บททั้งหมดของ You Promised Me, Alpha!: บทที่ 81 - บทที่ 90
Still future Alpha Romero's POV Lori enters the study."Alpha, Luna. Romero said you wanted to see me." She bows slightly and when my father beckons her to take a seat, she slides into a chair far away from me. My parents did not miss it either; I saw a worried wrinkle appear on my mother's face. "Lori, you are the mother of the future Alpha. I want you and Romero to become a close family for the pups, but also for the sake of the pack," my father explains. "It is important that Eclipse Howl knows that there is peace in the Alpha family. You two were so close before Romero left. Can't you rekindle it?" "I wasn't aware that there was any tension between us, Alpha. It is that we are back in Eclipse Howl now and the circumstances are not the same. We have three lives to look after now," she replied. "But I am willing to restore the same friendship if it will reassure the pack." I clear my throat. "Not just the pack, it's good fo
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Again future Alpha Romero's POVWith my hand over Loriann's shoulders, we leave the packhouse.She's much more excited now, the prospect of seeing her parents obviously doing her good. I opened the car door for her to get in. This time we rode in my Escalade, which one of the warriors had prepared for me in the parking lot. "Thanks for doing this with me, Romero. I was really scared to tell them I was pregnant. They had such high expectations of me and look what I have brought them". She sounds so emotional that I can't help pulling her to me. She snuggles up against my chest, just like before, and I can't help but let out a resounding sigh. Xan purrs with satisfaction, it's been a long time since we've had Loriann so close. I feel him reach for Era and lick her head. It feels so good to have our wolves adoring each other, I just have to get Loriann to accept me. A few minutes later, I park outside her childhood home.I can feel the mood of the woman nex
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Adore You
Future Alpha Romero's POV againThe incident with Loriann's parents was painful, but I managed to calm my girl down.The deal I made with her mother didn't exactly go according to plan, but now that I'm confident we're mates, I know it won't really affect us.It's been a week and Loriann is taking her role as head of the pack's security team extremely seriously. My Dad and I are quite proud of her, her dedication proves that she is a great asset to the pack. To be honest, I brought her in on a whim to get better control over her activities, but in retrospect, it turned out to be a fantastic decision. She had previously indicated she was involved in a rigorous training program in Crescent Moon at a young age, and I remember Alpha's son Zane commenting that she was a master of martial arts.In any case, her father's outburst had no significant effect on our relationship.We eat together in our flat with our pups and she is now increasingly telling me about her daily routines. She discus
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I Want Her
Future Alpha Romero's POV stillToday's training was tough, I can tell Jace is struggling to stay upright too.Our trainers haven't made it easy for us, testing the physical condition of both our humans and wolves. The strength of the Alpha and Beta determines the fieriness of the pack, and with a big one like Eclipse Howl, we need to be in top shape. Only now do I understand how my father gained his reputation as a tough leader. He also had private lessons, which allowed the trainers to focus on his personal development.But extraordinary circumstances have made it necessary for Jace and I to train in the pack. And I don't regret it, every day I get to spend with my pups is a real gift and brings me so much satisfaction. They are growing well, with such strong Alpha genes, that is to be expected. Coming home is the most heartwarming moment for me. All three of them crawl towards me, competing to see who can reach me first. When I hold them in my arms, I know there's nothing in this w
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Snitch Rogues
Future Alpha Romero's POV stillJust as I was drying my hair with a towel, I felt Xan getting antsy.He paces in my mind as if something is bothering him.'What's wrong, man? Why this suddenly restless behavior? The last few weeks, you were so taken. What has changed?' For a moment, he stands still as if listening to something.Romero, I sense rogues in our territory, of the evil kind. They have their eyes on Lori. On the western border.' I freeze in place. 'What are you telling me? We haven't had rogue attacks for centuries. Alpha Alvarez had them firmly under his control'.'That's true. But these didn't want to be in a pack. And now they have returned. And they don't want to live by any convention. They are looking for trouble'. I jump into action, I can no longer ignore Xan's words. I shift and run down the stairs, urgently mind linking Jace.Jace, there are rogues on the western border where Loriann patrols. We need to get there as soon as we can'. I
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We Need To Talk
