All Chapters of The Contracted CEO: A Marriage of Convenience: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
44 Chapters
Chapter Ten
As Cass sat in the cold, dimly lit interrogation room, her mind raced with a mixture of frustration and disbelief. She couldn't believe that a simple photograph of her receiving an envelope, which contained nothing more than cash, could lead to her arrest and questioning. The interrogator, a stern-faced detective named Detective Roberts, sat across from her, scrutinizing her every move. Cass maintained her composure, her legal training kicking in as she prepared to defend herself. "Ms. Thorton, the evidence against you is quite compelling," Detective Roberts began, sliding a folder containing the incriminating photograph across the table. "This photograph clearly shows you receiving a large sum of cash from an ex-employee of the pharmaceutical company who has been involved in several cases of bribery, extortion, and blackmail and is currently being investigated." Cass calmly picked up the folder, her eyes scanning the photograph. She knew she had to find a way to explain it. "I u
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Chapter Eleven
Cass plopped on the sofa and sighed, There was no need reading the content of the letter in her hand. It had been one month since the case and she had gone to the office to see Mr Peterson but Cass hadn't been allowed to see her boss, in fact she had been handed her sack letter by the security at the entrance who proceeded to supervise her clearing out the desk to the pitied stare of her associates. The day couldn't get any worse, she thought in her heart staring dejectedly at the wall. Suddenly, the door burst open, and Scar rushed in, her face pale and eyes wide with panic. "Cass! Cass!" Scarlet's voice trembled with urgency. "Something terrible has happened!" Cass jolted to attention, concern flooding her senses. "What is it, Scarlet? What's wrong?" Scarlet struggled to catch her breath, her words tumbling out in a rush. "Mrs. Anderson's child, the one in a coma... he... he didn't make it. he is gone!" A wave of shock and sorrow washed over Cass. The weight of the news bore d
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Chapter Twelve
The air in the clothing store felt heavy as Cass browsed through the racks of clothes, her mind occupied with the weight of recent events. It had been one long month since she had last seen or spoken to Jake, her heart shattered by the news of his engagement to Stacey. In fact, he had blocked her number, and Scar and Amanda had not been spared either. Lost in her thoughts, Cass suddenly froze as she caught sight of a familiar figure approaching. Her heart raced, hoping against hope that it wasn't who she feared it to be. But as Jake and Stacey came into view, any lingering doubt evaporated. Their eyes met, and for a moment, time seemed to stand still. Cass's emotions surged to the surface, a mix of hurt, betrayal, and anger coursing through her veins. She swallowed hard, steeling herself for the confrontation she knew was inevitable. Jake's voice, laced with condescension, broke the silence. "Well, well, if it isn't Cass. I heard you've been having quite a tough time lately and y
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Chapter Thirteen
The familiar sound of a phone ringing echoed through the room, momentarily interrupting Cass from her reminiscence. The number looked unfamiliar to Cass, so she answered tentatively, "Hello?" "Hello, Ms. Thorton, This is Marcus." Cass was surprised; he had never asked for her line. He always called on her office line or sent her a mail. "Good Afternoon Mr. Wells. Do you need anything?" "Shouldn't you drop the title as my fiancee?" Marcus said teasingly "What do you want, sir?" Cass reiterated "Well, I want to take you out tonight for our first date" Marcus said casually. Cass's heart fluttered, " You don't need to do that, sir." "I insist. I need you to buy a luxurious red dress at Signature Sartorial; You can come for my card. I will have the driver pick you up anywhere you want. Don't act frugal, I repeat, don't act frugal," Marcus said Cass's mouth was wide open when he hung up on her; The audacity of this man to think she wasn't capable of dressing nicely on her own. She
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Chapter Fourteen
Marcus took a sharp breath, "You look breathtaking but that is not a red dress" He said with a hint of annoyance "Good evening, Marcus," Cass greeted him with a playful smile. "I hope the blush dress meets your standards." Marcus's expression softened slightly, but a hint of annoyance lingered in his eyes. "It's not the red dress I requested, Cass," he replied again, his tone tinged with disappointment. Cass feigned innocence, her eyes sparkling mischievously. "Oh, I do apologize, Marcus. I thought a blush dress would be more fitting for the occasion. Besides, red can be so predictable, don't you think?" Marcus sighed, "You always manage to surprise me, Cass" unable to hide a small smile "Fair enough. You do look stunning, regardless." The evening unfolded, with the attentive staff serving a delectable feast. As Marcus had predicted, their presence in the VIP section drew curious glances and discreet whispers from other patrons. People couldn't help but steal glances at the eligib
