All Chapters of The Alpha's Exchanged Mate : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
217 Chapters
Chapter 21
Alexander's POV...The white roses on the table suddenly did not look as interesting as they had been when the evening had started. In fact, now everything looked drab, and the excitement that had bubbled within me upon seeing the setting for the first time died.I watched as the lights from one of the candlelights died out, and I sighed as a result, it was almost the same way the feeling in my stomach felt. The band that I had hired for the night was currently playing one of my favorite songs, and I closed my eyes and leaned back on the chair, allowing the music to wash over me and calm me, even if for just a little bit. I ran my fingers across my chest, where it seemed to be hurting the most, and for reasons unknown to me, I just couldn't get the pain to go away. I couldn't even explain why it was there in the first place. Watching Edwina leave the room in anger made my stomach churn in not only anger but also frustration. This was not my plan for tonight. At the start of the ev
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Chapter 22
Edwina's POV...After the big fight with Alexander, I have only found time to do basic stuff. I missed when I was still among the humans, and I could work, but now I have a Luna duty to do. As the Luna, you have to be in attendance in all the gatherings, and sometimes, I feel uncomfortable at the casting glares and the condescending glances. I once heard two women talking about me, again in the bathroom during a function. I don't know what it is with women and gossiping in the bathroom."Poor Alpha Alexander, he had to settle for this woman because of his disabilities," the brunette woman with ugly glasses said to the dark-haired woman. The other woman gave a pitiful look with an exaggerated gasp."I feel for him, he is not even the glimpse of the Alpha he used to be, I heard he is now a joke to the Alpha community." The other lady replied."And this sorry thing for a Luna he had gotten for himself is only making things worse,"They turn to face each other, " I don't know how Beta Ben
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Chapter 23
Edwina's POV…The minute I heard Ben's voice, I immediately got up and left the room. I didn't turn back to see his face. I didn't want to because I didn't want to be reminded of all the hurt. I don't know why, but I just couldn't do it. I would come back here to face him some other time, but not today. I left the penitentiary building and hurried on my feet outside. My driver must have been surprised to see that I had come out so early, but that was the least of my problems. I entered the vehicle that had brought me here, the one Alexander had prepared for me to carry me around, and I ordered him to drive me from this place as soon as I'd entered.What is wrong with me? Why should I be running away when I'd done absolutely nothing wrong? I couldn't answer those questions, but I did feel a sense of calm and relief sweep over me the minute he'd driven me out of the prison gates.Now, I was back at the pack house. Alexander was there. He hadn't gone to work yet, but he was about to, and
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Chapter 24
Edwina's POV...Warm and fluffy.Those were the first thoughts that ran through my mind the moment I roused from my sleep and gained consciousness. Everywhere around me felt soft and very comfortable, and my entire body felt lax and fully sated. The cool satin material of the sheets against my skin caused the hairs on the surface of my skin to rise, and the cocooning warmth that surrounded me brought back the memories of the previous night. The last feeling of sleep in me ebbed as a blush rose in my cheeks when the event of the previous night rushed through my mind-sending my mind reeling, my cheeks heating, and my body tingling. And then, finally, the scent of Alexander filtered in my nose, and I flipped my eyes open, taking a subtle sniff at the air, and smiled lightly when the intoxicating scent drowned me slightly. I turned around on my side, and the sight of an empty bed made a frown paint my lips. My side of the bed was warm, but Alexander's side of the bed sent a chilly fee
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Chapter 25
Edwina's POV…The knock on the door had been so loud and unexpected that it caused me to flinch, and almost at the same time, I was moving in the opposite direction of the room, pulling my sweatshirt down and trying to gather a semblance of organization. I moved in the direction of the door, ignoring the look of annoyance and frustration that was currently painting Alexander's face. The moment I pulled open the door, a maid stood there with her head bowed, and she had a small envelope in her hands. "I was asked to bring this here." She said simply when I only continued to watch her in silence, and I furrowed my brows, taking the envelope from her hands. "Thank you." I said quietly to her, shutting the door gently without waiting to hear her response. I clicked the lock back in place before turning back around to face Alexander. The Alpha currently had his brows creased in question at the envelope in my hands. "What's that?" He asked as I moved in his direction, holding out his h
