All Chapters of When The Wrong One Loves You Right: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
75 Chapters
EVELYN, DORIS, and Julia sat at the kitchen table of Julia's house, munching on Sweet potato and blue cheese frittata conversing on one thing or the other. Evelyn had come to take her belongings with Doris to return to Jason's mansion when Julia proffered homemade lunch before they leave. Evelyn ran her fork across the food as the conversations and laughter seemed to fade away while her thoughts took dominance. She had managed to read the rest of the third diary throughout last night and Evelyn was bothered by some of what she had read in her sister's diary. She forked a mouthful of frittata into her mouth as her mind took her back to her sister's diary.~~ ~~ Clarissa's friendship with Jason thrived further even though they were imprisoned in a web of lies. Nothing stood in their way. Well, not until Jason's lover, Diane Smithson had come into the picture. Diane was all over the map. She practi
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UNCONSCIOUSLY, EVELYN dragged the quilt up her body. She had totally forgotten her baby bump was getting slightly noticeable, especially with no clothes on. How could she have been so reckless? "Evy... Relax! You don't need to get insecure about your body. I noticed you've gained more weight and... gotten quite chunkier..." he added, pulling her cheek. Evelyn swatted his hand off, feigning annoyance. "Heyyyy!" Jason chuckled mischievously. "But honey, it looks good on you. You look absolutely beautiful any way you are. So eat as much as you want. As long as you are healthy." Evelyn released a breath she didn't know she was restricting. She almost thought her secret was out. Sooner or later the truth would come out. Sooner or later she would have to confide in him. But she still felt a part of her restricting her from letting him in. She needed time to come to terms with herself before she came clean completely. But for now... she had to try limiting any form
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CELEBRITY FAKE RELATIONSHIP! The headline screamed. Jason read the article over and over again in disbelief. The news was worse than when he had been in the false relationship scandal. Whoever was responsible for this wasn't the least bit mild or tactful about the details. It was as if they seeked retaliation of some sort. Plus, they also had access down to the little bit of information from the day they met down to their relationship contract which was absurd because the reporters who were that good at excavating such information were all on this side and well-paid to contact him first before divulging such information about him to the world. Whoever was behind this must have connections comparable to his. The news was everywhere. Photos, videos, and voice recordings were all over the internet. Most of which he had no recollection of them ever occurring. He couldn't think of anyone who would do this to him. His father had vowed on that day, after the moment they share
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"WHAT IS it that you want, Evelyn?" Diane said the moment she saw Evelyn at her doorstep. "I'm in a hurry. I have to be somewhere. Come back later." She tried to shut the door but Evelyn stuck a foot, hindering its motion. A humorless smile with a flicker of creepiness spread across her face. "Oh? No worries. This won't take long," she pushed her way through the front door and walked toward her. Each stride left a trace of a dark, menacing aura in its wake. Evelyn, still incredibly composed, scanned the place with her eyes while Diane watched her in an affronted silence. Then her eyes fell upon two suitcases along each other. "Going somewhere?" Diane tucked her arms across her breast. "I already stated that previously." Evelyn snorted a derogatory laugh and turned to face her. "So... You're going to run off after stirring the mud? You still haven't changed a bit, you're still a heartless witch." "I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about," Diane replied, relaxed, and wi
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IT WAS already dark outside when Evelyn fluttered her eyes open. Jason who hadn't left her side even for a second, exhaled in relief as he caress her face. "Hey! You're awake." Evelyn blinked, but this time her eyes were clearer as they scanned the room. She was disoriented and confused. "I know this is a cliché, but where am I?" She spoke wearily. Jason grinned. "You're in the hospital. How do you feel?" Evelyn considered sitting up, but her body felt so sore and her head... she groaned, clenching her head... God! Her head felt as if explosives were going off in there. She gave up the consideration instantly. "My head is throbbing!" "It's probably due to the concussion." "Oh." Her smooth brow furrowed. "How long have I been out?" "About ten hours." "Ten hours?" Her eyes widened. Surprise had them clearing a bit. Jason nodded. "Yeah. And I've been going crazy every one of them." That coaxed a faint smile from her. He could see her eyes losing
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AFTER JASON walked away, Evelyn found herself feeling sadness, regret, and confusion all at the same time. She was worried about what he was thinking and planning to do. She queried her own choices and wondered if she'd made a mistake by not telling him about Livvie the moment she'd found out. She began to replay their earlier conversation in her head. She was wondering what she could have said differently, and whether she should have been more open with him. But at the same time, she knew that it was a complicated situation. And she was not sure either how he would have reacted if she had told him sooner. She lay in the hospital bed, looking at the ceiling. She felt the weight of everything that'd happened pressing down on her, and it was making it hard to breathe. When she stopped with her inner monologue, she started to notice how quiet the room was. All she can hear was the soft beeping of the heart monitor and the distant sound of the nurses talking in the hallway.
