All Chapters of My Italian Billionaire : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
53 Chapters
It didn't take us very long to arrive at the art gallery. And when we got inside I was amazed. All of the paintings looked extraordinary and it was very thoughtful that he brought me to my favourite art gallery. Art is subjective but a lot of art lovers can be quite judgmental. I don’t really want to be an artist when I’m older. I wanna do something that involves art like maybe a graphic designer. You do the art and get payed a pretty penny. I’ll always love art though. I’ve loved it ever since I was younger, my dad was big on painting. He painted whatever he saw pretty much and what he had painted was beautiful. Once he was done, he’d keep them locked away and then come back to look at them for memories. Some of the art though, with my mothers encouragement, had made it onto the walls. He was a great painter and it’s what inspired me to pick art. He still paints but I rarely see it anymore. I went back to admiring the art. Each of these art pieces have a meaning to them, the hard and
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Gabriella POVI had just arrived home and that date, sorry get together was just amazing and I thankfully didn't ruin it. As I got out of Luciano's car, I said my goodbyes."Thanks for today. It was really...nice. And I think you deserve a congratulations on how impressive you made it. I agree, you’re not a super bad guy. Could use some work though.” "Of course anytime oh and also, the roses were for you please have them and keep the dress. I’m telling you, it really does look good on you amore mio.” He handed me the big bouquet of roses, the amore mio’s always made me blush…"I'm not really good with flowers though so I’m just going to say this in advance I’m sorry if they end up dying in like a day.” "Well it’s a good thing you are roommates with a flower lover, have you not seen my sisters massive collection on flowers? She adores them and has a billion facts about flowers so all you have to do is make up a darn good excuse and then you'll be able to keep it ok? And, you know what
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The words of Amara kept replaying in my head. I would be stooping very low if I dated Luciano. But why? That was the question I was repeatedly asking myself. That date with Luciano was amazing. Though it was only my first date with him and my first date ever…I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. He was sweet and thought about how to make me feel special. I’d never had or experienced that with anyone. He’d given me a new perspective on what a good guy could be like and so I’m not seeing why she doesn’t want me to see him as an option.Ugh this is just great, I was actually starting to get used to him and I kinda guess that I had a bit of hope here, a little hope that I could be with him one day. It’s crazy. And dumb. And very very stupid. But gosh, if you had been with him on that date…through out the whole date I kept getting lost in his gorgeous eyes and when they looked at me it made me feel like the most special in the world. It made me feel like all of these girls that he’s been
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Luciano POV After our first date, I’d tried avoiding Gabriella but she kept texting me and I couldn’t ignore her. For the plan. I can’t be around her though. That has been my main ambition because more than I would like to admit, Gabriella Rosa has been on my mind, every. fucking. second. of. the. day. I had purposefully walked the other way when I’d seen her around the school halls because I could not stand to be in the same space as her. Because I’d felt like I’d want to kiss her. On the lips this time and that was all I was thinking about. I met her because she wanted to, for the plan I followed through. But gosh it felt like torture. I still think about that one little kiss she gave me, how can they ever leave my mind? My friends had been texting me questions about how everything’s going and all I wanted to do was to tell them to shut up. I’m starting to really realise how much they need to change. The reason why we were actually friends was because we all thought the same things
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I had fallen asleep on the couch and had just now woken up, it's currently 8 am, too early to be waking up but thank goodness because I hadn't set an alarm the night before and I have a lecture at 10 so better get ready then. I stood and went up to my room but it was completely trashed, my stuff was thrown around everywhere what the fuck happened here. The first thing that came to mind however was to find the painting Luciano had gotten me, I didn't care about the art supplies surrounding the floor. If that painting, my first ever one and a gift at that was broken? I was gonna go crazy. I began searching left and right and to no avail it wasn't there. My heart beat quickened and I felt tears of frustration and annoyance creeping up in my eyes. It is far too early to be crying but that painting...I went to wake up Amara only to find her already up, she was on her phone smiling widely. She looked guilty, but why would she do this to me? What could I have done to her?"What the actual hec
