All Chapters of Marked by Moonlight: A Rejected Mate's Redemption: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
191 Chapters
Lucius felt a pang of sadness in his heart, realizing how difficult it must have been for Cersei to let him grow up with no idea if she was alive or dead. It must have been a painful existence, being confined to the darkness of obscurity from her owns son's life."It was not your fault," Lucius said, holding her in his arms. "We all made sacrifices to protect our realm, we all fought for our survival. I know that you have lived a difficult life, but we can live to see each other again.""That is what I want", Cersei said, looking into her son's eyes. "I have found peace, but there are things that I wish I could do. There is one thing I wish I could do for you."Lucius knew what she was referring to, but he remained silent. "Let me tell you, when you were a child, you would ask me about your father. I had no answers for you, but perhaps now you will find peace about him."Lucius looked at her, his eyes brimming with tears. "Who was he?, I don't have any memories of him""I believe you
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Lucius opened his eyes and he saw Rey and Cersei looking at him. "I remember it all", he said, the memories rushing back to him. "I saw it all, but I couldn't do anything to save them." Rey ran to him and hugged him. "It was not your fault", she whispered in his ear. "None of us could have saved them." Cersei nodded in agreement, tears in her eyes as she looked at Lucius. "Now you know", she said softly. "I'm so sorry that I had to make you relive such a painful experience." "I know that this isn't what you want to hear, but thank you. It would have been better if I had no memory of that day", Lucius replied. "That's the thing about memories, they stay with you forever. Some days they are just there waiting for you to embrace them, and some days they are there waiting for you to ignore them", Cersei said. "The reason I needed to keep you alive is because you can't ignore the pain and suffering that Deucalion caused, but you can overcome it and heal the wounds of the past." "My m
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In the aftermath of the battle, the capital slowly began to repair itself. The streets were filled with the sound of hammers, the scent of fresh wood, and the sight of determined wolves working together to rebuild what had been destroyed. The Crimson Pack, along with the other packs, contributed their strength to the reconstruction efforts, united by a common goal to restore their home to its former glory. During this time, Lucius and his pack received a summons from the Alpha King to attend a council meeting at the Palace. The council chamber was a grand hall adorned with intricate carvings and tapestries representing the history of the realm. As the leaders of the packs gathered, there was an air of both tension and anticipation. Alpha Magnus and his pack, Rey, and the rest of the pack accompanied Lucius as they entered the council chamber. They took their place among the other Alphas, their presence a testament to the unity that had been forged during the recent battle. “There ar
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In a small town nestled deep within the dense forests, the Lycans led by Deucalion regrouped. The recent defeat at the capital had left them seething with anger and a thirst for vengeance. Hyperion was the last to arrive at Nivelm, Argon and Radon had already arrived and so had the surviving members of the Veiled serpents led by Jade. Hyperion was already suspicious of Deucalion but he was determined to play along for as long as it took till he understood what Deucalion truly after.Deucalion, his eyes ablaze with fury, addressed the gathered Lycans. "We may have suffered a setback, but we are far from defeated," he declared, his voice carrying a dark and sinister tone. "The Crimson Pack may have won this battle, but the war is far from over. We will show them the true power of the Lycans!"Jade stepped forward, her eyes flashing with a cunning intelligence. "Indeed, Deucalion," she said, her voice low and seductive. "But we must be strategic in our approach. The Crimson Pack has prove
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As the days passed, the tension within the Crimson Pack only grew, with each passing moment increasing the weight of the impending Lycan threat. Lucius, Rey, and their trusted advisors were left grappling with a difficult decision: should they trust Nyx's information and potential aid, or should they remain cautious and avoid falling into a trap?Cersei's warning about sinister magic and the realm of mischief added another layer of complexity to the situation. They were dealing with forces beyond their understanding, and any misstep could prove disastrous for the pack.Lucius called for a council meeting to discuss their next steps. The pack members gathered in a dimly lit chamber, their faces filled with a mix of determination and uncertainty. Cersei, Rey, Leina, Orion, Luna, and a few others sat in a circle, contemplating the potential consequences of their choices."I understand the risks involved," Lucius began, his voice steady but filled with concern. "But we can't ignore the pos
