Semua Bab Enslaved By The Cursed Alpha: Bab 61 - Bab 70
77 Bab
Chapter 61: The unexpected turn
It had been a week since Yennifer had slipped into a coma, and Henry's heart was breaking. He had never felt so helpless, so powerless. He had spent every moment by her side, watching as she lay there, unmoving and unresponsive.When the doctor had told him that Yennifer had slipped into a coma, Henry's heart had burned with a fierce anger. He couldn't believe that this had happened, that he had let things get so out of hand. He knew that he was to blame, that if only he had listened to what she had to say and not taken a rash decision, then none of this would have happened.As he sat there, watching Yennifer's chest rise and fall with each labored breath, Henry couldn't help but feel a sense of despair. He knew that the longer she remained in a coma, the less likely it was that she would ever wake up. And he couldn't bear the thought of losing her, of never hearing her voice again, of never seeing her smile.He thought back to the last time he had se
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Chapter 62: Illumination
As Yennifer slowly emerges from her coma, a flicker of awareness begins to ignite within her, illuminating her surroundings. The world around her appears hazy and indistinct, as if seen through a dense fog. Her eyelids flutter open, revealing a pair of tired, searching eyes.With a groan of pain, Yennifer tries to move but is met with a sharp jolt of agony resonating through her head. A throbbing headache pulsates behind her temples, causing her to wince. The pain intensifies as she attempts to sit up, but her weakened body rebels against her will.Confusion envelops Yennifer's thoughts, as she struggles to comprehend her predicament. Her throat feels parched, dry and scratchy like a desert. The need for water is overwhelming. She tries to speak, but her voice comes out as nothing more than a hoarse whisper, barely audible even to her own ears.In a panic, Yennifer's eyes dart around the unfamiliar room, searching for any clue that might indicate her locat
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Chapter 63: Realm of dreams
Yennifer lay peacefully in her bed, her eyes heavy with sleep. As her mind drifted into the realm of dreams, she found herself standing under a celestial canopy, bathed in the ethereal glow of the moon. A sense of awe washed over her as she realized she was in the presence of the Moon Goddess herself.The Moon Goddess was an ethereal figure, with long flowing silver hair that shimmered like moonlight. Her eyes held the wisdom of countless ages, and she radiated an aura of tranquility and grace. Yennifer felt a mix of awe and trepidation as she stood before this divine presence.The Moon Goddess spoke, her voice melodic and soothing. "Yennifer, child of the Earth, I have come to you in your slumber to offer guidance and solace." Her words held a deep resonance that seemed to touch Yennifer's very soul.Yennifer's heart skipped a beat. "Goddess, why have you chosen to visit me in my dreams?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper.The Moon Goddess sm
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Chapter 64: Restless
Henry, being the alpha King of the his pack, found himself restless, pacing back and forth in his majestic chamber. The weight of his responsibilities pressed down upon him, while his mind wandered to thoughts of the enchanting Yennifer, trapped in a coma for far too long. The news of her awakening had reached his ears, causing his heart to skip a beat and his soul to yearn for her presence.Torn between his desire to rush to her side and the duty he owed to his pack, Henry felt the internal struggle intensify. He knew that his subjects relied on his leadership, his guidance, and his protection. The kingdom he ruled required his unwavering commitment, but his heart was consumed by the burning desire to see Yennifer, to hold her in his arms once more.He gazed out of the towering window, watching the moon casting its silvery glow on the sprawling forest that surrounded the kingdom. The haunting howls of his fellow werewolves echoed in the distance, reminding him of
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Chapter 65: Mischievous
Thalia walked into the room with a confident stride, a mischievous smirk playing on her lips. Her eyes scanned the dimly lit space until they landed on Yennifer, who was sitting in a corner, her body tense and her movements rigid. Yennifer's actions resembled those of someone on the autism spectrum, lost in her own world.As Thalia approached, Yennifer's eyes widened with fear and confusion. She screamed out, demanding to know who Thalia was and what she wanted. Thalia remained calm, her smirk growing wider as she observed Yennifer's agitated state."You really don't remember, do you?" Thalia replied, her voice dripping with amusement. "It seems your condition has worsened, Yennifer. You don't even recognize your dearest friend."Yennifer's screams grew louder, echoing off the walls of the room. Thalia, concerned for Yennifer's well-being, urged her to calm down and suggested calling a doctor. "Yennifer, please," Thalia pleaded. "We need to get y
