All Chapters of The Curse Alpha's Son : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
160 Chapters
Chapter 21
**Beatrice POV**As Alpha Duncan's arms held me tightly, preventing my fall, a surge of warmth spread through my body. Our unexpected kiss had left me stunned and breathless, the intensity of the moment lingering in the air. The room seemed to shrink around us, amplifying the awkwardness of the situation.I could feel the weight of silence pressing upon us, a heavy reminder of the unspoken desires and tangled emotions that had led us to this point. My mind raced, searching for words to break the tension, but my mouth remained stubbornly closed, the words caught in my throat.Cadence, who always had a knack for sensing tension, cleared his throat, breaking the intense atmosphere in the room. "Um, maybe it's best if we give you two some privacy," he suggested, a mischievous glint in his eyes.I immediately pulled away from Alpha Duncan, feeling my cheeks burn with embarrassment. The energy in the room felt charged, a blend of attraction and uncertainty, leaving me unsure of how to proce
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Chapter 22
**Falon POV** I watched in silence as Beatrice and Alpha Duncan emerged from the forest, their connection palpable. A mix of emotions swirled within me—relief at Beatrice's safety, but also an unexpected pang of jealousy took hold of me, tightening its grip on my heart. The earthy scent of Alpha Duncan enveloped Beatrice, intertwining with her own unique fragrance. It was as if their very beings had merged during their time away, leaving an indelible mark of their connection.  A surge of possessiveness washed over me, a possessiveness I had never experienced before. It was a mix of protectiveness and longing, as if a part of me resented the thought of anyone else claiming her attention. The intensity of this feeling startled me, stirring a primal instinct that I hadn't realized lay dormant within me. The time of their absence had left me with a whirlwind of thoughts and emotions. I had ima
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Chapter 23
**Falon POV** My heart sank. I had made a grave mistake, confusing her with Beatrice and projecting my own fears onto her. Embarrassment washed over me, and I quickly released her hand, stepping back as if to physically distance myself from my own confusion. "I'm so sorry," I muttered, my voice barely above a whisper. "I thought you were someone else. Please forgive my intrusion." The girl's expression softened, understanding flickering in her eyes. "It's alright. Mistakes happen," she said gently, offering me a comforting smile. "Take care." I nodded, gratitude mingling with my embarrassment, and I turned away, my mind swirling with a mixture of relief and frustration at my own misjudgment.  As I continued my quest to locate Beatrice, my steps carried a renewed determination. The encounter with the girl who resembled Beatrice served as a poignant reminder of the importance
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Chapter 24
**Beatrice pov**As I stood there, a wave of nervousness washed over me, threatening to engulf my senses. The air was thick with anticipation, and my heart pounded against my chest. Today was a significant day for our pack, as the land agreement was to be made official under the watchful gaze of the full moon.Alpha Duncan stood beside me, it was as though his presence was offering me a sense of comfort and reassurance. A smile played upon my lips, reflecting the joy and love that blossomed within my heart whenever I looked at him.As the ceremony commenced, Alpha Duncan's voice rang out, strong and commanding, announcing the result of the negotiations. His words were met with enthusiastic cheers from his pack members, their support was palpable in the air. My heart swelled with pride and a sense of unity, knowing that this agreement would only be aimed at building a brighter future for our different packs.But just as the moment of celebration seemed within reach, a sudden commotion
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Chapter 25
With every ounce of strength within me, I waged a relentless battle against the invisible barriers that trapped me within this dream realm. Visions of my pregnant self flickered before my eyes, offering a glimmer of hope amidst the disorienting chaos. My determination to break free intensified, for both my unborn child and myself were in grave peril.Yet, the clutches of the dream world only tightened with each passing minute, constricting around me like a vice. The doctor's words reverberated in the air, a constant reminder of the dwindling time I had to escape this ethereal slumber. A mere four hours remained before the life of my baby teetered on the precipice of danger. The gravity of those words surged through my being, urging me to claw my way back to the realm of reality.No matter how hard I struggled, the dream world held fast, refusing to relinquish its grip. Time slipped through my fingers like elusive grains of sand, as if mocking my desperate attempts to grasp it. An over
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Chapter 26
