Ruthless King의 모든 챕터: 챕터 31 - 챕터 40
41 챕터
Chapter 30
“This is delicious! Thank you for feeding me.” Emaline's lips curled upward into a smile as she caught sight of her elder sister, who appeared to have recently concluded her meal. Joanne, the personal maid, keeps a watchful eye on it. Deliberately, she and Alaric had appointed the young lady's attendant, ensuring that the girl would not be frightened. Her sister was smiling as if there were no problems or trauma. The elder sister's hand still bore traces of dextrose, while a bandage was wrapped around her neck and a bandage was affixed to various other parts of her body. Emaline stood at the forefront, the door ajar before her. Alaric's absence was not due to negligence or lack of interest but rather to his pressing engagement with a matter of great significance. Emaline rapped her knuckles against the door, hoping to capture their attention. As soon as the girl caught sight of her, her face lit up with joy. The girl was on the verge of leaping out of her seat, but Joanne interven
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Chapter 31
Alaric was standing next to Emaline and her sister. They ventured into the dense forest, where her counterfeit guardians eagerly awaited their arrival. Horacio stood watch alongside several guards, their duty being to protect and safeguard the king and queen and the perimeter of the palace. The chill of the night had seeped into Emaline's fingers, leaving them frigid and numb. It is likely that she is aware of the fact that the individuals whom she refers to as her parents are not her biological progenitors.Perhaps their strategy had shifted, prompting them to seek Emaline's counsel. "My love, the responsibility of your actions lies solely in your hands. I shall offer my support," Alaric stated as he strolled alongside him and Donica Joy. Emaline sensed their presence, even though they remained distant. Alaric firmly gripped her hands. She had a plethora of inquiries for them, ranging from the reason behind their treatment of her as if she were their own offspring to the rational
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Chapter 32
"My liege, we must make ready for battle." Horacio spoke to Alaric from his seat on the throne: "You are well aware of the rebels' cunning nature." Atop her throne, Emaline too was perched. After the intense confrontation, they proceeded to carry out a modest coronation ceremony for Emaline, officially recognizing her as the rightful heir to the throne. Alaric made his announcement with a regal air, signaling the arrival of the Queen and the unwavering resolve of the vampire race in the face of the rebels' threats. It was discovered that the vampires who had aligned themselves with the rebels had been utilized as test subjects for the rebels' weaponry. One of those was employed when daring to converse with Emaline. "They are already prepared, Horacio. You seem to be the only one who doesn't," Alaric remarked to his faithful companion, whom he still regarded with disdain. With a heavy heart, Horacio let out a deep sigh and cast a glance towards his colleagues, who responded with no
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Chapter 33
Emaline spoke with a gentle tone as she turned to Alaric, "Undoubtedly, I shall miss this world, despite the trials and tribulations that I have endured during my time here." The two stayed side by side, gazing at the full moon as it illuminated the city below from their vantage point on the cliff. They spent the entire day exploring the sights to their fullest potential. Concealing their faces, they move amongst the populace with the guise of ordinary mortals. Emaline's heart raced with anticipation as she stepped out into the cool evening air. This was no ordinary outing, for she was not alone. Alaric, the object of her affections, was by her side, and she could feel the weight of his gaze upon her. It was a date, and she was determined to make the most of it. In the vampire realm, time was an infinite resource, and for Emaline, this particular encounter held a singular significance. Despite her prior blindness, she had spent her formative years in this human world, rendering thi
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Chapter 34
They didn't want us to survive, my King. Alaric," Horacio spoke in a hushed tone, "they have encircled the entire perimeter of the palace." "The idea of a sizable contingent of rebels, all bearing arms, pervaded my thoughts. In addition, the narrative encompasses the individuals upon whom they conducted their experiments, who have since transformed into intrepid vampires." Alaric surmised that they were the ideal subjects for the rebels' experiment. The failed experiments lurked in the shadows, biding their time. Despite lacking the leader's approval, they launched a sudden and vicious assault. Alaric stood in awe as he gazed upon the magnificent creatures before him, his jaw dropping in amazement. The perimeter remained impenetrable due to Horacio's barrier. Horacio's role as a butler extended far beyond the typical duties of his profession. Not only was he responsible for attending to the needs of the palace's inhabitants, but he also served as a stalwart protector of the estate
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Chapter 35