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It's been about a few days now and I still haven't seen Luciano. It does suck but, it’s teaching me some self discipline. Maybe, I should call my mom? It’s been dwelling on my mind for a few days now. I want to actually update her about what’s been happening in my life so far. She doesn’t know that much, I do contact my parents of course they’re my parents but it’s not as much as I’d like. It’s weekly but right now I really need to call her. After my parents divorce, she had to adjust to life without a person she’s known and loved for ages. Though our situations aren’t really all that similar because well I don’t ‘love’ Luciano, I wanna ask her about what I should do. These few weeks have been pretty shitty. Amara has been ignoring me and acting like I don't even exist. I mean I get that she’s mad and yes I knew that if she did ever find out she’d be of course mad at me but ugh. I wish things were different. I wish that she’d forgive me but that seems almost impossible. Whenever I see
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Gabriella's POVVincent, had invited me to have lunch with him but for some reason, he chose the worst place, the place that I've been heavily avoiding. The cafeteria. I don't like going there much anymore, I usually just grab my lunch then go eat it somewhere else. This is all because of the events that happened that one time, that one small time that I went there with Luciano. But of course, I said yes because well we all have to face our fears sometimes right? Also, I need to tell him that I’m heading to visit my mom for a bit. I don’t know exactly how long I want to stay there for but hey, we’ll plan as we move on. I spotted Vincent sitting by himself on a table, when he saw me, a smile appeared on his face and he waved me over. "I saved us the whole table so that nobody could bother us." I cleared my throat."Wow is that so Vincent? Thanks, that's so thoughtful that you didn't want us to be distracted. I appreciate that a lot. I have to tell you something by the way.” Ok so I di
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On The Trip - I haven't talked to Luciano since my time here. No texts, no sure as hell calls, nothing. And in the mean time what I have been doing instead is hanging out with my mom. When I came, I’d burst into tears. Happy to be back, happy to see her and annoyed and upset at Luciano. Apart of the cry was also the pain I felt from Amara. I told my mom about everything that happened when I’d left. She is not for Luciano right now but she’s currently elaborate more on why he could’ve done that. She’s very good at relationship advice though she’s divorced. We’re currently on the beach and enjoying the ocean view and the sun. “He’s a good guy deep down. I believe there’s a good person deep down in each and every person even your dad. He…when we first met I hated his guts. All he ever did was annoy me. He’d always make fun of my work and make fun of me when I failed a test, he was an absolute ass and a menace. But I knew that he wasn’t really like that. My favourite Disney movie, is bea
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After Luciano had left my apartment, I started to get in my head. What is so wrong with his brother anyway? He seems like he really hates him. I don't think that Amara knows anything, like she said she thinks her brother is the best so she must be just as clueless as me here. I probably shouldn't ask Vincent either since he's apart of this mess. So you know what that means, time to take a trip through g****e.Ok, so after looking through about 30 articles, yes 30 articles, I think that I've finally got a good article that explains some stuff. It mentions something about this girl Bella and Vincent? I decided to check it out, how bad could it really be huh? Wow. Never mind what I said, this article is bad. I took a look through the article, and let's just say this I can not believe this actually happened in real life. It could be fake but I don’t think so. Apparently 'Bella' used to date Luciano however she was cheating on him with Vincent. His brother. That’s probably why he got all j
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When I reached home, I went straight to my dorm and first screamed into my pillow. I screamed for a good minute and then I pulled out my phone and texted Luciano to come and meet me for that date tonight. I know it’s sudden but I need need need to distract myself. And also I didn’t even get to ask my questions about the article because the evil witch that is Bella came into the conversation with the ‘I’m his girlfriend card’ and he pulled the ‘she’s no body’ card. I’m no one to you? I’m not even mad that he may have lead me on I’m mad that he didn’t even classify me as a friend. I mean really? He saw me as lower that unimportant that he called me a nobody? Ugh if that fucker was here right now, I’d deal with him with my hands. Luciano would never do that to me. I know that. He’s better than Vincent.I stood up and went to go to the toilet but I stopped at the mirror curious to see what I look like. I look like I’ve just woken up. I checked my text messages and yes, he’s texted back. Th
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