As I stood amidst the crowd, my gaze fixed on the podium where alpha Duncan stood, my heart skipped a beat as a girl who bore a striking resemblance to Beatrice climbed up. I watched in disbelief as she planted a kiss on alpha Duncan's lips, a gesture that sent shockwaves through the depths of my being. In that instant, my eyes instinctively darted towards Beatrice, searching for her reaction. The hurt in her eyes was undeniable, a raw pain that etched itself into my memory. It was as if her world had crumbled before her, the trust she had placed in alpha Duncan shattered in an instant. As Beatrice turned away and left, my attention shifted back to alpha Duncan. I observed his response keenly, hoping to decipher the true nature of his intentions. To my surprise, it became evident that he hadn't anticipated the girl's actions. His quick distancing from her, accompanied by a hasty motion of wiping his lips, spoke volumes. In that moment, a mixture of relief and anger coursed through m
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Chapter 27
**Alpha Duncan pov** I stood tall on the podium, my voice resonating with authority as I announced the official agreement. By my side stood Beatrice, the Luna of the Red Pack, a woman who possessed a beauty that could captivate the soul. Her radiant presence, and the gentle swell of her belly, her presence a symbol of unity and strength. As I spoke, my eyes couldn't help but steal glances towards Beatrice. Each look carried with it a flicker of admiration and appreciation which settled in between my gaze In the midst of my commanding presence on the podium, a sudden disturbance rippled through the otherwise attentive crowd, momentarily shattering the stillness that enveloped the ceremony. Gasps and whispers swept through the air like an electric current, capturing my attention and diverting my focus from the weighty agreement I was in the midst of reading aloud. Curiosity mingled with a sense of unease as I turned my gaze towards the source of the commotion. And there she was, Beat
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Chapter 28
**Alpha Duncan POV**As I gathered myself, the ache in my chest subsided, replaced by a fierce determination that burned within me. The path back to the pack's territory stretched before me, beckoning me forward. With each step, my heart raced, fueled by a mix of anticipation, anger, and the yearning to confront Beatrix.As I made my way through the moonlit night, the image of Beatrix's audacious act replayed in my mind, stoking the fire of my anger. How dare she disrupt the ceremony? What sort of bravery had she gathered that made her kiss me in front of so many people, and cause such pain to Beatrice? The thought of her actions ignited a storm of fury within me, threatening to consume my senses.The more I dwelled on the scene, the more my rage intensified. My fists clenched, and my jaw tightened as a surge of adrenaline coursed through my veins. The desire to confront Beatrix and unleash my anger upon her became overwhelming.As my anger simmered, I made a swift decision to establi
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Chapter 29
**Alpha Duncan pov** I walked carefully towards the designated meeting spot, where members of the neighboring pack were supposed to join us for discussions. The atmosphere was thick with tension, and I could sense the mixture of determination and nervousness among my pack members. This moment was crucial for the safety of our pack and the future of our territory.As the minutes ticked by, my patience wore thin, and I felt my muscles tense in anticipation. The silence was finally broken by the sound of leaves rustling, and the representatives from the neighboring pack emerged from the shadows. Their faces carried expressions of arrogance and hostility, hidden behind their masks of superiority.Standing tall and confident, I locked eyes with the leader of the neighboring pack, my voice exuding authority as I addressed them."We have gathered here today to find a resolution, to address the accusations that have been brought against us," I declared, my tone firm and resolute. "But let it
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Chapter 30
**Alpha Duncan pov**As I slowly regained consciousness, my vision blurred and hazy. The sterile white surroundings of the clinic room gradually came into focus, and my gaze fell upon a girl standing before me. Her face appeared magnified, close enough for me to discern the intricate details.Her features were delicate, her eyes shimmering with a mix of compassion and concern. Her skin glowed with a warm, healthy radiance, contrasting with the shadows that danced in the room. Strands of hair framed her face, gently cascading over her shoulders in a waterfall of ebony.But what struck me most was the unmistakable swell of her belly, evidence of the life growing within her. The sight filled me with a mix of wonder and disbelief, for I could scarcely comprehend how I had come to be in this place, alive and witnessing this poignant moment.She beckoned to me, her gesture filled with an unspoken invitation. It was as if she held the key to answers I longed for, urging me to follow her into
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