All Chapters of Two Kingdoms, One Mate: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
129 Chapters
Chapter 91: More Ego
Iris' POV"Did you give that a second thought before blurting it out of your mouth? Bury the hatchet?" I cackled. all the guts in the world! "How can a man be this selfish?" His ego reulsed me greatly, that I threw caution to the wind without a second thought. "Watch it there." He warned. "I'm trying to give you an opportunity to absolve yourself and start over on a clean slate.""How can you be so selfish, Gustav?" I repeated, because the emphasis was necessary. He was not even apologetic for all he has done to me. "For God's sake, I did nothing wrong. We did nothing wrong to deserve the torture. You started the show, and you're putting the blame on us? What absolution do you want from us, urh?"He closed the space between us in two long strides, fuming over me, like a buffalo charging at a matador. If stares could burn, I'd have been toast. I never believed he was the same man I swore to spend the rest of my life with a day ago. What happened to the Gustav that promised to make t
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Chapter 92: Payback Time I
Iris' POVI sort of found my way back into the dungeon after passing out in Gustav's room. Not that I fainted on my own volition, but he had pressed the button on the device controlling the collar around my neck. Well, it wasn't exactly an explosive device as he had earlier said, it was a bluff to scare me into doing his budding. The collar induced electric shock into my brain, zapping me out immediately. Gustav thought I did a reverse healing spell that killed Lois. I was too shocked to answer anyone of his questions, neither was I strong enough to contest his allegations. Telling him I did nothing would be a total waste of time. I was the last person to hold her, which made me the prime suspect.The sudden death of Lois snatched the air in my lungs, bringing back the gnawing fear that pervaded me when I first lost my parents. All the people I ever loved; all the people I cared so much about die, leaving me behind to face my monsters alone. First, it was my parents, now, it's Lois.
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Chapter 93: Payback Time II
Iris POV"I don't know how she died, Gustav," I pleaded. "Please, listen to me."I couldn't feel my limbs anymore. Gustav drilled nails, nine inches long, into my legs and arms without count. My body felt numb and lifeless, bleeding from pores widened by the nails. He was a mask of ruthlessness, reconfigured into brute vexation."Explain how she died in your hands. She was okay until you got in there and did something to her. WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER!" He yelled, drilling another nail into my forearm.I cried, unable to scream. I'd lost the strength to scream. The tears streamed out of my eyes, rolling into the shell of my ears. Soon, I might run out of tears to shed. Perhaps, blood would flow in place of tears.He pressed the device in his hand, holding onto it for a while, as the electric current fried my brain to crisp. My body turned hotter with every shockwave, rippling through me. I exerted extra juice from Kitana to fight the growing pain hammered into my skin. Drools of thick sal
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Chapter 94: Payback Time III
Monica's POVThose who don't know my story, without second thoughts, would call me the villain; a heartless one at that. From my teenage age, I'd learned to fight for what I wanted without backing away. The world doesn't give you your right easily, so you have to take it by force- a cliché from my father I'd grown to know.When I thought Ludovic was mine right from high school, he'd deliberately robbed it on my face that we could never be more than that. Friendships was all he wanted...with no strings attached. But I wanted more than just a platonic relationship. I wanted more than just 'Best Buddies For Life', as we fondly called each other.I'd tried swaying into the arms of some other guys, with the hope that I'd one at forget Ludovic, only for me to find out in the long run that they they cheated on me with another girl, or the werewolves among them stuck with me because of who I am. Some even did both; cheating on me and hoping they'd one day become the heir to the throne of the
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Chapter 95: The Mate Rush
Ludovic's POV"Nooo!!!" Iris screamed, hurrying to Gustav. He placed a hand over his chest, wincing behind a glacier look. "Are you okay? Can you stand?"Gustav glared daggers at me, holding on to his chest. I snarled down at him, hoping he learned his lesson. Name-calling was my greatest aversion; pride too. Gustav had both, and I could stand him anymore. Iris was not a whore, not on my count. I met her a virgin, beautiful and pure; a fantastic combination lacking in many pretty ladies I've met. Not even in Monica. Those months, I couldn't find her due to the poison eating me up, her face kept my alive. I was able to survive the toughest face in my life with thought of her alone in my mind. The harder I thought about her, the closer I felt her presence around me.Until visions of her, stole into my night, waking me up with a start. The nightmares I had about her were horrible. They made me hate myself for not being able to protect her. Sometimes, I saw her running from a giant grey
