All Chapters of His Mafia Queen: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
92 Chapters
Chapter 80
Mia I open my eyes and gently touch my stomach with a relieved sigh. Thank God I am not dead or in any pain. "You are awake" I look beside me and nod at Matt. Fabio, Kayla, and Rico's mother are also here. "Oh dear, you got us worried" Rico's mum quickly takes my right hand in hers and Kay takes my left. Both women sit on my sides as they worriedly stare at me. "I am, okay" I mutter ignoring the slight headache. I try sitting up and Rico's mum quickly helps me up and places pillows behind me to lean on. This reminds me of the cruel woman who gave birth to me. "What happened?" I question looking at Fabio, no one was home when I was attacked. "When we took your mum, we were attacked on the way by Maxim's men. We were fighting them when she took the chance to escape with some of the men. We lost them and we didn't know where to search so we went in the wrong direction. When we came home, the guards we left at the house were all tied up in the cell. We didn't find you so I calle
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Chapter 81
Mia. I kiss Rico with my all. I can't believe he regained his memories. This is the best news I have heard all my life. "I love you so much, babe" I hold his cheeks and lovingly stare at him. I missed him so much. Heaven knows how happy I am right now. "I love you too, princess. Are you feeling, okay? You are not hurting anywhere are you?" Rico places his palm on my tummy and I smile shaking my head. I am perfectly fine, especially now that he is here. I gently hold his head when he lifts my shirt and places a gentle kiss on my stomach. Well, this is a first. "You know what?" Rico smiles kissing my forehead. This is one of his rear smiles and they always make my heart jump in ecstasy. "No. Tell me" I eagerly whisper. "We are having twins. Isn't that amazing?" Rico blurts out, and all color drains from my face. "What?" Oh! Fuck, I am in trouble. No doubt I will grow fat and lazy. Is that why I eat a lot of food? Kay was right. Why didn't Kay have twins too? " Are you sure? Who sa
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Chapter 82
Mia. After making the phone calls, the guys decided to meet up at Rico's for further discussions. I am lucky because all of them agreed without a second thought. "Should we check now?" Rico begs and I shake my head in refusal. He is more eager than I am."No. Let it be a surprise, Rico. We will know their genders when I give birth" I sweetly smile at him and he frowns instead. I am going to frustrate this man until he gives up on getting me pregnant again. "But what about buying baby stuff? You know we should start preparing earlier, right?" I wish I shared the same enthusiasm for kids as my man does. He will be a perfect father, just like mine. However, both of us should be okay with every step we are taking. Rico needs to consider what I want in this life too. I have been living in a criminal world all my life. I am about to liberate myself, and I should be able to enjoy the freedom of a free world without having to pop out babies every now and then. I wanna enjoy my young years
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Chapter 83
Mia. I chuckle at the sight of Sean. Miracles do happen after all. After betraying me, he came back only to pretend nothing happened. To make matters worse, he is actively drinking and laughing with everyone. "Is that...? " Neera follows my gaze and I nod. Such people need to be eliminated instantly. Traitors are a very lethal poison."Yes, it's Sean. You want to keep your job, right?" I face her and she quickly nods. " Good. Bring me his head and you will be greatly rewarded" The playfulness from earlier is completely wiped from my face and so is Neera. I think at this point, I need to be smart enough to get Maxim. As they say, when the leader is gone, the puppets won't be there anymore. Maxim's people will keep coming all day and all night."I will help, beautiful" Ed follows Neera and I walk into the house in search of Fabio. It doesn't take me long to find him. He, Carl, Rico, and Marcus are sitting together and they appear to be in a deep conversation. They instantly stop
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Chapter 84
Mia. "Mum, I am hungry" I whine hugging her from behind and she chuckles. Rico's mother loves it when I address her as Mum. This also means she will give me a whole lot of food. I must be carrying two hungry men in my stomach. "I know, honey. I can tell" She stretches her hand to grab a plate and I pull away to give her space. This woman can cook. The sight of the fried chicken makes my mouth water. So brown and delicious. The aroma doesn't lie. "Here" She hands me a plate full of chicken and I don't waste any more seconds. I moan at the first bite, so spicy and crunchy. Goodness! It's like an orgasm in my mouth. "Go take a sit" She gently pushes me forward and I nod walking to the living room where Rico and his friends are sitting. I silently sit on Rico's welcoming lap and once again, their whispering stops. From how the guys are staring at me, I can tell they are silently gossiping about my eating habits in their heads, and it makes me self-conscious. " Did I do something wrong
