All Chapters of Lean On Me: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
75 Chapters
Seeing the way Alex was staring at her, Luna smiled. "Don't look so surprised, Alex. I've already signed up for this."Alex smiled and, leaned on the crutch with his right arm while his other arm went around her shoulders, and she began helping him to the bathroom.Once they got into the bathroom, he said, "Um, there's a problem.""What is it?" she asked."I need help with my... Um, my instrument for peeing.""What? How can you......?" Luna wanted to complain, but then she noticed that one of his hands was resting on the crutch and his other hand was around her shoulder. If he took it away, he'd lose his balance, and it would cause him more pain in his legs."Why are you blushing so much?" he asked. "Come on, you're a grown woman. Why are you acting like a child?""Fine."Luna closed her eyes as her hand went to his zipper. Alex's heart began to race and his gaze remained fixed on her as she undid his zip. The moment her hand touched his d*ck, he got a boner. As Luna felt his d*ck do
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Luna got up and looked at Alex in surprise."Do not get upset, Luna," Alex said. "It's just the way I feel."She shook her head and ran out of the room. Once again, she leaned outside the door as she tried to control her beating heartAfter a while, she said to herself, "No, I am not going to run. I should make my stance clear to Alex. I've already promised to care for him, and I'll fulfill my promise. I'll care for him until he gets well."She was about to walk back into the room when her phone began to ring. She took out her phone and saw that it was from Allison. She breathed in and out before answering the call."Hi Allison, what's up?""Hi Luna, I'm so sorry," Allison said. "Adrian told me about the accident. How is Alex? Is it really bad? I heard he's confined to the house for the time being."Luna sighed, "Yeah, well, I offered to take care of him, so I'm doing my best, and I'm hopeful that he would get well.""You're taking care of him? Then I doubt if he'll really recover." A
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As Alex stared at Luna, who had her back to him, he thought back to the deal he had made with his doctor and smiled.After the accident, he had felt a slight pain in one of his legs and found it difficult to move about, but then he got an idea. He wanted Luna to take care of him in hopes that she'd get closer to him and fall for his charms, so he asked the doctor to make his injury look more serious than it was.In all honesty, he could move about on his own as he wasn't in as much pain as he pretended to be, but he was happy that Luna was taken in by his act, and he felt that she was slowly softening her resolve towards their relationship.He stared at her back and thought inwardly, "Talk about taking advantage of the moment."He began to wonder if she was asleep and realized that he had not put a bigger part of his plan into motion yet.He tapped her gently, and when she turned, he realized that she wasn't sleeping, "Oh, I thought you were sleeping," he said."No, I wasn't," Luna re
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Claire ran into Alex's bedroom and excitedly got on the bed. "Good morning, Daddy. I've been looking for you. I haven't seen you in a long time."Alex smiled and said, "Morning, darling. How are you feeling today?""I'm feeling okay."As she looked around the room, her eyes darted to the crutches lying on the ground, and she asked, "Are those yours, Daddy?"Alex nodded, "Yes, they're mine, sweetie.""Oh no, are you sick?"Alex laughed, "Why would you think I am sick?""Well, because only people who cannot walk use crutches.""Yeah, well, I had a little problem with my leg, and so it's just helping me for the time being. Very soon, I'll be fine." Alex assured."I'm so sorry, Daddy," Claire said sadly. "Does it hurt? Are you in pain?"Alex smiled, "No, baby, I am not in pain, okay.""I wanted to play with you today, and I looked for you everywhere, but I didn't see you. I saw Uncle Adrian, and he said you were in your room, so I ran here to see you.""What about your mommy?" Alex asked.