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Chapter 96: A Hard Pill
Ludovic's POV"Shut that damn thing off, werewolf. Are you trying to scare me or what?" I snickered."I know I'm no match for you..." He reached for a hose, attached to a gas cylinder, and slipped out a lighter from his pocket. "But let's see if your supernatural body can withstand ordinary flames."Damn! I'm not the silver type. I'm not immune to fire.He clicked on the lighter, pointing the hose at me. The yellow and blue flames whistled over me, as I shielded my face with my arm, falling on one knee with my eyes tight shut. I waited for the fire to scorch me to crisp, but it was as if a barrier was built between me and the fire.I parted one eye open, and saw Iris in front of me, her back against me, hair floating like wings in the cloud. She raised her right hand against the flames, feet parted shoulder-width. Only the heat brushed past my face, while she withstood the flames without a singe on her hair.What is this girl,anyway? What other surprises does she have under her bushe
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Chapter 97: Rumble in the Dungeon
Iris POVAmber's head tumbled to the ground, blood spurting out of her oesophagus. Ludovic stood speechless. I didn't know him so well, at least, not so much in person, but the last memory I had of him was behind the counter at Amber's motel. He and Amber were inseparable. The way Amber enthusiastically stretched his cheeks, and his dramatic protest flooded my mind.One would have thought they were related, because they never stopped showing how much they cared for each other. I remembered that was when I started liking him. Her motherly warmth, was the first thing about her that endeared me to her. She never saw me as a stranger- the first person in a long time who was human to me the supernatural way.Just like Ludovic, I was lost for the right words to say. I couldn't save her. I felt useless owning such godlike abilities, and yet, I was unable to protect the people I love with it. Lois died because of me- I couldn't heal her, and right in front of me, I watched Monica decapitate
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Chapter 98: A salve for the Loss
Iris' POVLudovic and I zoomed out of the mansion in Amber's station wagon early the following morning, after I got him a change of clothing from Gustav's wardrobe. A pair of royal blue sweatpants and sweatshirt, over a pair of black Nike sneakers to match. He looked just as delectable in it, with his long brown hair packed being his head. It was a good thing no one accosted me in the mansion. The last thing I wanted was an interrogation that'd slow me down. I wasn't ready to indulge myself in lengthy explanations.Before I exited his room, I took one last glance around, sniffing in the mixture of our scents that lingered on the bed, walls and the bathroom, as the good and unsavoury memories I had of Gustav flooded my mind. The mansion, without mincing words, was a turning point for me. But leaving was necessary. I was not welcome there anymore.Gusav had made sure of that when he accepted Monica as mate.At the back seat of the truck was Amber's remains, wrapped with the blanket from
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Chapter 99: The Thirst
Iris' POVIt wasn't until after mid afternoon that we got to the Crescent pack. Ludovic and I did all we possibly could to resurrect the station wagon coughing out black smoke in a bid to remain dead. The sky was a vast sheet of clear blue, rid of any drift of cloud. My stomach rumbled, reminding me that I'd not eaten a decent meal for days.Three days in the dungeon with no water or food, my saliva was the only passenger that went down my throat. It didn't take too long to know Ludovic was close to being famished himself. He tried all he could, pushing up the hood of the truck, hitting and inspecting the maze of engine and batteries, greasy with oil. I did my part in retrieving a number of tools from the tool box we gratefully found, sited at the back of the trunk.The sun emerged in its full glow, peeling our skins off with it's blazing heat. Beads of perspiration from Ludovic's face rolled down his face and neck, soaking up the sweatshirt around the neckline and underneath his armp
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Chapter 100: Love in Every Bite
Ludovic's POVThe funeral took place around a lawn beside the royal grave yard, two kilometers east of the castle. Foldable plastic chairs were arranged in two rows of five columns each behind an open coffin. I couldn't bear to look into the coffin. With shivering hands, I sat between father and Iris, fighting the tears burning my socket as the blond violinist with red blazing lips, dressed in a simple white tee and a tight fitting black jeans, played a soft music that reminded me of her. She played mother's favorite song, China Roses, by Enya. Father must have chosen that piece, and I knew why.I remember the way her smile lights up her summer skin whenever she played the violin; she was good at a lot things. She knew just the right tune to string to lull me to sleep when I fell ill with recurring migraines. Before I shifted for the first time at fifteen, before Odin growled for the first time inside me, I used to come down with blithing migraine.Some nights, it would seem as thoug
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