth and gave her a sinister smile."See, I am not the dealer. You should not take me for granted" I spoke up to her "it is not just too necessary for it this time aroun
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Chapter 55D
Monica's povWhile in exile*We left him running until we had lost sight of them in an instant. My friend had faith that guard 001 could try to handle her and her slaves, but I was not that sure, as I was sure that the boss herself was really mad for this, and she was cunning as well, and she would not try to back down on a fight.I would not be too sure if he would hold her down."Come over her," my friend, AK-307, says as he drags me across the big tunnel as we run as much as we can.We heard footsteps at our backs, and all we could do was fasten our steps so that we could reach much further away from them.But It seemed that they would try to come from all the corners.As suddenly as it could be,one of the inmates intercepted us, and I stood shocked, not knowing what to do, but I would not know what would have just happened next.In a flash, my friend immediately moved forward and hit the inmate on the head so badly that it could not take the second hit as it fell down on itself an
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Chapter 56
AK-307 povIn the black market prison*I turned, and they were already on us, and I could not do anything but slow down as I held my friend tight while supporting her to walk.I laid her down on the ground slowly and faced them.The boss came out quickly from the midst of her slaves and scanned the whole place, eventually turning to me and AK-407.I knew her mind, and it was all about that.Only contained bitterness and violence. She wanted Monica, but she could not have her so easily.I looked up to her and saw that her face was not looking good like before. It seems that something must have troubled her and she could not look well.If that were the case, it would be all good news."You bitch, you are going to push me again," she said to me.I glanced up and noticed her anguish, and it became so obvious."I guess you are pained. Nothing else," I said mockingly to her, "well, that has to become the case."She became furious and had to point it out at me."You ended her bitch; you have
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Chapter 57
Monica's povIn the black market prison*I was very weak and laid down there, trying to get into the best form that I could get into so I could come and help my friend in the fight.But my condition will not allow me; I only got better to be awake, not to fight. I have lost all the strength that I would have put into fighting in this space of time.I glanced at my friend as she had to confront the boss all by herself, and I could not lay down so much help for her.The boss was not willing to back down, as she still hunts us till the end of the tunnel, and we could barely escape now as they had already surrounded us."Bring it on. I do not fear you," she said to the boss, showing all her determination to bring her down.We are going to leave here together, but I knew it was not going to be easy as we would have to go through the boss at first before we could get our freedom.The boss signalled to her slaves to attack us, and they had already rounded us up.They ran towards us in order
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Chapter 57B
Monica's povWhile in exile*She looked exhausted, and I had to come to her rescue so quickly.I ran across her, helping distract some of the inmates that had to chase me."Be careful, watch out," AK-307 said to me.I was careful and watchful of the inmates as they tried to catch up on me. I was no match for them, but I had no choice but to try my best.As I ran, one of them jumped and pushed me as we both landed on the floor. I got the painful hit on it.His wolf had held him long enough to fight us, but I was not bothered.I looked around the area and saw a very sharp metal object. I glanced at him. He slowly came up as he tried to take another pounce on me, but this time I had to dodge it.I ran quickly to the sharp metallic object, and he, without knowing, could not realise what was coming for him as I immediately stuck the metal in his skull. I watch him as he blesses and falls."You should try better next time," I spat at him.I was ready for the next inmate as he came in and re
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Chapter 57C
Monica's povWhile in exile*It was strong for me, as I noticed that my face bled a bit, and I was frustrated at first.I touched my face with my hand and wiped out the blood stains on my face and that of the inmate."How was that?" he said. "You are so weak that you would not even have to last, bet."I glanced as AK-307 was taking on the boss, and I had to decide to deceive the wolf. Instead of running towards him. I had to pace immediately to the boss and pretend to be helping my friend.Immediately, it followed me. I retaliated and gave him the same hot that he had to give me harder this time that he could not take as he staggered back.This made him weak, as he got this and fastened his actions towards me. As he fastened, all I could do was take him out with the same power that he had to get out.We faced each other, breathing heavily and checking to see who was going to strike first.He stood there giving me death stares while I prepared for him to strike first, and then I would
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