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Chapter 85
Rico. "Is this how you treat, Kay?" I turn to Carlos the moment Mia leaves the room. "No. Of course not, Rico. It's just I am trying but sometimes that baby keeps crying and it's tiring you know" Carl defensively gets up and approaches me. "Don't you care that she gets tired too? She was crying for fuck sake" I whisper yell so as not to wake up the baby. "I feel bad about it, okay? That's why I am going to talk to her" Carl instantly pulls his shirt to join his wife in the bathroom but I quickly hand over his son to him. "That can wait, at least tuck your son to sleep first. I support her leaving for the two days. Don't dump all the responsibility on your wife" I whisper feeling so disappointed. I never knew this was how he behaved. "You will help me, right? I mean, if she goes to her dad's""Sadly, no, brother. In case it escaped your mind, I have a pregnant woman who needs as much care as the baby in your arms" I shake my head walking out of my guestroom. My brother is a lot o
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Chapter 86
Mia. I sadly sigh after listening to their conversation. Men think just because they have muscles and all, they are invincible. Why don't they go after Maxim and see what happens? Even the guy I love doesn't trust me. Pff. Thank God I have Fabio. "Do you need a place to sleep or are you returning home?" I rejoin Alessio and Nicole. He wanted to say hi to Rico, only to find him in the middle of doubting my decisions. "It's too crowded here, bunny. We will be back in the morning if that's okay with you" Alessio mumbles, throwing his heavy arm on my shoulder. What do these guys eat?"It's okay, I think I should call it a day too," I say imagining myself in those soft and warm covers. "How are you holding up? A lot has happened..." When his eyes sadden, I quickly shake my head understanding where his mind is going. My bitchy mother. "I am fine Alessio, there was no other way out" I glance at Nicole and slightly smile. She must still be upset that I killed her brother. "Okay, you t
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Chapter 87
'Rico. "How is Mia?" Mum eagerly asks whisking eggs. "She is, okay," I answer with a slight smile. I woke up early to surprise her with breakfast in bed. My mum being the best, was already up and offered to help me. I pour the freshly squeezed orange juice into a glass and set it on a tray. "I am so proud of you, Rico, seeing you care this much for Mia makes me feel at ease. We have come a long way, baby, promise one thing?" Mother turns to me and palms my cheeks. She has unshed tears in her eyes and I wonder if I did wrong. "Anything, mum" I assure with a nod. "Baby, promise me you will never take advantage of that girl. You should never treat her the way your dad treated me. She is carrying our babies son, be careful with her, yeah?." Her voice breaks and I deeply furrow my brows. Why in hell will I do that? "Hey, mum of course. You know I will never lay my hand on her" I frantically shake my head in refusal. I can't imagine doing that. "She is your responsibility, Rico. She o
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Chapter 88
Rico. We are led to a huge room on the second floor that I never knew existed. A conference room. There are a few people already sitting including Fabio, Alessio, and the infamous Nikolai. "Where is Mia?" Fabio enquires, expectantly looking behind us " Maxim will be here any minute from now" He adds and I nod, pulling out my phone. Mia picks up on the first ring and her pretty voice speaks up making me happy. "Rico" She murmurs, "Are you coming yet? Fabio says Maxim is already here""Urg, Fabio again. A girl needs her time, Rico. It's men's job to wait" She chuckles and I slightly smile. So she is doing this on purpose. "Take your time, baby, I love you" I turn to Fabio and find him scowling at me. "What?" I shrug with a chuckle. "Thank you for helping, Rico" He sarcastically mumbles, and I turn to Alessio who is frantically typing away on his laptop. "Sup, friend?" I say, gently bumping his shoulder. "You owe me drinks, Rico. Friends don't forget friends" He stops typing
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Chapter 89
Rico. The long-awaited party is finally here and I have never seen Mia so happy since I met her. She has been bubbly since Maxim signed those papers. The girl kept me up all night talking about what she was going to wear to the party, the plans for the future, and more relevant and irrelevant stuff, not that I am complaining. As soon as the clock ticked 6 am, she dashed out of bed and I had to shout after her to be careful. As the man of the house, I need to wake up even though I didn't blink the whole night. I don't bother putting on a shirt as I walk out of the room to go after her. "Do you have a date?" I hear her voice from the kitchen and I follow it. "Yes, baby. Two" Diego answers and I sigh sitting on the counter. Looks like Diego is the only one around and he is already cooking. "Give me more pancakes and eggs, and I will arrange for two hot girls to give you a lap dance. Who knows where that dance can lead" Mia whispers, and I hold myself from laughing. Of course that's D
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