All Chapters of L'ANGELO DELL TERRORE: Chapter 61 - Chapter 67
67 Chapters
A tragedy
Chapter 61 A tragedy~SophiaMy head was hurting more than before right now. My belly felt sore and my arm wasn't moving.I tried moving my arms once again but I was brought back to the same position. I hissed when the pain hit me hard. I opened my eyes and I was in a car. A moving car but my arms were tied at the back seat with no space to move.This wasn't Enzo's plan. This definitely wasn't my brother's plan. I had a weird feeling about this guy. I would have said it earlier and maybe Enzo wouldn't have left me alone. He came right after Enzo had left. A fucker!"You're going to regret this." I muttered slowly, hissing loudly as the sting that surge through me from my tied hands went straight to my brain. God! It hurts so bad."My brother and L'Angelo is going to make you pay. You know my brother, right? He's going to fucking kill you." I gritted my teeth.He said nothing, casually nodding his head to the low music in the background. "D
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Chapter 62 Charisma~SophiaI was tied to a chair in the center of a room. It was bright and another chair was placed in front of me.The creepy guy that brought me here had left a while ago and I was left there to think about the recent activities of my life. I thought about the recent love in my life.What I had with L'Angelo was fast but amazing. It all started when I went home with him that day to treat his illness. It was never a mistake and I cherished those moments.L'Angelo was always into me and I always loved him. It was always him. I recalled the day I first met him. He had that evil glint in his eyes that told every good girl to run- but I didn't. I stayed and now he was mine. All mine.His kisses, his hugs, the way he cuddles. His words, his groans, everything about him is amazing and I would never trade my memories for anything at all.The door opened and I looked up instantly, regretting my decision. Laurel Niccolo stood tal
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Chapter 63 Salute~SophiaLaurel backed out of the fight just before it began. A frown on her face and her fist clenched into a tight fist."You'll pay for that, bitch." She muttered. The door opened revealing creepy guy.I tightened my fist waiting for any signal that he was going to pounce.Whack! The slap came from the right side but it felt like it came from everywhere."That's for disrespecting me, you fucking cuñt." Laurel said, stomping away before I could even blink.The slap hurt so badly and likewise the bang on my head. I turned around again and winced at the pain that rattled my entire body.I turned and the creepy guy was arranging the table like before."Is she paying you much? How much is she paying you and I'll double It." I tried talking him into betraying her."I don't betray for money. She hired me first." He replied.I laughed. "A monster hired you first and you're going to die alongside her?" I raised a brow and h
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Chapter 64 Gone~L'AngeloIt has been a week ever since I lost Sophia to the wolves. And I was determined to get her back no matter how and no matter who held her captive.They wouldn't kill her, that I knew.I paused typing on my laptop and sent the letter to her father who replied as soon as possible.Aria stepped into my office with a file."You've got anything?""Our men confirmed seeing Lorenzo Romanov on the streets of Spain with his little sister, Lola." She said and I nodded but it seems like she knew more."Are you done?" I asked and she nodded but didn't leave."Aria?"She knelt on the floor, hands clutching her dress. "I'm so sorry for lying to you." I frowned. If this meant anything that related to Sophia, I was surely going to snap in a bad way."She's safe." She began and I furrowed my eyes at her. "I saw her today when I entered the base and she begged me not to tell you that she was finding a way out.""I don't under
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Chapter 65 Soon~SophiaI paced about the room, wondering about my next move. I had planned my escape for so many times now and for the first time I knew how to execute it.When I heard the first gate open, I smirked when I heard footsteps and hurried to the back door.Just as the door opened, i slammed it shut and punched creepy guy on his jaw.He staggered back, hands running up and down his jaw and then he smiled."I've been waiting for this for a long time." He mumbled, dropping the items he held on the floor."And I've been waiting to get out of here for long." I said and dodged when he threw a punch.Creepy guy didn't relent and likewise I, he kept punching hard and I dodged, throwing punches as well."L'Angelo killed my whole family in a fire." He began when and grabbed an iron pipe."You see- My family and I weren't the best in terms of speaking but I never wanted them dead." He chuckled like a manaic. "He burnt down a whole
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Chapter 66 Plenty of time~SophiaI stood at the top of the balcony, waiting for L'Angelo to arrive.It was getting dark but one could still make out when someone brushed into the mansion. Aria had taken me to a mansion after she saved me. According to her, the property belonged to L'Angelo and he had asked her to take me here and keep me safe. I was very capable of keeping myself safe.I watched a car drive into the mansion and the lights went off. L'Angelo stepped out of the car and locked it. His eyes darted around the mansion untill it met mine. I didn't move, didn't say a word but a smile broke out on my lips.It was nice seeing him again.L'Angelo took a step forward and then another, and suddenly began to run. I stiffled a laugh as I waited for him to come get me.It took few minutes but when L'Angelo stepped out of the balcony and gave my body a run down. He grabbed me and pulled me into his arms."You'll squeeze the life out of me." I
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Chapter 67 Crystal~SophiaA week has passed ever since Aria busted into the room and shot the creepy guy for my sake. According to L'Angelo, creepy guy was inside the basement underneath the mansion we were currently staying at. I was going to take my time and deal with that guy.I paced around the kitchen, looking for plates and cutleries. I had prepared a delicious Italian lunch for L'Angelo and his friends that were on their way.The woman I had been so jealous of, Carolina and her husband, Steve- the guy I had met at the docks were coming here."Baby?" L'Angelo's deep voice called out and I clamped my leg at the dirty thought that invaded my head just by the sound of his voice."I'm in here." I answered and he rounded the corner of the hallway, and entered the kitchen. "God! That smells so delicious, I bet it tastes more delicious than it's smells." He said and pressed a kiss on my head."You didn't have to do this." He said, pointing
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