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Alex stared at Luna with an apologetic expression on his face as he tried to explain, "I... I did find out, but..."However, Luna got upset and walked away. Struggling to move with his crutch, Alex went after her and said, "Hold on Luna, please listen to me.""What? What do you want to say? Alex, you should've been honest with me from the start. I thought we were working together, I thought I could trust you, and we agreed... I thought we were on the same page here. Regardless of anything, you should've told me the truth. I mean, why keep me in the dark about this, and I had to hear it from your grandfather.""Listen, Luna, it's... it's... Please, just calm down, okay? I'm sorry for not telling you."Luna shook her head, "No Alex, we made a deal that once you get the shares, our contract will be over, and I think right now it's best if we bring everything to an end to avoid parting on bad terms.""Parting on bad terms?" Alex asked. "Luna, are you going to go back on your word to care
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Luna was taken by surprise but she did not push Alex away. Her hands went around his neck as she returned his kisses.Surprised, Alex stared at her as he ran his thumb along her lower lip. He had expected some resistance from her and even planned on how he was going to seduce her.But Luna was willing and it served to excite him more. He held her towel by its knot and pulled it off her body. She inhaled when it came loose, looking at him with unrestrained desire evident in her eyes.Alex doffed his clothes, even as his eyes held hers. His hands went to her fairly large breasts and he fondled them gently before covering a nipple with his lips.Luna gasped as desire rippled through her body. Her throbbing core was wet and she wanted him to fill her up. She clutched his hair, moaning as his fingers found their way to her p**sy and he began to finger her.She almost lost her balance when she couldn't take it anymore and Alex instinctively lifted her onto the bed. With her legs parted, his
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Alex spent the next two days at home happily. Each time Luna asked him if he wasn't going to work, he said no, "This feels like I'm finally getting my honeymoon, so let me enjoy it a while longer."On the night before he was to resume, he told Luna, "I need to say something to you.""I'm all ears," Luna replied.Alex hesitated because he didn't want Luna to worry, but at the same time, he wanted her to be conscious of her safety. He had gotten a few bodyguards for himself and also instructed them to keep an eye on her until he took care of his enemies. However, he still believed that she needed to know so she could be extra cautious."Someone wants me dead," he said.Luna gasped, "What? Who would want you dead and why? Why does someone want to kill you?"Seeing her restless expression, Alex said, "Just calm down, okay? In the accident I had back then, someone deliberately tampered with my brakes.The person wanted to kill me, so I had to pretend that I didn't know what happened and to
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Luna quickly hung up on Cyrus. She couldn't understand why he was able to even reach her. Alex had told her that Cyrus had been taken care of by Miriam and won't be bothering them again.Thinking back to his words, she began to laugh. This was the same Cyrus who had rejected their child. For years, she tried to get him to pay child support, but he refused to do so and even wished that Claire would die. Now he claimed she was his daughter and wanted to take responsibility.She decided that she won't even bother Alex with something so stupid. Cyrus was just desperate, and there was nothing he could do to her. With this thought, she went back into the room to meet Alex, smiling."So..... that was Allison. She wanted to find out what's been happening. You know I haven't called her in a while, so I filled her in and she was very happy for me," Luna said.Alex smiled and pulled her into his arms. "As long as you're happy, all those who care about you would be happy too."Luna looked at him,
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Ethan paced up and down in his cell, feeling profoundly upset. He had not expected Alex to issue an order for his arrest. Despite being in there for two days, he had not been able to secure his release. The only person he could reach out to at this point was his grandfather, who he knew held influence over Alex. It was all his fault. If he had acted fairly and justly, things would not have escalated to the condition he was currently in. He had called his grandfather, and the latter had promised to come and see him. Thus, he awaited his grandfather's arrival impatiently.A few minutes later, his grandfather finally arrived at the station, and Ethan was brought out to see him. His grandfather folded his arms, staring at Ethan without displaying any compassion in his eyes. In response to the cold look emanating from his grandfather, Ethan scoffed. "Don't tell me that even now you're still taking that bastard's side," Ethan exclaimed.His grandfather slapped him and sternly asked, "Ho
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As the interview of Alex's grandfather went viral, everyone began making fun of Cyrus. At this point, Sylvia also saw the interview and was surprised. She had thought that Alex had killed Cyrus. If she had known he would make it out alive, she would not have absconded with all his money. She quickly picked up her phone and called him, wanting to know if it was possible for them to continue from where they left off. However, the moment Cyrus answered the call and heard her voice, he said, "Bitch, go to hell.""Calm down Cyrus, listen to my explanation," she said. "I had to run for my life. Alex wanted to kill me.""Are you deaf? I said go to hell!" Cyrus repeated himself before hanging up. He knew that she was useless to him at this point. She couldn't do anything for him. She had already taken all the money he made from Miriam, and what he had left was what he got from selling off Miriam's sex videos. If he let her back into his life, what was the guarantee that she would not steal
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