All Chapters of The She Alpha Forbidden Mate: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
76 Chapters
Chapter 41: Unspoken sorrow
"Sel, Stay where you are I'm coming_". I heard Mum's voice through the mind link, instinctively I pushed Ethan away."What's wrong?" Ethan's voice was laced with concern, his golden red eyes reflecting the worry etched in his expression."Hide! My mother!" I blurted out, scrambling to my feet and hastily adjusting the soft silk robe draped over my shoulders.Ethan's hand tightened around my waist, pulling me close. "I have to go now, my little goddess". His voice, low and seductive, sent shivers down my spine, awakening sensations I had never experienced before. I met his gaze, drowning in the depths of his eyes, and whispered, "I'm going to miss you."With a tilt of his head, Ethan kissed me passionately, his embrace firm as if trying to imprint every moment onto my skin. "Believe me, I'm going to miss every part of you, my goddess," he murmured against my lips.A blush crept across my cheeks, heat rising as I struggled to form coherent thoughts. "I will send letters, I promise," h
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Chapter 42: The Predator's Reign 1
ETHAN'S POVAs I made my way back to the border, Maxwell awaited my return, his demeanour instantly deferential upon catching sight of me."Your Highness, what kept you so long?" he inquired, a hint of concern in his voice."I had pressing matters to attend to," I replied tersely. "Let's proceed."With a nod, Maxwell opened the portal, and I stepped through, arriving at the gates of the empire."Your Highness, they remain unaware of our expedition beyond the empire's borders," Maxwell assured me, a glint of satisfaction in his eyes. "I've ensured all traces have been erased.""Excellent," I remarked, a faint smile playing on my lips. "And my mother?""She is safe, Your Highness," Maxwell reported promptly. "Under Nivian Natalie's watchful eye, she is well protected.""And the antidote?" I inquired, my gaze unwavering."It's prepared," Maxwell confirmed, producing a dagger laced with the life-saving substance. "A single stab to the heart, and he will be revived instantly."I accepted t
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Chapter 43: The Predator's Reign 2
With a steely gaze, I met Zeke's defiant stare, my lips curling into a chilling smile. "Let the games begin," I declared my voice a low, menacing growl that echoed through the courtyard.Without a moment's hesitation, Zeke and his soldiers lunged forward, their movements quick and coordinated. But they were mere pawns in the face of my superior strength and cunning. As Zeke launched a ferocious attack, I effortlessly sidestepped his blow, my reflexes honed to lethal precision.With lightning speed, I retaliated, each strike a calculated display of my dominance. My silver sword and razor-sharp claws sliced through flesh and bone with ruthless efficiency, leaving a trail of fallen soldiers in my wake.Despite his valiant efforts, Zeke was no match for my prowess. With a single, decisive blow, I disarmed him, my blade poised threateningly at his throat."Give up, Zeke," I growled, my voice dripping with menace. "There is no escape from your fate."But Zeke, stubborn to the end, refused t
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Chapter 44: A dance with darkness
As I made my way back to my quarters, my mind buzzed with the events of the day. The taste of victory still lingered on my lips, mingling with the metallic tang of blood that coated my skin. Beneath the surface, a storm raged—a tempest of emotions and desires that threatened to consume me.As I entered the dimly lit corridor leading to my chambers, I sensed a presence waiting for me. My mother stood there, her expression unreadable, with Natalie, the Vivian dancer, by her side."Mother," I called out to her, my voice cool and composed.She rushed to me, her concern palpable as she took in my blood-stained appearance. "Are you hurt?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper."Not at all, Mother," I assured her, a smirk playing at the corners of my lips. "This blood is not mine."Her relief was palpable, but beneath it lay a mother's worry, a fear for the safety of her son. "Ethan, I know you have your reasons for your actions today," she began, her words measured yet tinged with reproach.
