All Chapters of MATED TO THE REJECTED ALPHA KING: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
164 Chapters
Chapter 84C
Apollo's pov*While in the feast of the Alphas" He looked nervous and I would have wondered why he will ever know someone in the feast and looking surprised at the same time. "This is just a feast, Alpha Aragorn. It seems that you might be seeing different faces. I think that you might need to rest for a while. You know that you have been weak for a very long time," I said as I turned to him."I am not weak, Alpha Apollo and I know very much of what I am talking about. Look here, who is that young lady at that point. I would want to know her, " he said as he pointed his fingers straight to her.Looking in the direction of where he had pointed his fingers, I was surprised as I had already saw the young lady that he was talking about and I was kept wondered by why things would always have to comes up concerning this lady."Oh, that lady there. " I replied to him."Yes, who is she? And what is she doing here?" I would want to know her."Do you know her or maybe heard anything about her
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Chapter 85
Harry's pov*A spy in the Black cities*I had only stayed a few steps away from the black cities, and in that moment. I hid myself in the grass.It was dark and I knew it would be hard for them to see me if I had to carefully pass through them. But I would not underestimate them, I had to be smart and make sure that they would not notice me.Not my first time, and it would not be my last time going as a spy. It was always me and I had gone for this types of operations for Alpha Baxter over the years.I crawl through the grass and slowly paced down.I brought up my head and looked, the guards were trying to prepare a meal for themselves while they were on the watch, and that was it. They were distracted and I had to advance a little bit towards them."Such a nice food man, I knew that you were a good cook" one of them said while having a taste of the food that his mate has cooked. "You could have imagine what he had cooked the other day, an absolute disgrace to this pack," another gua
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Chapter 85B
Harry's pov*A spy in the black cities*I followed her slowly as she goes into her chambers. "You there, join other warriors," a captain said as he saw me not among the warriors.I slowly followed them as they went for patrol. I looked at her and she slowly enter into the path that had led to her chambers.I could not follow her again, but I closely monitored the path that she had took and marked it. As I marched with the warriors outside for the patrol, I moved back slowly until I could be the last person that was on the march. As soon as I noticed that no one was watching me from the back, I quickly slipped out of the line and ran into one of the walls.Following the dark path, it made no one notice that they was someone there passing. I traced my way back but this time, it was outside the walls, slowly monitoring the building that she was. I went and I hid, I stayed behind the building that I highly suspect that she is in and leaned. I looked around it and I saw a tree, I cou
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Chapter 86
Second Maid pov*While in the black cities (Knox is Missing)*In a matter of seconds, they came into the place. As afraid as I could be when they will find out what had happened to him, my shaking hands could not stop. I let go of the glass plate on my hand and it fall on the floor scattering over the place. They looked puzzled on their faces wondering what made me to let go of the glass plate."What, is there any problem?" Monica asked me.I could not answer as she keeps asking me, she would not be able to endure what I will be wanting to tell her. I could have stayed with him throughout while I was with him. I have been careless this time around."What, tell me…" she said to me again."Can you not Speak up, " isdora said to me. Without saying a word I pointed out to the bed in which Knox had layed down on and shook my head. Monica quickly went over to the bed and saw that it was empty.I could not imagine what pain that she will feel if she found out about what had happened to
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Chapter 86B
Alpha Aragorn pov *While in the black cities, Monica in the garden* I came out feeling so strong and energetic, it was lovely in the black cities and I had enjoyed my stay through out the night. I looked around the city of Alpha Apollo and it was good, he really followed his father's steps in everything that he had done. Looking out in the window and trying to remember why I was here, something had triggered me. I could remember it now, "I was here to see Monica," I thought to myself. I had to see her immediately and as soon as possible. Going into my chambers that has been prepared for me by Alpha Apollo and left with me are some servants to help me. I had quickly prepared to go out. After some minutes, I was already ready to go and I strolled round the royal house of the Alpha, guided by some servants, I was taken directly to a place where Monica had stayed. I was almost entering the building to look for her when I immediately spotted her outside the building. I loo