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Chapter 26
Alexander's POV...I woke up the following day to the hanging smell of her perfume. I knew she said she would be going to the prison today, but I never assumed it would be this early. I do not like the idea of her visiting her ex-husband in prison, and neither do I like that she has this need to be at peace with him. Like the man fucking slept with your sister, and you want to make peace?But after all the conversations we had yesterday, she had asked me if I had visited Sonia since the incident had happened, and I had said no.When I realized there was a rumor going around the realm about her cheating and being caught in ungodly hours coming out of a particular private house with Ben, I had not believed it. I had thought it was too sudden and stupid to be cheating on me right under my nose. And then I was attacked by the sizzlers and rendered crippled, it was one of the most horrific experiences of my life, and my wife was always absent, it was either she was going to one function or
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Chapter 27
Edwina's POV...The last time I was sitting at this desk, glaring through his eyes and all the lies he had told me.I hated myself for believing what he had told me all those nights when he came home smelling like expensive female cologne. Whenever I confronted him about my suspicions, he had flared up angrily and accused me of not trusting him.I wish I had listened to my instinct and investigated more. I wish I had chosen not to believe him. I should have analyzed our situation and how often he had unofficial trips to go, and I should have followed him to some of his so-called work functions. But I was the faithful wife who always stayed home waiting for her cheating husband to return home.If I am to be honest with myself, I had always known that Ben was cheating on me, and he had more skeletons to hide in his cupboard than he let me in on. But the only thing I had not expected was that he was having a relationship with my sister, my flesh and blood. That was the height of deceptio
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Chapter 28
Edwina's POV…Going home, I was truly confused about the conversation I had just had with Ben. He had just openly told me he was planning to escape, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to tell Alex. It could just be his irrational part speaking again, but then I knew Ben. There was nothing irrational about him. When he says something, he almost always does it, and that's what scares me about all these. I needed to make one more stop before going back home. I needed to see my sister.The last time I was there, we left things a little bit scattered, especially with her crazy idea of Alex forgiving her one day.She is still my sister, and I needed to stand by her. I might have chosen Ben to be my husband, but she was made my sister by design, even though it wasn't always like that.I sat in the car; after instructing the driver to take me to the female prison, which wasn't that far, I recalled this was the same car I had fucked Alex in. It was crazy that I didn't care if the driver would hear
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Chapter 29
Alexander's POV…I felt so weak. Caleb kept looking at me on our way back; he knew I wasn't able to confront Sonia, considering the amount of time I had stayed there. It wasn't that I didn't want to face her, but I felt I wasn't ready.Truth be told, I could say I loved Sonia, and she meant the world to me at a point in my life. But getting the kind of betrayal I did from her came as a blow to me, and it changed my perspective on love. And now, on the other hand, there is Edwina. I think I respect the woman she is, and I like her, but she still seems to be so in love with Ben. After all that undeserving prick had done to her, she still chose to love him. Her love is loyal, and I think that's the kind of love I need, not the sort that Sonia gave, which was only loyal to me in certain conditions.As I wheeled myself into the high-rise building of my company and greetings flew from left and right, I could only wave. Since I got married, this was the first time I showed up to work, and th
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Chapter 30
Alexander's POV...It is said we find peace in love and war, and I might agree with that, my mind trailed back to that day my life flashed through my eyes, and I couldn't help but wonder what exactly would be the legacy I leave behind. Before the attack, I had woken to make sweet love to my Luna Sonia.She was lying on the bed, half-naked. She must have slept off waiting for me that way. I had a late night and had slept in the study.After the war meeting, I knew the hours were close, and I spent all night strategizing with Ben. He knew all my plans. He knew all the strategies and Plan B. I was agitated because I didn't know exactly how the attack would be planned. During the settlement negotiation, I had tried my best for us to come to a common ground because I didn't want to engage in war. The settlement had demanded half of the night howlers' territory, and that was like giving all of us to them, and that was a big negative to me.I sat on the bed where her legs were wide spread ap
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