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TWO DAYS after Evelyn was discharged from the hospital, the rave about their relationship was still booming. Reporters and angry fans were still hovering around them like flies. She left the hospital the next night after she was admitted. Though the doctor had talked about staying one more day, she was better and there was no point staying. All her tests had come back with good results. Plus, she felt very uncomfortable in hospitals. Her work assistants had taken turns visiting her. They dropped by in the morning and evening bearing flowers and updates on how the showroom was going... which was not relatively great. The showroom was constantly vandalized by angry fans and the walls were aerosolized with all sorts of ferocious, vulgar words. She'd instructed them to stay away from the showroom for a while till the situation blew over a bit. Evelyn push down the window switch and watched it slide down before she stuck her head out of the car, letting the hot afternoon br
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"I Think I have an idea of how you would end this "world war forever"?" Livvie said in a mouthful of rice, beans, and Carne asada. The entire family— including Jason were sitting around the kitchen table, dining. Evelyn's mother had readied one of her signature dishes and had asked him to stay for dinner just before he was about to leave. Of course, Jason had accepted with no hesitation. How could he give up such an opportunity? Evelyn frowned. "World War forever...?" She reiterated confused. "What's that?" "Oh, yeah. That's what the Jasoniacs are calling this whole catastrophe," Livvie responded flatly. "Oh!" The Jasoniacs was the name of Jason's fandom. Brutal set of humans! "How about you prepare a press release addressing the public about this issue?" Livvie continued. "I mean, tell them the whole drama about your relationship. How it turned out from a fake to an actual love relationship. Give them all the seasonings. The sentiments. If possible
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THREE DAYS to Jason's BDB— Birthday Bash— and Evelyn was still struggling to assemble the perfect dress for the occasion. The fabrics and designs were already prepared but she kept messing up the dress. The fashion perfectionist in her was hindering her from creating the dress according to the initial design. She kept making last minutes alterations until the entire thing was wrecked into every designer's worst nightmare. Evelyn was anxious about this whole party. She wanted to look her best. She NEEDED to look her best. She'd never imagined she would ever be this unnerved about a party. But this wasn't just any party. This was Jason Lyndon's legendary birthday bash that every megastar around the world would kill to attend. And she was going to be just right by his side. Every eye was going to be on her just as they would be on him. She couldn't afford to emerge small and insignificant. She had to surge in a dress that would make an incontrovertible statement, one t
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JASON CHECKED his general appearance from the full-length mirror, nodding his head in satisfaction. Everything he wore from, head to toe, was luxurious and high-end. The bespoke tuxedo was made from the finest fabric, smooth as silk, and fitted like a glove. The color, a luminous, rich white embellished with deep, gold dragon patterns on the jacket and a more prominent gold hue traced the length of the lapels. The shirt was as crisp and white as a snow-covered mountain, with a bow tie that was the perfect shade of white. The Italian shoes were polished gold, with a sheen that could rival the stars in the night sky and so clear he could see his reflection on it. Every detail was perfect, from the cut of the suit to the knot of the bow tie. No expense had been spared, and it showed. He nodded again in approval as he made his way down to the living room. Julia had brought the best stylists in the country to work their magic as always whenever there was a grand occasi
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