All Chapters of Trapped Between Vampire and Alpha: Chapter 121 - Chapter 128
128 Chapters
121. Conclusion
The effects of the war were real. The great war between the vampires took a huge toll, as the scope of the war was quite wide.However, of the many vampires who died in the war, there was one vampire whose death had the greatest impact.He was Leonard, the most respected of the various vampire races. When Leonard fell and slumped to the ground, the incident was witnessed by other vampires.Some vampires seemed to be in deep shock. Some of them shook their heads in disbelief, and others covered their mouths with their hands and looked again, just to be sure.Their hearts seemed to be squeezed, so painfully. Leonard's death weighed heavily on their minds and shook their spirits, causing their morale to drop. It had fallen drastically, as it shouldn't have. "How is this possible?" one of the vampires shouted in disbelief, shaking Leonard's lifeless body. Leonard was the vampire who fueled their passion the most.David's breathing was ragged, exhausted from the war. David felt that this
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122. The End of War
Months after the vampires had lost their powers thanks to Sabrina, the Crimson Witch, a sense of newfound hope and unity spread across the supernatural and human realms. Sabrina and Andrei, the once duty-bound couple, found themselves drawn to each other by a love that had blossomed during their shared trials and victories. It was under the warm embrace of this love that they decided to hold another wedding ceremony, to overwrite the memory of their previous vows with a celebration that represented their true feelings.The venue was a picturesque garden bathed in the soft glow of moonlight, a symbol of the ethereal bond between Sabrina, the last of the Crimson Witches, and Andrei, the steadfast Alpha of the werewolves. The garden was adorned with vibrant flowers that seemed to shimmer with an otherworldly radiance, and delicate lanterns hung from the trees, casting a gentle, golden light that danced upon the faces of the gathered guests.The night was alive with an electric energy as
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123. Bonus Chapter: Aftermath
In the aftermath of the epic war between vampires and werewolves, a miraculous transformation occurred. Sabrina, known as the Crimson Witch, used her formidable powers to humanize the vampires, turning them from bloodthirsty fiends into surprisingly chill neighbors. This act of redemption was her way of making amends for the misunderstandings that had led to the war in the first place.‌Andrei, the once ferocious alpha of the werewolf pack, and Sabrina, now the savior of the vampire community, returned to their pack as Alpha and Luna. In the midst of this newfound peace, they discovered that they had never truly had a honeymoon, and they decided it was high time to fix that.‌Their daily life was anything but ordinary. It was a unique blend of fur, fangs, and the kind of quirky charm that only supernaturals could provide.‌One sunny morning, Andrei lumbered into the kitchen, his oversized werewolf paws clattering on the floor. Sabrina, with her fiery crimson hair and a mischievous
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124. Bonus Chapter: Powerfull Leader
As the years rolled by in their peaceful pack, Andrei, the once fierce alpha, found himself facing a new challenge—one he hadn't quite anticipated. He was growing bored. The routine of defending territories and managing pack affairs was beginning to lose its luster, and Andrei longed for excitement and adventure.‌Lucas, Andrei's ever-loyal sidekick and closest confidant, couldn't help but notice the restlessness creeping into the alpha's eyes. He had a knack for reading Andrei like an open book, and mischief danced in his eyes as he concocted a plan to bring some zest back into their lives.‌One sunny morning, Lucas sauntered over to Andrei, an impish grin on his face. "You know, Andrei," he began, "I've been thinking. Our territory is pretty expansive, but it could be even bigger, you know?"‌Andrei raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "Oh? And how do you propose we do that?"‌Lucas leaned in conspirat
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125. Bonus Chapter: Friendship
Andrei, Lucas, Rosey, and a group of pack members set off on their latest adventure. Sabrina, with a playful wink, had decided to stay behind to keep an eye on things in their absence.‌As they journeyed deeper into the uncharted wilderness, the dynamics of the group added a new layer of humor to their adventure. Lucas, the irreverent joker of the pack, couldn't resist trying to lighten the mood with his trademark inappropriate jokes. He leaned over to Andrei with a mischievous grin.‌"Hey, Andrei, did you hear about the werewolf who walked into a bar? The bartender says, 'Why the long fur?'" Lucas snickered at his own joke, expecting a laugh from his alpha.‌Andrei raised an eyebrow, trying not to chuckle. "Lucas, that's a classic dad joke. You'll have to do better than that."‌Meanwhile, Rosey, the sweet and innocent young sorceress, piped up with her own response. "I heard a better one, Lucas. What do you
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126. Bonus Chapter: Pregnant
While the playful exchange involving David, Andrei, Lucas, and Rosey persisted, David couldn't resist steering the conversation toward Sabrina. With a mischievous glint in his eye, he inquired, "Speaking of which, Andrei, I couldn't help but notice that Sabrina isn't part of our little get-together. Where might she be?"‌Andrei scratched his head with a grin. "Well, somebody had to stay behind at the den, guarding the heart of our territory, you know?"‌Lucas, always ready for some humor, chimed in, "Guarding the heart of the territory, or guarding her heart from you, Andrei?"‌David couldn't resist the opportunity for a playful jab. He chuckled and said, "Ah, Andrei, my friend, I thought there might be some discord between you two."‌Andrei raised an eyebrow, his competitive spirit kicking in. "Discord? Not at all. We're rock-solid, David."‌David, wearing an innocent facade, pressed on w
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127. Bonus Chapter: The Triplets
On that fateful day, Sabrina felt the telltale signs that her long-awaited moment had arrived. Moira, the wrinkly wise seer, and Rosey, the experienced healer, quickly sprang into action to assist her. However, as the labor pains intensified, it became evident that the birthing process might not be smooth sailing within the confines of their humble abode.‌Sabrina, gripping the edge of a table, winced through a contraction. "Oh, this is... this is intense."‌Moira, her eyes filled with concern, inspected Sabrina and declared, "This labor is more challenging than we anticipated, my dear."‌Rosey, always level-headed in a crisis, added, "Don't worry, Sabrina. We've got your back."‌Just as they were gearing up for the upcoming round of contractions, Lucas, who had been anxiously pacing outside the room, barged in with his customary dramatic flair. "Ladies and gentlemen, I have a significant announcement to sha
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128. Bonus Chapter: The Pack's Future
As Andrei reached the hospital, his worn-out countenance unmistakably revealed the immense exertion he had exerted to arrive as swiftly as he could. He appeared nearly breathless, bearing witness to his determination to be present beside Sabrina during this pivotal juncture.‌David, renowned for his light-hearted taunts, found it impossible to resist a jest. Sporting a mischievous grin, he playfully remarked, "Andrei, my dear friend, they do say that a husband should forever stand by his wife's side, especially during significant moments like these."‌Andrei, usually able to take jokes in stride, turned to David with a scowl. The exhaustion and anxiety from his journey had left his patience shorter than usual.‌Lucas, ever perceptive, recognized the tension in the room and quickly jumped in to lighten the mood with one of his signature bad dad jokes. He chuckled and said, "Well, David, you see, Andrei was in such a rush to get here that he almost beat the hospital's Wi-Fi signal. H
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