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Chapter 87
Alpha Baxter's pov *He is in my dreams, My Child is Back* I always go on to the woods and take a look around the place, My beta, harry is not yet back in the pack and I am gradually loosing my patience day by day. But I was sure of his abilities, he must have to come back to me with some good news. The black cities will never see this. I beat myself and I was sure of it. I smelt it everywhere and it made sense, the oracle, the black cities…. It was all about war, but I will doubt if I was the cause of that. This morning was just like all other mornings in the trinity pack, but this time, I felt something strange in me in this particular morning. I felt something was going to happen so suddenly and unexpectedly, It was an aroma that has filed the air that has surrounded me this morning. After Dressing up this morning, I went to the upper corners of my chambers where I could see the view of the trinity pack. Scanning the whole place around, I never thought that I could see som
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Chapter 87B
Alpha Baxter's pov*The untold truth*******I opened my eyes and all of a sudden, they were all around me. They had ambushed me with their claws dripping in blood, Telling me to surrender to them. I did not know what was happening at that moment until I get to notice it little by little."What is this, let me me go!" I yelled out to them."Surrender, Alpha Baxter. You have no where to go now,"one of them spoke up to me in his anger."Or what happens, you cannot do anything! Whether you kill me or not, I will surely have to come to you. So it will be wise for you to let go now," I barked out. "If you did not surrender, then we are going to kill him" he said looking with mocking smile across his face as he pointed to the little lad by the corner.I looked up at it as I was tempted to grab the little lad, immediately they had resisted me the more."You are not going to kill him," I said out to the warrior with my child. "My pack is going to come for you and I will surely tear you from
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Chapter 87C
Baxter's pov*The Alf pack* (the storm sets…)It took me a day before I could reach the Alf pack, I had to me all those that are loyal to me and it includes all of utopia and none of left behind. I have already conquered the whole place and it is now mine. I could have sent my chief warrior to the Alf pack for negotiations, but I decided that I would be the one to go personally on this and that was just because of one reason.Monica…I would help control things more in this part of utopia for my own benefits. I stopped at it's gate as my warriors had followed me, they walked until they had reached the gate. They went on to inquire about the opening of the gate from the Alf keepers. "Open up, you wolf," one of my warriors shouted up above."And why should we do that, do you not see that there is a little cold out here," the Alf wolf said to my warriors as the Alf wolves have laughed at each other, " so, who is this that you have plan on coming into the Alf pack."The Alpha of the t
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Chapter 88
Alpha Baxter's pov*In the Alf pack*She walks back at me slowly and the more she waste more time trying to reveal the truth to me, the more that I get angry.I was so uncomfortable that I would not want to show my disappointment at that moment in the face of Alpha Watkins, but I will have to put her in a place sonner or later."So, what do you want to know?" She asks me."I would want to know everything bitch, what happened to him? What killed Alpha Knox?" I scolded her.She came close to me staring at me for long."Yeah I killed him and so what? What do you care? I poisoned him… he was too weak for being an Alpha that he could not even respect his queen and what do you now do… you come the long way and requested for his daughter to be sold to you," she said softly in my ears."And then, I sold it off to you. You have what you want, we do not have any business in common again" she said in an instant."Is that so!" I spat at her. "If I were you, I would not have to say that," "You ar
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Chapter 89
Monica's pov*While in the black cities (My Knox Is Still Missing)*I had seen it all. I have seen the storm pass and still, it will always get rainy ready for another storm.I sat all alone in my room thinking about him all day, sometimes I would want to go back to Alpha Baxter but something would always draw me back.If he has truly changed, why would he have to steal my child? My only source of joy that I have ever had. I was not thinking well about this and all round thoughts clouded my mind.I did not like it and I would not want to wish for it. For a moment, I was getting happier and now, I am thinking about the man that has put me in this very mess that I am in. It was not good and I had felt bad all day long."Ma, I have made some light food for you to eat, I hope that you would have something now," isdora said out to me.She has been taking care of me this while time, and she could not watch me drain myself like this, but what should I do. I have already decided on my own.
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