All Chapters of Killed by Alpha Mate: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
215 Chapters
Episode - 131
[Seraphine's POV]Today, I received both bad and good news simultaneously. The emergence of my power's voice, which is now more vivid and clear than before, turned out not to be the only good thing I gained. Slowly, I realized that my strength, which had weakened due to being divided in two after becoming pregnant with this baby, had somehow recovered.The reason behind this newfound feeling is marked by my body's ability to endure despite repeatedly exerting my power.Saving Jesse, protecting Jesse, mass-hypnotizing the entire Maximilian family, and hypnotizing and brainwashing the fake Cassian – I accomplished all of this within a single day and with such a close time interval.Under normal circumstances, this wouldn't be an issue for me. However, after pregnancy, I experienced a drastic decline in my power.But today, I could do all of this without fainting at all. Not only that, I could also reach this abandoned royal area using my power.I manipulated time distortion by accelerat
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Episode - 132
[Seraphine's POV] This war is not the first war I've faced while pregnant. It's also not my first life-and-death struggle. Countless times, I've come close to death, surviving attacks from mysterious Alphas, Omegas, and creatures of unknown origin. I'm not afraid of them, though. But the war I'm facing now is different. It's not just about the existence of the ten mysterious Alphas who have surrounded Cassian so skillfully; it's the first war Dorian Phoenix has planned since I exposed his identity. Ever since Jesse mentioned the name Dorian Phoenix, I've felt his presence drawing nearer to me. I'm certain that this war the Maximilian Kingdom is facing is part of Dorian Phoenix's plan to prevent me from meeting Cassian. Or perhaps, he already knew I would come here and is luring me in. ‘He might kill me if he finds out I have the power to see the future. And the fact that he's still letting me live up to this point is because he doesn't know anything about my identity,’ I think to
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Episode - 133
[Seraphine's POV] 'Blocking my powers? I've never met an Alpha or Omega who could do that. Didn't such things only happen in the past when the kingdoms weren't independent?' I began to question what my powers were saying. Then the voice of my powers spoke something that sent shivers down my spine. That there was a high possibility that in this battlefield, there was an Alpha or Omega who could do the same things as me. Someone who could use time magic and see the future, just like I could. [You should prepare for the worst-case scenario, Seraphine] [It's not just you who can use time magic in this world] [And the worst-case scenario might be that someone can time travel] ‘it can't be ...’ My body went limp after hearing the warning from my powers. ‘Could it be that they are also descendants of Luna like me? I don't know of any Alpha who can do such a thing. As far as I know, time magic is a result of lineage. And only Lunas can possess it,’ I replied. [The possibilities in th
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Episode - 134
[Seraphine's POV] "Cassian!" After steeling my resolve, I began my struggle to save Cassian from the terrible illusion he was facing. I didn't rush foolishly into the midst of this battlefield without thinking. Instead, I called out his name loudly. I intentionally employed this crazy technique to get the attention of the ten Alphas surrounding him to some extent. My task here was to divide the roles. Five Alphas for Cassian to defeat, and five others for me to dominate with my powers. But before that, I had to bring Cassian's consciousness back so I could communicate with him using telepathy. "Cassian!" I shouted again, hoping that this time my voice could break his focus. Repeatedly shouting didn't work, and it seemed to backfire on me. My loud voice attracted the attention of the Alpha warriors engaged in battle against the Maximilian kingdom's warriors, but it didn't divert their attention from Cassian. "Hey, isn't that the Omega's voice?" "You're not wrong. It seems there's
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Episode - 135
[Seraphine's POV] ‘W-what?’ I never expected that the telepathy I initiated would backfire on me like a boomerang. I, who had painstakingly devised this strategy to save Cassian and our plan to save the future of Silverbrook Haven village, had been thwarted by my own sins. This was the first time I wanted to escape from my own telepathy. Who would have thought? Cassian's first question to me wasn't about how I was doing; instead, he still remembered my elopement with Jesse, a result of my successful hypnosis. ‘Cassian ... Can't we postpone our issues for now? You're in grave danger, and I've fought hard to get here to save you,’ I said through the voice in my mind. ‘Jesse ... He's dead. He sacrificed his life for both of us. If you die foolishly here like he did, I will regret it for the rest of my life. Unlike me, you won't come back to life after you die. So please, listen to me so you can survive.’ My heart raced as if it were about to burst from my chest. I waited for Cassian