"What the hell?!" Alaric spoke in a hushed tone as he observed the brazen individuals who had breached the barrier, unable to withstand its power any longer. He ushered Emaline inside, where she found Donica Joy and Horacio waiting. He felt a sense of contentment knowing that Horacio was capable of safeguarding his cherished ones, including Donica Joy. Uno respectfully addressed his King, assuring him that his subjects were putting forth their utmost effort. "They are doing the best they can, my liege," he said. The prescience of the Baron siblings had already accounted for this eventuality. "Maricel," Alaric said, his voice low and urgent. "You must use your ability. "Slow them down," the King commanded Maricel Mamatlalu. Without hesitation, it gave a nod of acknowledgement to the King. "As you command, my liege," she said with a deep bow. The ace up his sleeve in this battle was none other than the Blood Faction. Their unique abilities were particularly effective when employed
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Chapter 36
The palace yard had been transformed into a gruesome battlefield, strewn with the lifeless bodies of both humans and their experimental vampires. Vampires who died were turned into ashes. The prisoners who emerged from the dungeon and served as the vampires' shield when humans invaded their domain are either dead or fighting. Fortunately, Cromwell and his beloved spouse have managed to evade the grasp of death. The remaining nobles were still fighting. The abilities of nobles are scattered. Vines snaked their way across the ground, coiling around anything in their path. Meanwhile, crackling bolts of electricity illuminated the air, appearing seemingly out of nowhere. It is also raining in other parts of the palace grounds. They are flooding and drowning the rebels and experimental vampires. Alaric, with unwavering confidence, paid no heed to the abilities of his subjects, for he was certain that they would emerge victorious. He searched his vision for the people he was supposed t
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Chapter 37
"What do you want?" With a fierce snarl, Emaline glared at them. Her fury towards them had yet to abate, and she vowed to never grant absolution to these brazen individuals. She was met with a pair of grinning faces. Their conscience was shrouded in darkness. "Do you require clarification, my dear daughter? My sweet Emaline, you're here. With a saccharine tone, Evelyn retorted, "It was Mama who abandoned you here, and it shall be I who guide you to the afterlife." Emaline's fists tightened as she fought to control her emotions. "And naturally, dear Donica should not be left alone either. Doesn't every family deserve to be happy and complete? And for her, that means being with her sister." Evelyn exclaimed, her hands coming together in a frenzy of applause. Emaline's fury was palpable as she bore witness to the true personalities of her once-beloved parents. The veil of familiarity had been lifted, revealing a side of them that she had never before seen. Emaline clutched her siste
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Chapter 38
Emaline enveloped Alaric in a warm embrace. With a heavy heart, the rebels laid down their weapons and surrendered to them. However, the fate of the vampires who had been subjected to cruel experimentation was far more bleak. They were mercilessly slain, their lives snuffed out without a second thought. The rebels could only watch in horror as their former allies were ruthlessly executed before their very eyes. As a punishment for their alleged madness, the flames consumed their bodies. Alaric had no choice but to take action, for he feared the harm they might inflict upon the innocent. After much negotiation later, Alaric struck a deal with the human politicians. As a result, the rebels would soon be released from their captivity. “Oh God!" Emaline embraced Alaric tightly, her heart still racing from the terror she had just experienced. "I thought I was going to die," she whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. The man remained silent, his sole focus being on providing solac
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Chapter 39
Two weeks had passed since the intense battle with the humans, and Emaline had finally found her footing in the vampire world. She moved with a newfound ease; her senses sharpened and her instincts honed. The once unfamiliar surroundings now felt like home, and she navigated the dark alleys and shadowy corners with a confidence that had eluded her before. The injuries from the fight were still fresh, but she wore them like a badge of honor, a reminder of the strength and resilience she possessed. Emaline had acclimated to her new surroundings beyond her wildest expectations. Little did she know that the world she had stepped into was meant to be her birth parents' realm. One couldn't help but feel at ease in such a place, where every sight beheld was a thing of beauty.The sheer magnificence of this place is simply breathtaking. There is no other place like this world, especially the moon. Every evening, the radiant sphere in the sky illuminates the world with its full and luminous
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