All Chapters of The Unwanted Luna Goddess: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
100 Chapters
“You had a good aim.” Kaliyah smiled proudly at Samantha’s comment, glancing at her after she shoot her arrow. The wooden target was at least a hundred meters away, yet she was still able to shoot the bull’s eye. “Thank you,” she replied and loaded her bow once more. Like her first few arrows, she placed it on her bow in a swift manner; indicating that she had trained a lot before. “I see you had trained. But can you shoot a moving object?” Kaliyah closed her one eyes, focusing at the red dot once more. As she let out a silent breath, she released the arrow. And shoot. Again, it didn’t miss any. “I can.” “Then, hop on!” She turned to Samantha who’s already on the horse’s back. She slinged her bow on her shoulder. “Where are we going?” she curiously asked, but still jumped on the other horse’s back. It was a white horse while Samantha has a brown one. Still, unlike her, she wasn’t able to get on the horse as easy as she thought of.
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She was exhausted. Kaliyah gritted her teeth, gnashing it as the pain all over her body ached even more. With everything she saw in an upside-down manner, she watched the sun disappears from the horizon. And now, all she was seeing was but darkness. Noises of unknown creatures creeped her out, evoking fear in her. even the slightest brushing of leaves as the wind passes spooks her. She really wanted to go. To free herself. But all her energy had been drained by hunting all day. Although it was just a hunt, no one would imagine how many times she had to run in the forest and had fell into the ground. The wind brushed across her face, and with the leaves being flown off, she saw a glimpse of the moon. “Why don’t I try to transform?” she wondered, thinking it might break the rope she was tied with. She looked at it again, and saw how her ankles were already swollen. If this stays for much longer, she’ll surely get her feet cut off. “I really had n
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Under Ruan’s scrutinizing and intense stare on her naked body, instead of felt being violated, Kaliyah found herself being embarrassed. She was thinking… Does he find me beautiful? Does he think, I am alluring? Does he want me, unlike how Fenris rejected me? Or was he disappointed in me just as my mate does… Kaliyah gulped; a lump felt like blocking her throat as she swallows. Ruan’s eyes fell to her eyes back, looking deep into those mesmerizing violet eyes. He held her stare for a moment, and there seemed to be an internal dialogue between them. One that is so intense and no one was brave enough to cut off. And it was him who lost. Just as she wished, he threw a dagger on the rope she’s being tied with, and in a second, Kaliyah was falling to the ground. She already anticipated her painful fall, starting from her head. Yet, that didn’t happen. Ruan caught her. And being wrapped in his arms, she felt his bare hands touching h
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“Luna! Are you alright?”-Troy “Luna! Luna! Why are you so wounded? Terry! Look at her!” -Gavin “Gray, you should call the doctor. I don’t think she can survive this night if we don’t treat her wound now.”- Terry. “Hmm.” Quickly, Gray disappeared to somewhere Kaliyah didn’t saw anymore since she was blocked by three tall men. “You’re all a betrayer. Do you still remember I’m your alpha? And I am hurt.” With Ruan’s purposeful hurt and disappointed tone, his pack finally diverted their eyes off Kaliyah and look at him. However, he was even more dismayed since he cannot detect the same worry in their faces when they looked at Kaliyah. “I think you’re fine, alpha,” Gavin said in a flat tone and checked on Kaliyah again. “I have a bump in my forehead!” Ruan complained while pointing at his swollen forehead caused by Kaliyah. Yet, Troy spoke. “That’s just a scratch for you, Ruan. The last time you disappeared, Terry even thought you’ll die
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“I didn’t expect them to care for me this much,” Kaliyah said, in her soft and low tone. Ruan paused, lifting his eyes on her. He was kneeling at her feet, checking and rotating her ankle which was now swollen than before. At her words, he didn’t even show any hint of what he’s feeling. He just stared at her, then looked at how bad her feet were. Then, he clenched his jaw. He didn’t like the redness he was seeing right now in her soft and white feet before. “I don’t also know why you cared for me this much.” Again, Ruan halted. But he didn’t look at her like before. Instead, he gently holds her feet together, and with no warning, he kissed both of them. And that totally caught her off guard. “What are you doing!? I didn’t even wash it. It’s dirty…” She tried to pull her feet away, yet he holds them still. She couldn’t even help but felt tingles with the way his long fingers were touching her. And how soft his lips were pressed agains