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Chapter Fifteen
Brr...Brr... Her phone rang; it was a call from Jake. Cass pursed her lips; what was his deal? They had not spoken since the humiliating encounter at the store; now, he was not only sending messages but calling her. With a smirk, she accepted the call. "Hello, Jake. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Scar and Amanda turned their heads so fast it caused a whiplash. Cass put her fingers to her lips to silence them. Jake's voice came through, filled with frustration and annoyance. "Cass, what the hell is going on? I can't believe you're parading around with some billionaire. Do you think this is going to make me jealous? Because let me tell you, it's not working." Cass couldn't help but laugh at his words. "Whoa, slow down, cowboy, you are tripping on your words. Oh, Jake, you're still as predictable as ever. Believe it or not, this date has nothing to do with you. And jealousy? That ship sailed a long time ago when you got engaged to Stacey, remember." There was a moment of silence o
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Chapter Sixteen
Father? Cass was dumbstruck. Marcus's father, Mr. Gabe Wells, was Standing tall at around six feet; he possessed an air of authority and confidence that commands attention. Mr. Gabe's ruggedly handsome features were so similar to Marcus's, with a strong jawline, chiseled facial structure, and piercing, intelligent eyes that seemed to hold a wealth of life experiences. His salt-and-pepper hair, expertly styled, added to his distinguished appearance. Despite the touch of gray, Gabe's hair retained a lustrous sheen, hinting at a meticulous grooming routine and attention to detail. Dressed in a tailored suit that fitted him perfectly, Mr. Gabe exuded elegance and refinement. The fabric of his suit draped flawlessly over his broad shoulders and trim physique, accentuating his commanding presence. Mr. Gabe Wells was the most powerful figure in the city, Heck, in the entire country. He was known to be a recluse and only attended ten functions in a year, but here she was, staring right at
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Chapter Seventeen
Cass couldn't help but ask, "So... Who is Alex?" Marcus's face tensed up, his eyes narrowing slightly. The mention of Alex seemed to stir up a mix of emotions within him. "Alex is my stepbrother," he explained, his voice tinged with frustration. "My dad had an affair and he was the result. It's a long story I don't want to get into now but he's always wanted what I have, anything I get, he wants to take from me be it cars or women" "He had an affair with my ex-girlfriend Victoria, I caught them and now they are married." Cass's eyebrows furrowed as she processed the information. She couldn't help but feel a surge of empathy for Marcus, knowing the personal struggles he faced within his own family. "Was your father aware?" Cass asked Marcus laughed "He was" "He is not exactly your ideal image of a father" Marcus continued scornfully "He simply said and I quote "You aren't married to her yet, let your brother have her" and that was the end of that discussion". "That's why I initi
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Chapter Eighteen
"Mr. Wells, the B-team just reported a situation" Caleb, the head of security said. Cass looked around worriedly but couldn't see the source of the commotion "Okay take him to the basement, I will be there shortly" Caleb said speaking into his earpiece, his voice firm and authoritative. "Sorry Mr Wells, someone was seen snooping around and taking pictures with a wide-range camera. I have asked that he be taken to the basement" Caleb continued Marcus nodded in approval his jaw set with a mix of anger and concern, "Thank you, Caleb. I want to know who sent him and why." Caleb motioned for the guards to take their leave and give Marcus and Cass their privacy and Cass couldn't help but feel a sense of relief knowing that Marcus's security team was quick to react and protect them. "Sorry about that Cass" Marcus said With the intrusion behind them, Marcus and Cass continued their date, eager to make the most of the evening. "So... Can I ask a question?" Marcus asked "Sure" Cass said
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Chapter Nineteen
Marcus chuckled and walked out of the basement. He already had information that Cass's ex-boyfriend Jake had sent the spy. He just needed confirmation. To be honest, He had been surprised to find out it wasn't Alex as he had expected. "Mr. Marcus, What should we do with him?" Caleb asked Marcus smiled. "Let's send a message, shall we? Send him back to his boss and put the Judge on the line" Marcus said, walking to his room. Marcus loved walking through his hallway and seeing the numerous photographs of his late mother. The picture that stood out the most was the twelve-foot image that took up most of the wall; It was the last time his mother had been happy and had a smile on her face. Marcus shook his head; he had promised himself to only think of his mother in her happy days. Noticing Caleb walking behind him silently, he asked, "What is it?" "The judge has been placed on call sir" Caleb informed him. "Okay, I will be taking a shower now. Tell him to hold onto that call; thirt
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