All Chapters of Bound To The Ruthless Alpha Mafia: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
76 Chapters
Emery's POVGetting rid of Arabella's child was easier said than done. If Margaret had been strict about her diet before, it was nothing on what she did now. Every food was prepared in front of her or by her. Everything was carefully supervised because of Arabella's so-called pregnancy sensitivities. And I had to be careful about what I did. I was trying to assassinate the heir to the Lupo-Mortale pack. It was one thing to make sure none of the women in the harem conceived, it was another to murder an unborn but already-formed child. I could trust no one, not even my mother who supplied me with the drug. Any lapse on my side would terminate my life untimely.I was trying to improve the quality of my life and not get myself killed. I paced the length of my room in the harem. A tiny space compared to the expanse that Arabella now occupied. I swallowed the bitter thought and let it harden inside me. An idea occurred to me as if born of my envy. I just had to kill the child in any way p
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To the dungeons
Alpha Luciano's POVI was disturbed. It wasn't because of the mindless conversations I had undergone while following Uncle Tommaso around. Could it be because I had left Arabella behind? Was I so caught up in her that I couldn't think clearly when she wasn't around me? No, it was all in my head. I was not falling for her nor was I worried about her. She had her guards with her. They would keep her safe for the next hour. Besides, my pack lands were impenetrable. If I was still bothered about her now it meant that I… no, I would never accept that. I wasn't. That was final.Arabella was fine. ********Arabella's POVMy vision blurred with tears. Margaret was… I refused to think about it. I blotted it out of my mind. I would soon reach the main entrance of the pack and every step I took felt like a betrayal. That was what I was doing, wasn't it? Betrayal? I was betraying Margaret to save my life and my child's. Even if she had demanded it of me it felt unbelievably cruel.I heard some
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Alpha Luciano's POVThe thing about life is that when bad things happen you think 'sorry for the person but it can never happen to me'. Things like these didn't happen to people like me. I shouldn't have had to wait on a verdict from a doctor with so much trepidation.It was my fault. All of it. If I had just taken her with me like she'd asked me to then none of this would have happened. If I had stationed a company of guards to protect her instead of giving her so few because I thought it would keep people less suspicious and keep her safe. If I had simply left the fucking party from the start the moment I felt strange. If only, if only, if fucking only. I was filled with regret. I was angry and pained, I wanted to rip someone, anyone apart. There was something fundamentally flawed with me. I had strangled Emery instead of checking in on Arabella's condition first. If I closed my eyes, I could still hear Arabella's voice.Luciano, look at us. We'll be terrible parents...You are one
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Arabella's POVThe only problem with being high is eventually you come down. Being pregnant had been my high. I had been happy. I felt loved, felt wanted. I had loved, dreamt, hoped and seen a future when I should have been scared of the aftermath.My body healed. My belly was flat and concave again in days thanks to the genetics of being a werewolf. If I tried a little I could imagine it all being a dream. The only problem was when I opened my eyes, Margaret was gone.The painful part was Margaret's sacrifice had been in vain because the child had died anyway. The baby was gone. My baby was dead. And Luciano. After forcing me to eat, he stood up and was almost at the door before he turned and asked me a question that wasn't even about me."Emery. What role did she play in all this?"Out of spite, I wanted to stay silent. She had wronged me several times in the past and I wanted her to hurt as well. I wanted everyone to feel this endless pain that seemed to hollow me out from the in
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Sorry for your loss
Alpha Luciano's POV"I think it's high time you killed Arabella. She has outlived her usefulness. Vitalio has been declawed and is busy fighting off the government with the last of his cash to keep himself out of jail. We have no use for her anymore."I ignored Uncle Vitalio. He seemed to have woken up on the wrong side of the bed today. He wanted me to kill Arabella now that she was no longer carrying my child. And somehow he felt that I would go with it?I browsed through Mikah's report on the activities of the Creoles. It was too quiet and I had learnt to be wary of the quiet before the storm. "Luciano, I'm speaking to you.""I heard you." I raised my eyes to meet him. "I just don't feel like wasting my time on pointless arguments. Arabella is my property. She will live as I will.""It is not your place to interfere with your Alpha's affairs. We all saw what happens when I let you try it. That's how this entire Creole mess started anyway. So mind your business and find a fucking h