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Chapter 45: Challenging Selene
SELENE'S POVAs I sat beside Father in the meeting hall, my emotions churned like a tempest within me. Despite the wounds from yesterday still fresh, I knew I had to focus on the matters at hand. The Elders brought up a contentious issue about neighbouring territories, and I straightened my posture, ready to contribute."Perhaps," I began, carefully choosing my words, "we could negotiate a temporary alliance with the neighbouring pack to strengthen our defences against potential threats. We may not have heard or had issues with the Hybrids anymore, hopefully... But we must not let down our guard." My suggestion lingered in the air, awaiting the Elders' response.Father's eyes widened slightly, surprised by my assertiveness. But before he could interject, I continued, drawing upon my recent experiences. "Yesterday taught me the importance of unity and cooperation. By fostering alliances, we not only ensure our safety but also cultivate goodwill among our neighbours."The Elders exchang
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Chapter 46: Umbra and Dawn
As I left the training ground, my mind wandered to the peaceful serenity of Serene Lake. Its tranquil waters beckoned to me, promising a brief respite from the chaos of the day. Making my way to the water's edge, I spotted the familiar sight of a massive rock nestled among the shoreline.Beneath that rock lay a secret that only I and Claudio knew—a pair of twin swords, gifted to me by my father when I was just five years old. I had hidden them away, away from prying eyes, for I was determined to master their use before revealing my skills to him.The swords were no ordinary blades; Father had told me they were forged by a great sage, using the finest meteorite he had won in battle. According to him, the sage had crafted the swords specifically for me before I was even born.As I approached the rock, a rush of memories flooded my mind. I remembered the excitement I had felt when Father first presented me with the swords and the weight of responsibility that came with wielding such powe
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Chapter 47: Oath of love
That awful dream clung to me like a lingering mist, haunting my thoughts relentlessly. The desire to see my little goddess, to ensure her safety and well-being, gnawed at my every waking moment. But alas, duty called, and I found myself summoned to the palace by Father the minute I awoke. Promising myself to send her a letter as soon as I returned, I reluctantly donned my royal attire and made my way to the palace.Dressed in garments befitting my status as a vampire royal, I exuded an air of dominance and authority as I approached the palace gates. The guards, their eyes filled with apprehension, quickly swung open the doors, granting me entrance with a mixture of respect and fear.As I strode through the grand halls of the palace, my presence commanded attention, each step echoing with purpose and determination. I was the epitome of power, a force to be reckoned with, and none dared to challenge my authority.I noticed Father seated upon his throne, his expression unreadable as he r
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Chapter 48: A Lurid Feast
As the evening descended, the grand hall of the palace came alive with the flickering glow of torches and the sound of merry chatter. Nobles and dignitaries from far and wide had gathered to celebrate my newfound ascension from a nobody to the crown prince.With a forced smile plastered on my lips, I mingled amongst the crowd, exchanging pleasantries and feigning interest in their trivial conversations. But beneath the facade of camaraderie, a simmering tension lingered in the air, a silent reminder of the power struggles that lay beneath the surface.At my side, Natalie, a trusted subordinate and friend, offered a reassuring smile, her presence a welcome distraction from the political machinations that surrounded me. Her loyalty and support were valuable assets in the treacherous world of palace politics. I have agreed to her requests I bought her from Lyria, and now she has nothing to do with the Nivian clan again.As the feast commenced, I watched with detached interest as the nobl
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Chapter 49: A Knights Letter
As we approached the hall, my heart raced with a hint of trepidation. The arrival of envoys from the Human world was a rare occurrence, and it often heralded significant developments or challenges.Entering the grand hall, I noticed the solemn faces of the elders gathered around a large circular table, their murmured conversations falling silent as Father and I entered.The envoys, dressed in formal attire befitting their status, stood at attention as we approached. Their presence was a stark reminder of the delicate balance between our world and theirs, a balance that could easily be disrupted by misunderstandings or miscommunications."Welcome, esteemed envoys," Father greeted them with a nod of his head, his tone courteous yet authoritative. "What brings you to our pack lands?"The lead envoy, a distinguished-looking man who I recognized to be Arthur Hunter, with black hair and piercing eyes, stepped forward, his expression grave. "Alpha, Princess," he began, his voice carrying the
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Chapter 50: The woman from my dreams
The next day, the meeting hall was a cavernous space filled with the murmurs of whispered conversations. Despite sitting beside Father, I felt as though I inhabited a world of my own, a realm where the weight of my thoughts eclipsed the proceedings unfolding before me.My eyes, swollen and heavy with exhaustion, betrayed the sleepless night I had endured. The stress etched upon my face was a testament to the torment that had plagued my dreams.Father's voice, a distant echo in the sea of noise, blended seamlessly with the drone of conversation as he engaged in diplomatic discourse with the envoys. His measured words fell upon deaf ears, my attention stolen by the ghostly apparitions that haunted the recesses of my mind. Arthur's appearance only served to worsen my inner turmoil.Last night I couldn't sleep a wink, my head was a mess, a journey through the twisted corridors of my mind where reality intertwined with the surreal. I saw her, the woman I met in my dreams before I regained
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