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Chapter 66: Anticipation
Henry gazed out through the car window, his heart pounding with anticipation. Months of being away from his kingdom, his people, and most importantly, his love, Yennifer, had felt like an eternity. But now, as he drew closer to his home, the anticipation of their long-awaited reunion burned through his veins like fire.As the car rolled through the majestic gates, Henry's guards aligned themselves in perfect formation, standing tall and vigilant. The sound of their synchronized footsteps resonated in the crisp autumn air, creating an aura of power and authority. The moment had finally arrived. It was time for Alpha Henry to step out of the carriage and reclaim his rightful place as the ruler of the kingdom.One of his trusted guards approached the entrance, his hand reaching out to gracefully open the door. With a deep breath, Henry emerged from the car, stepping onto the cobblestone path. As he did, he exuded an air of confidence and regality that was unmista
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Chapter 67: Echoes
Henry walked out of Yennifer's room, his footsteps echoing in the quiet hallway. He looked back for a moment, ensuring that she had finally succumbed to slumber, her troubled mind finding solace in sleep. But as he closed the door gently behind him, something else consumed him entirely - an unsettling fury burning deep within his chest.The anger that coursed through Henry's veins was ignited by the letter he had received from Thalia while he was away. Thalia's words claimed that Yennifer was much better, her condition improving significantly. But Henry couldn't fathom why she had chosen to lie to him. The betrayal gnawed at his heart, leaving an ache that begged for many answers.As he made his way to his own room, his steps heavy and burdened, Henry fought to contain the storm brewing inside him. He felt deceived and manipulated, unsure of who to trust. Yennifer's mental instability had shattered their once blissful existence, leaving him adrift in
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Chapter 68: desperate
Thalia paced back and forth in her small, dimly lit room, her mind racing with conflicting emotions. Confused and desperate, she wracked her brain for excuses, desperately trying to concoct a plan that would keep her from getting punished by the Alpha. She couldn't bear the thought of losing him to Yennifer, the alluring and manipulative rogue who seemed to have ensnared his attention.As the assigned caretaker for his autistic mate, Thalia knew that her position was delicate. The Alpha trusted her, relying on her to provide gentle and patient care for his mate without realizing the tangled web of emotions that ensnared her. She had long harbored secret feelings for the Alpha, her heart yearning for a deeper connection. Losing him to Yennifer would be a crushing blow, one that she couldn't bear.In the dimly lit room, the flickering candlelight cast shadows on the walls, mirroring the turmoil within Thalia's heart. She closed her eyes, images of the
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Chapter 69: Bright skies
In the depths of Yennifer's dreams, under the moonlit sky, she found herself face-to-face with the ethereal Moon Goddess. Yennifer's tears flowed freely as she poured out her anguished heart before her divine presence."Great Moon Goddess," Yennifer's voice trembled as she spoke, her words carrying the weight of her pain. "I yearn to forget the torment that Henry brought into my life. The wounds he inflicted upon my soul ache deeply, and I wish for release from this suffering."With each word, Yennifer's voice grew more strained, carrying the weight of her unexpressed emotions. She lamented the missed opportunity to share her side of the story, the unspoken words that she was unable to convey to Henry. The sheer injustice of being unable to defend herself gnawed at her heart.The Moon Goddess listened, her radiance casting gentle shadows upon Yennifer's face. She reached out, her luminous touch comforting, attempting to console the distraugh
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Chapter 70: Glistening Fur
With his sleek black fur glistening under the moonlight, Henry patrolled the borders of his pack, his senses heightened to every sound and scent that permeated the air.As the powerful leader of his pack, Henry had always prided himself on maintaining order and ensuring the safety and prosperity of his pack members. However, tensions had been building between his pack and the rival pack, led by Alpha Gabriel, for some time now. Rumors of Gabriel's pack members encroaching upon their territory had reached Henry's ears, and he knew he needed to address the situation before it escalated further.Beneath his calm exterior, a deep-seated anger simmered within Henry's heart. His loyal beta, Marcus, sensed this growing unrest and approached him cautiously, his golden eyes reflecting concern."Alpha Henry, the pack is growing restless," Marcus began. "They feel threatened by Alpha Gabriel's actions, and they look to you for guidance. We must act swiftly."
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