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After Asher stormed out of the meeting room, Luna followed him, trying to catch up with him. She couldn’t seem to find him and she trooped the vicinity to find him. She found him pacing in the courtyard, his anger palpable. She approached him cautiously, trying to find the right words to soothe his growing rage. "Ashe, please, you need to calm down," Luna implored gently, reaching out to touch his arm. "We can't let this division tear our pack apart. Trust in Lucius' judgment; he wants what's best for all of us." But Asher's frustration seemed unyielding. "I can't trust blindly, Luna," he spat, his eyes filled with mistrust. "This Nyx person just appeared out of nowhere, and now we're relying on them without knowing who they really are!" Luna sighed, understanding his concerns. "I know it's difficult, but we have to believe in our pack's strength. Lucius is handling this situation with caution, and Cersei is keeping a close watch on Nyx." Back in the meeting room, the remaining pac
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Luna sighed and slouched to her Chair, her expression conflicted. "You're probably right, but I don't think we have any other leads." "And what happens when Nyx realizes that we are onto her? Do you honestly think that she will just come quietly?" Rey asked Luna. "What choice do we have? We can't afford to lose another member of our pack," Luna said, her voice heavy with sadness. "I just feel so helpless right now" "I know how you feel, but you have to trust us", Rey explained as she patted Luna's hair. "We can't afford to misstep at this point" "Rey's right," Lucius said as he walked in,"This is a dangerous time for us, and we need to work together if we are going to make it through." The trio continued to talk for a while before they eventually agreed to head to Nyx's home. The meeting went on late into the night, and Luna felt exhausted, but she knew that it was important that they gather information if they were going to defeat a necromancer. "There really isn't much we can d
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Rey was unsettled and she wasn’t going to allow the recent events slow her down but she knew that she could not allow the pack the pack get crushed under the weight of distrust. She paced up and down her room and as she remained lost in thought, she almost didn’t notice the knock on her door.“Rey!”, Lucius called out gently.“I’m coming ….”, Rey replied as she went quickly to the door and opened it allowing Lucius walk Into the room. “What’s wrong?”“I can’t sleep, all that has happened has been hard to swallow", Lucius said as he explained himself to Rey.“We need to do something about this, if Asher was taken over then it means that we are all in danger. We don’t know when next such a thing can happen”, Rey replied.“What do we do next?”, Lucius asked.“I’m not sure, but I have an idea", Rey replied. “What’s that?”, Lucius asked as his eyes lit up. Rey knew that he would do anything at this point to regain control and stability of his pack.“We ride to Silverwood as soon as possib
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Under the tutelage of Seraphina in the serene depths of Silverwood, Rey and Lucius embarked on an intense training regimen to strengthen their bond and master their powers. As they delved deeper into the teachings, they discovered that controlling their powers together was more challenging than they had anticipated."Concentrate, both of you," Seraphina advised, observing their struggle. "You must synchronize your minds and hearts. Remember, your strength lies not only in your individual abilities but in your unity as a pack."With determination in their eyes, they continued their training day after day, learning to shift and channel their powers in harmony. The process was fraught with setbacks and frustration, but they persevered, knowing that the fate of their pack hinged on their ability to work together.As they trained, Seraphina also introduced them to the concept of harnessing nature's energy. She took them to a sacred grove where the mystical energies of the forest converged.
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As Rey and Lucius continued their intensive training under Seraphina's guidance in Silverwood, the Capital was eerily quiet, a lot of the residents had fled due to the conflict and those who remained were awfully vigilant and Sober. Food and basic supplies were awfully cheap and accessible yet the markets were still empty.Alpha Magnus, still recovering from the injuries inflicted by the Lycans during the recent skirmish, found himself struggling to heal completely.Aurora who was a healer and lent about the 7 key healing formula, visited Magnus regularly to tend to his wounds. Concern etched on her face as she noticed the lack of progress in his recovery."Why aren't you healing as quickly as you should, Magnus?" Aurora asked with a furrowed brow."I'm not sure," Magnus replied, wincing slightly as she tended to his injuries. "It's as if these wounds are different from any I've encountered before. They feel... cursed.""Cursed? How is that possible?" Aurora questioned, her curiosity
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