All Chapters of Spoil Me Again: My Billionaire Husband Forgot Me: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
85 Chapters
Fifty one
ISABELLE’S POV.I held my breath as I took the envelope from Stefan and opened it with trembling hands..“ Congratulations Sister in-law, you're three weeks pregnant..” Stefan announced with a smile on his face but of course I couldn't take my eyes away from the test results in my hands..“ I'm pregnant?” I mumbled unconsciously without taking my eyes away from the test results..I couldn't believe it… It is too good to be true..“ Yes sister in law…Do you want me to give Kristen a call?” He asked and I shook my head..“ No it's fine… I have to go now..” I stood immediately and left in trance while clenching on to the test results.I managed to find myself at the parking lot and got into the car only then I hit my head against the steering wheel to calm down..This was good news and I was supposed to be happy but unfortunately I couldn't help but feel sad..Everything was still very much unstable and having a baby at the moment would only complicate things..I unconsciously wrapped m
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Fifty two
It's been a week and Kristen wouldn't change his mind and wouldn't tell anyone what his reasons were..He'd become grumpier than ever.. His employees had tried not to cross paths with their boss at all and made sure they didn't slack off at work so they didn't risk getting fired..Kristen was standing by the floor to ceiling window with one hand in his pocket while staring down at his cellphone.He was obviously staring at a picture of Isabelle with a straight expression.No one knew what he was thinking..A knock landed on the door and Richard walked inside with a tablet in his hand..“ The meeting with the Salvadors starts in thirty minutes, Sir..” Richard announced but got no reaction from his boss who seemed to be lost in his thoughts.“ I see..” Kristen quietly shoved his phone into his pocket before turning around with a frown and headed towards his desk.“ Get everything ready..” He added as he unhurriedly sat down behind his desk and returned to work..“ May I ask you somethin
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Fifty three
EPISODE FIFTY THREE.Three days later, Diane had been moved to a VIP ward which had a balcony facing the hospital Garden.Stefan was going with his normal rounds by checking up on all his patients when Diane groaned softly as she snapped her eyes open..“ Where am I?” Her voice came out hoarse and Stefan immediately rushed towards her..“ Can you hear me?” He asked and she Nodded slowly..“ You're at the hospital..” Stefan informed with a straight expression as he took out a tiny flashlight from his pocket and placed it against her eyes..“ Follow the light, Diane..” instructed and she did as she was told..“Stefan?” She mumbled but he simply went on with his work..“ You need to rest but first you need to tell me if you feel any discomfort anywhere on your body..” He cut her off and she Nodded once again like a child.He gently pinched her left foot and she frowned in discomfort and after which he went over to the right feet and pinched it gently but got no reaction..“ Wait.. I can'
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Fifty four
Stefan glanced at the hand holding him and decided to stay..“ Do you need anything?” He asked and she shook her head negatively.“ I don't want to be alone.” She mumbled with a sad voice as she nervously Held onto the sheets..“ I'm not going anywhere.” He assured as he took her hand and gave it a gentle squeeze before leaning in to check her temperature to be sure she wasn't running a temperature..“ Are you hungry? Is there something you would like to eat? I'll ask the caregiver to get it..” he asked and she shook her head negatively..“ Well I'm going to order some food whether you like it or not.. I know you have been skipping meals lately..” “ Look if you want to starve yourself to death, do it somewhere else and not my hospital..” Sternly reprimanded her and this made her chuckle..“ I'm sorry..”Stefan immediately ordered food for her and also took it upon himself to feed her like the gentleman he was..“ When am I going to get discharged from this prison?” She jokingly aske
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Fifty five
“ Get out now!” Diane screamed on top of her lung and in the process she fell off the chair and the woman immediately tried to go Close but was suddenly stopped when someone grabbed hold of her forearm roughly..“ I think you're done here, Ma'am..” Stefan said with a stern expression.. I'd just gotten out of the OR and was on his way to check on Diane who was getting discharged only to bump into the scene before him..Seeing who the man was, the woman smiled nervously..“ I'm sorry, Lord Stefan..I -”“ Get out of my hospital.” Stefan cut her off before she could say anything else and dragged her out the room before shutting the door with a bang..The nurse was helping Diane back on the Wheelchair but he stopped the nurse and insisted on doing it himself.“ You may leave now, Emily.” Stefan dismissed the nurse as he effortlessly carried her off the floor and placed her back on the wheelchair and immediately checked for any scratches.Diane didn't dare meet his eyes as she looked down o