Future Alpha Romero's POV againWith all five rogues now dead, it is time to head back.The warriors who accompanied Loriann are now in charge of burning the bodies in an open pit a few yards outside our borders. "I will continue my patrol, Romero. I'll see you later. Don't forget to pick up the pups, the nannies are on leave today." Loriann usually behaves as if there was no issue with the rogues at all. But I'm not going to leave it at that, I need clarity from her."As soon as you are done, come straight to our quarters, please. I need to talk to you urgently," I tell her, my gaze set on her. She nods and prepares to shift and move on. But I quickly take her hand and turn her face to mine. "I need answers, Loriann. I'll leave the puppies with my mother for now, because we need to talk first". She nods again, but this time her face is serious. All three of us shift, Jace and I head for the packhouse.'Jace, do you think the rogue's words were foolish? A
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One More Hurdle
Future Alpha Romero's POV still I get up from the sofa and move close to her. Her head is down."Loriann, I want you to look at me and tell me the truth," I begin. "Why did you cut off all the women I wanted to sleep with? Why did you stop me from enjoying what they had to offer me?"When she continues to stare stubbornly at her toes, I take her chin and lift her face to mine."Answers, Loriann. I need answers. If you wanted me all to yourself, why didn't you just come to me? Why all this trouble?" She is still silent."Were you afraid I wouldn't want you? Let me reassure you, I would have embraced you with both arms. You are so beautiful, no man could resist you"."Not true," she suddenly responded to my shock. "You only became interested in me when I stood in front of you in a beautiful dress on your anniversary. And after we had sex". "Your beauty is undeniable. I would have fallen for you like a brick". She still shakes her head. A feeling of helpless
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Pump It Up
Pump It UpBeta Female Louise's POV All these months in Blue Blood have done me well. My skin is glowing and my hair, which I used to wear short, has grown past my shoulders. Even if I say so myself, my time with my mate has been the best of my life.Zalev adores me, and he doesn't miss a moment to show it. He was a little disappointed that I was no longer a virgin, but he soon got over it. What matters to him is that I am with him and that we now have a stable life in the Alpha Alvarez pack. We have our own apartment with all the comforts and a well-paid job as the Beta and Beta female of the pack.I train the pups from the age of ten until they shift. Then the Head Warrior and Gamma take them from me for further combat training. When I am with the cubs, I often long for my own. Zalev and I have never talked about having a family, but I am sure he will want them eventually. The next generation of Alphas will need Betas, and they will have to come from Zalev's bloodline."
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Insecurities And Rivalry
Still Beta Female Louise's POV "Baby, that was unreal. I didn't know it was possible to have an orgasm through anal sex".Breathing hard, Zalev tries to calm down as I hold him tight. I haven't loosened the ropes yet, I have more plans for him. My reward for an obviously successful job I have yet to cash in on. "You lived to see it, and by the looks of it, you enjoyed it too," I chuckle, my hands caressing his amazing body. "You owe me one, I want a mind-blowing climax too." And I know exactly how to get it from him. "I'm yours, you can have me any way you want, love. I love this naughty side of you. You have exceeded my wildest expectations".This is a far-reaching commitment that I intend to definitely fulfill. This man is mine to love and ravish. Only the prospect of fulfillment that awaits me makes my hands move more violently over him. He holds his breath, the sparks soaking him with lust. This is what the mating bond does, it never diminis
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I Need Advice
Beta Female Louise's POV stillIn the days that follow, the relationship between Zalev and me continues to go downhill.We barely speak and I only see him at lunch and dinner in the dining hall. In the first few days after the fatal conversation, he came back from work late at night and I was already asleep most of the time. And in the morning he left early. At the table, he stares at his plate and barely exchanges a word with me.I have enough days now to think about what Sara, my wolf, has confided in me.Zalev is already over the fact that I wasn't a virgin when we met, and I've told him frankly that I don't really believe in fated mates. At least not that I would ever meet mine, since I was over twenty-one. Besides, I had a high rank that afforded me many privileges. Zalev was fine with that, for my mate, my past was a sealed chapter, what counted for him was the two of us.I deny being jealous of Lori for having triplets with Romero.The Alpha son was a fling, I saw him as a chal
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