Lahat ng Kabanata ng The Runaway Wife and Her Tabby Cat Prince: Kabanata 101 - Kabanata 105
105 Kabanata
The Wife of a High Roller
The solemn greeting of the maids echoed to the stairwell where Delta was. Instead of heading back to the home office, she changed direction and went to greet her husband. She descended the stairs and found him walking home after another day of physical therapy.Unlike what Delta thought, even his blades burned against his skin that time. Not only the obvious spot had third-degree burns. For Wolfram to regain his ambidexterity and attack speed, he needed to do a lot of physical therapy. Of course, it came with frustration and exhaustion.Wolfram walked with his eyes closed, so it was fairly easy for Delta to catch him with her own body. When he bumped into her, he only gasped softly and whined upon seeing the bright smile on her lips.“Delta, have you finished with the guest list?” Wolfram wrapped his arms around her shoulders as she did the same on his waist. “You also look mischievous. Are you doing something strange?”“No, nothing strange.” She giggled as she then moved to show him
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Delta's Fairytale (1)
The wares vendor hid behind her stand, but Delta still came to hand one to her. She didn’t do much for Delta’s mental well-being, but she was the first one who would lend Delta money when she needed to loan some to make ends meet.Delta still smiled at her, so the third vendor only chuckled nervously. “I’m really sorry. I just thought you grew so ungrateful and left without a word…”“A wedding? I guess you’re doing well. That’s good.” The man was eating the strawberries he bought while listening to them. He even offered some to Delta. “I’m also happy for you… even if you don’t know me at all.”“Don’t know? But I remember all my repeat customers. Thank you for buying a crate every time.” Delta also smiled at the man. However, she didn’t have any invitation for him. It was not like he expected one as well. She just indulged him by asking for one strawberry.…Days after…Delta kept on twirling in her room as she waited for the ceremony to start. She was already suited in her wedding gow
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Delta's Fairytale (2)
Chatters returned with squeals and cooing as the flower girls and the ringbearers came. Eine and Regina were like little fairies scattering the flower petals. Even if guests could not bring their children, the bride and groom’s family still had theirs. After all, these three had a role to play.Foxley walked next to Gulper, the dog carrying a pillow on its back. Gulper even had a suit that matched its owner’s clothes. The rings were on the pillow, encased in a glass box for people on the aisle to see. It was a pair of white rings with diamonds and gold linings.The music soon died down before the bridal theme started playing. However, instead of the normal song, what played was an old song only a few could recall. Wolfram figured it was that one song Delta liked listening to while she was waiting for Carolus to come home when they were still children.“Here she comes…” “Oh, my God… her gown is so gorgeous…”The people stood for the coming of the bride. When the doors opened again, the
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Daddy Yuri
Even though the newlyweds escaped the church, Trisha was sure that they would return for the reception. She was making rounds to see the food served to the guests, but she only heard everyone discussing a few things about the wedding. They talked about the venue, the other guests, Delta’s angelic entrance… the children, the wedding vows, and the willful escape.Some matrons and maidens gossiped about the children a lot. It was evident in their vows that Delta’s little angels were not Wolfram’s children. However, the two kids would say ‘Daddy Wolfie’ every time.“Trisha, when are they returning?” Janelle stealthily went to her side and offered her a drink as an excuse. “We still have to tell Delta about the thing.”“Psh, do you think I’m not ready? Delta already knows about the plan.” Trisha huffed and still took the drink Janelle gave her. She sipped on it and waved her hand to make Janelle scarce. They shouldn’t be caught talking, or else people might get the wrong idea.Just as Jane
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Don't Run Away from Your Tabby Cat Prince, Then [END]
Feet shuffled as someone ran up to the main lobby. There were giggles in her mouth as she ran around like a small child let loose in their new house. It was just that… it was not their new house. Delta just incredibly missed the majestic visage of the Blue Moon Estate.Instead of having the honeymoon right after the wedding, Delta asked to have it moved to another month—or even at the end of the year. After all, Wolfram was still undergoing physical therapy for his body. She also needed to catch up with work to snatch Zenon’s seat on the board.Nah, Trisha knew how to be kind even if she was like an old witch. Delta long forgot to zero in on Zenon’s seat. Yuri should just pick someone else’s.“Delta, aren’t you a little too giddy?” Wolfram laughed a little as he called out from the door. He was also caught perusing the door of his real house. Ever since they received that threat toward Eine and Foxley, they had relocated to the Willow House. It was nothing but a safe house prepared f
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