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Fifty six
“ Would you like me to feed you?” Stefan asked and Diane looked at him like he'd grown horns..“ You don't have to worry I'll manage.” She tried not to shutter as she spoke and picked up the cultery but of course Stefan wasn't going to take no for an answer as he took the cutlery from her and quietly cut her chicken into tiny piece before bringing one go lips..Diane wanted to say something but swallowed he'd grievance and let him feed her even though she was embarrassed as hell.Her eyes had turned red from embarrassment..Stefan fed her without saying a word.“ What about you? Ain't you eating anything?” She asked and he slowed down a bit.“ Don't worry about me. I'll eat when I'm sure you're full.” He said as he kept feeding her till she'd cleared half of the place.Of course the meal was delicious but Diane didn't dare admit that in front of him..“ I would like to take a shower, I feel uncomfortable in these clothes.” She mumbled and Stefan knew things were about to go crazy.“
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Fifty seven
Stefan walked out of the bathroom with a towel hanging loosely Around his waist and this caught Diane by surprise as she immediately covered her face with the sheets.“ Why are you walking around naked?” She mumbled as her cheeks flushed crimson red with embarrassment.“ But I'm not naked..” Stefan defended himself as he gently wiped his hair with the hand towel.“ You're so shameless.” She mumbled weakly and he chuckled softly.“ You want to see real shamelessness? Take the sheets away from your eyes, let me show you something really shameless.” Stefan dared her but wasn't going to fall for his trap..“ Get a shirt on!”she groaned softly but Stefan decided to be more petty by walking towards her and pulled the sheets off her making her scream in shock.“ Enjoy the view.” Stefan said as he playfully tried to pull the towel away from his waist, making her scream some more.“ Stefan!” Her face had turned pale from embarrassment..“ Relax I won't take it off..” he chuckled and it was the
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Fifty eight
ISABELLA'S POV..I walked back to my car quietly as tears rolled down my cheeks..At this point I was exhausted and wanted to escape from everything else.I was constantly trying to make things work but in the end it got worse.I mindlessly flagged down a cab and got in immediately.I didn't care about my car at the moment and just wanted to get away from him.“ Where to ma'am?” The driver asked and called out the location while leaning against the door with my hands wrapped tightly around my stomach.“ Are you alright ma'am?” The driver asked while staring at me through the rear view mirror with a concerned expression.“ I'm fine, just take me home.” She mumbled and closed my eyes.The ride to the mansion was awfully quiet and I couldn't bring myself to think..I turned off my cell phone because I didn't want to be disturbed by anyone.I paid the driver and got out of the car without saying a word and walked towards the mansion's gate..I walked all the way to the East side mansion a
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Fifty nine
Kristen groaned in anger and walked out of the mansion without saying a word and got into his car immediately.He drove back to his mansion and dashed towards his vent room and angrily picked up the bat and began smashing things.“ Arghhhhh!” He screamed in frustration as he kept smashing things to feel better but unfortunately he felt even worse by the second.He glanced at his hand which he'd used to hit her and began punching his fist against the nearest wall.He kept punching the wall with the hand he'd used to hit her till the flesh got broken and his knuckles began bleeding profusely.He fell to the ground on his knees as he began breathing heavily.He was beyond pissed and he needed to see his wife at the moment so he could apologize to her.He never wanted to hit her but it was just the spur of the moment and the fear of almost knocking her down at the race track..“ Dammit!” He cursed out loud as he ran his bloody hand through his hand.He didn't give a damn about the blood g
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ISABELLE'S POV.“ Sure..” I forced a smile before looking away Immediately.I leaned against my seat as I stared at the ocean which was surprisingly satisfying to watch..“ Beautiful right?” The cute Gray haired man beside me spoke and I agreed with a nod.“ Whenever I feel uneasy about something, I just sit by the beach and just listen to the water splashing against the shore. Trust me when I say it helps me calm down.” He mumbled with a smile and I muttered a ‘Oh’“ It's nice… The smell of sand makes me feel relaxed. I think I should come here often.” I muttered and turned to look at him.His obsidian eyes stared back at him and those eyes kinda reminded me of someone..“ And I wouldn't mind hosting you next time.” “ Jake and you?” He extended his hand for a handshake which I accepted.“ Isabelle.” I curtly responded and took my hand away from him..“ You're beautiful by the way.” He suddenly took me unaware and I blushed heavily.“ Thank you for your compliment.” He seems like a
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