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Arabella's POVWhen I woke up, I was chained up with silver and gagged. I was also on the forest floor but it wasn't the same forest that I had lost consciousness in. That Emery had knocked me out. That bitch!How dare she? What exactly was her plan? She couldn't hurt me, Luciano would have her hide. Not because he cared about me but because in his twisted mind, I was just a property which he owned, meaning only he could decide on my life and death.Or could he be in on this?"I'll give her to you as long as you promise me that you will kill her and Luciano will never find out that I had anything to do with this." That was Emery's voice. Who was she giving me to? I tried not to make too much noise so that they wouldn't notice that I had woken up already. I twisted my neck and head slightly. I could see Emery talking to a cloaked person some yards away, her voice low and conspiratorial. The voice that replied was low, sweet with a tang of sarcasm."Do you think I answer to a lowly
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Arabella's POVI hurt all over from the multiple beatings I had taken. My back and my stomach were bruised and I was sure that I had cracked at least one rib. After beating me up on Anastasia's command, they proceeded to dump me in this wooden storage unit. It was musty and smelled like mould. I could hear their conversations going on outside. I had to escape from this place.When I had been depressed about losing my child, I thought a lot about dying. It wasn't like I wanted to end my life. I just wanted the pain to end. But now the last thing I wanted was for my life to end.I never understood how Luciano felt violence and death were the answers to every problem until after finding out that Emery and Anastasia had masterminded my child's death. I was angry. I wanted revenge with a ferocity that bothered me. But first I needed to escape. My hands were still chained in front of me. My legs were free, however. There had to be a plus side to this. I couldn't slam my body against the w
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Save her
Alpha Luciano's POVNo, she couldn't be dead. I laid her down on the forest floor. She looked serene. If not for the bullet marks and the blood on her lips, I would have thought her asleep. My wolf howled within me and I felt the twin feelings of rage and pain cloud my vision. There was once a time that I wanted Arabella dead. That I saw her as nothing more than a means of getting back at Vitalio. A time when revenge was all I was. All I needed to be.When I detested this bond between us that stopped me from harming her. A time when I was lost and somehow somewhere something had begun to shift and I denied it. Fought it with all of me because I didn't want to suffer the way my parents had. Their love became a weakness. Seeing the other half of her die had killed my mother before those men had even touched her. I'd wanted no one to have that hold on me and I had been successful. Sex was impersonal for me. It was merely satisfying my needs, scratching an itch so to speak.After findin
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Losing my mind
Alpha Luciano's POVArabella was still unconscious and I was losing my mind. Once Mikah was done with his report, I would talk to Uncle Tommaso and go to the hospital. Once I reached there, the doctor would update me on her condition and I would–"Alpha?" Mikah inquired. I startled out of my musing to see Uncle Tommaso and Mikah regarding as though they had been speaking to me for some time.I nearly sighed. I had been spacing out a lot recently. Every time I spent away from Arabella was telling on me. Now I wondered how I had managed to stay disconnected from her for so long. "Yes, Mikah?""What reply do we render?"I nearly growled in frustration. "Be bloody clear, Mikah. Did I tell you I now have the ability to read minds?""I apologise, Alpha." Mikah bowed. "I was speaking of the apology the Creoles have sent to us. They have also withdrawn from our borders. Word has it that they have also been reprimanded by the Espositos for their actions which might have played a role in the
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Emery's POVI knew I was fucked the moment I caught sight of Luciano bringing Arabella back. I had waited in my room in the haren waiting for the arrest order. When it didn't come, I prayed to the goddess and thanked her for saving my life. It was all that bitch Anastasia's fault. If she hadn't engaged me in a conversation when I was handing off Arabella to her, Arabella would have never seen my face. But she had and the look on her face when she realized I was behind her child's death was chilling. When she woke up, she wouldn't hesitate before telling Luciano about me.Then I heard about how serious her case was. I had been so happy and prayed fervently for a miracle. For her to die on the operating table. That way I wouldn't be punished by Luciano for trying to kill her. However, she'd survived. And that quickly I was in trouble again. She seemed to do that a lot. It was as though she had nine lives or something."I heard her case is extremely sensitive. The only thing that can
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