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It has been a week since Kaliyah started her official training. And every day, she was so busy that she rarely paid attention to anything else but this. “Is she having any progress?” Samantha’s lips curled upwards as her eyes fell on the woman who was currently practicing her swords skill with Terry. Among the men in the pack, even Ruan couldn’t beat him on it. He was so skilled that no one dared to challenge him on it. Yet, everyone aspires to be taught by him. Kaliyah was a lucky one. “Are you just trying to boast your woman, my little nephew? From the very first time, I think you already knew how talented she is. But opps- I was mistaken. She isn’t your woman. But Fenris’s.” Samantha laughed as she sipped from her tea, ignoring how Ruan bared his teeth on her. “Don’t mention that stinky jerk’s name, little aunt. And Kaliyah is my woman. She’s destined to be mine.” “Well, we aren’t sure about that.” Again, Ruan frowned at his aunt. “But what we are sure about is tha
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“You’re going to the village alone with Kaliyah?!” Terry to Ruan. “And you agreed?!” Terry to Samantha. Looking at Terry with emotionless eyes, Samantha answered. “As if you can stop him even if I disagree.” “But you always did! he won’t ever do something if you disagree.” “Yes, he did. when he was eight years old.” Samantha threw a sharp glare at Ruan but he just ignored it. Terry knew she was right. But then, he was getting anxious. Although their kingdom had been peaceful for the past five years, it still isn’t that safe for Ruan to wander around the kingdom. Especially with Kaliyah with him. “Who told you to call her by her name?” Ruan snapped at Terry, his eyes were as deadly as his sharp sword. Yet, Terry proudly cocked his brow upwards and answer. “I taught Kaliyah her swords skill. Perhaps we had became closer since then that she asks me to call her by her name. she calls my by name too- Hey! Ruan!” After just throwing a kni
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Kaliyah was instantly thrilled the moment they crossed the bridge. For after they got passed through it, a bustling village welcomed her. Elton villages are more populated and livelier than this. Yet, she just doesn’t know why finds the villages here more beautiful. Was it because of the people? “Is this your-” The beautiful smile in her lips faded when Ruan jumped down from the horse, leaving her hanging. “You may go around to visit the village. I still have some work to do.” “Ruan!” He ignored her. he didn’t even stopped, nor looked back when she called her name. he just walked away, leaving her completely alone in this unknown place. “Was he mad because of what I said while ago?” she wondered, feeling bad because of it now. But deep inside her, she was mad at him for leaving her alone right now. When in fact, it’s him who brought her out to enjoy as he quoted. “As if I can’t be happy without you!” she muttered and leaded th
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“Our Luna is missing?!” Ever since a notice was sent to the palace from Ruan, it was all chaotic all over. Even the palace guards who weren’t suppose to move out from their posts were pulled out just to search for their missing Luna. “What is that naughty boy even thinking for leaving a little girl on her own? How should I even punish him for his foolishness!?” Terry gently patted her back to calm her down, yet Samantha just glared at him. She didn’t need someone to console her. she wanted her student back in the palace; safe and unscratched. Yet, it already seemed impossible when the night is already drawing deep. “Don’t worry. They will find her. I already dispatch half of the guards here to look for Kaliyah.” With what he said, Samantha only felt more furious. “Yes. You did. and that’s already been couple of hours since. And yet, there’s still no news of her. Are you boasting how incompetent you guards are, Terry?” Her sarcasm banter embarra
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“Do you want to dance with me, my lady?” It wasn’t the first time that Kaliyah was asked by a man to dance with him. The community dance of the people in the village was fun. Until it turned somewhat romantic where young men and women danced together. It was sweet to watch not until she was asked to join. “We’re really sorry, Ed. She’s my patient and she cannot even stand up. How can she dance?” in a jokingly manner, it was Elle who kept declining them for her. The man’s worried eyes landed on Kaliyah who was sitting on a dead trunk which was meant for the people to sit on. “Is that so? Then, pardon my inconsiderateness, my lady.” To her surprise, the man knelt before her and kiss the back of her hand. Kaliyah didn’t even have time to react when that happened, that her eyes only widened in horror after the man left. Worried that Kaliyah was offended by it, Elle was quick to explain things to her. “T-that’s… I’m sorry. Please understand. T
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