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Episode - 136
[Seraphine's POV] ‘And what about you?’ Cassian responded to my warning. Even though we were quite far apart, and I couldn't know what he was thinking right now, I could still guess his current reaction. Cassian might still be suspicious of me, given my secretive history with him. Hearing my seemingly suspicious plan, Cassian might view me as someone who is also planning something behind his back. He might still fear that I might run away from him once again. ‘I will focus my time control on the five Alphas I manipulate,’ I replied. ‘Then, after you defeat the other five Alphas, I will help you defeat the five alphas within my control. But before that time comes, I want you to win your own battle, Cassian. Maybe I can give you some guidance here and there. But you need to remember, I can't fully support you when my power is focused on the other five alphas.’ I said what I needed to say to him before Cassian started the battle. Fortunately, the tree I was hiding in provided me wi
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Episode - 137
[Seraphine's POV] Cassian then briefly explained his greatest power. As the name suggests, Thunder Labyrinth is Cassian's ability to summon a giant labyrinth from underground. And with the power of light he possesses, the labyrinth would be infused with the power of the thunder god descending from the sky. 'The labyrinth will ensnare anyone in its vicinity and consume them. Those who enter the labyrinth still have a chance to escape, only if they can withstand the lightning monsters summoned by the god of the heavens.' I shivered hearing Cassian's explanation. In short, the Thunder Labyrinth is a sacred place summoned by Cassian's magic to surface on Earth. Then, with the element of light he possesses, the labyrinth would be filled with creatures from the thunder god that would kill anyone inside it. 'But what if the five alpha twins can defeat the lightning monsters in your labyrinth?' I asked Cassian. 'The chances are almost impossible for any creature to win against my lightni
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Episode - 138
[Seraphine's POV] I was on the brink of death, almost killed, all because I had forgotten the essence of our plan. True to its name, the Thunder Maze was indeed a labyrinth possessed by the Thunder God, and it was the ultimate weapon to defeat anyone trapped inside. The labyrinth I beheld still resembled an ordinary black maze, as if it had emerged from the depths of the earth. After a considerable time, the air around me suddenly grew calm, signaling the onset of the second round. The crimson moon in the sky grew larger with each passing moment. Its light was deep red and thick, as if it were about to spew forth a sea of blood. When I looked up, I saw the moon drawing closer, as if it were on the verge of touching the maze's tower. /Boom!/ The thunder responded once more from that red moon, making me wonder if the Thunder God would descend from there. /Crack!/ And what I had assumed seemed to become reality. The crimson moon, descending gradually to Earth, had a purpose. This m
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Episode - 139
[Successful Teleportation]A feeling of incredulity still haunted my mind as the sound of my power returned. Just a moment ago, my feet had touched the distant ground, two kilometers away from the labyrinth where Cassian was situated.Now, I found myself on the same terrain as him. My body still moved flawlessly, and I remained in good health. There was no sense of weakness or dizziness whatsoever, even though the energy I had expended to perform the teleportation had been considerable.‘Is it all right?’ I examined my abdomen, which had recently taken the backseat in my concerns. My baby also appeared to be problem-free.Though faint, I could feel the strong heartbeat, and occasionally, the baby kicked my stomach gently, indicating perfect health.‘Whoa ... So, this is the lightning labyrinth that Cassian summoned by sacrificing a week's worth of his magic?’ As my feet touched the same ground, I could finally witness the colossal labyrinth that I had previously only been able to admi
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Episode - 140
[Seraphine's Perspective]The awaited response continued to elude me. The fake Jesse before me remained steadfast in wearing that nauseating smile on his face.His gaze made me feel uncomfortable, as if he were scrutinizing me with such detail, almost as if he were undressing me with his face concealed behind a mask of false friendliness.Curiosity surged within me with each passing second we spent together. The sense of unease grew along with the buried desire to swiftly locate Cassian's current whereabouts.The only shortcut I could fathom was one: I had to harness my powers against this impostor Jesse. Be it brainwashing, hypnotism, or memory manipulation, I had to attempt it.[You cannot exert any influence over him]my bloodstream seemed to plummet to its lowest point, an unprecedented sensation.What I was endeavoring hadn't reached its zenith, and I was merely striving to establish a connection between my magic and the magic of this counterfeit Jesse so that I could do somethin
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