Semua Bab In his eyes: Bab 41 - Bab 50
79 Bab
Nora's heart sank as she pulled into the school parking lot. Greg was nowhere in sight. A knot tightened in her stomach as she realized the inevitable: Kimberly, Graycen's teacher who had been on maternity leave, was back. Nora forced a smile as she greeted Graycen, trying to mask her anxiety. "Nora, I know you might not want to hear this Greg is a good man... ""Kimberly you're right I don't want to hear it.", Nora said cutting Kimberly off. She dropped Graycen off with a hasty goodbye and drove home, her mind replaying all the nasty looks some parents were giving her.As soon as she stepped through her front door, Nora's phone buzzed incessantly. Dread washed over her as she opened her social media app, her eyes widening in horror at the torrent of hate comments flooding her page."She doesn't deserve the prize, "one read, dripping with venom."She slept her way to the price," another sneered, twisting her accomplishments into something sordid."Those lovely designs are not even he
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Nora's heart pounded in her chest as she stepped onto the brightly lit stage of the Real Life Talk Show. The audience erupted in applause, their cheers echoing through the studio. She took a deep breath, plastered a smile on her face, and made her way towards the hosts, Carol and Pitt.Carol, with her warm smile and infectious laugh, and Pitt, with his sharp wit and easy charm, had hosted the show for ten years, making it a staple in the lives of many viewers. Nora had been a fan of the show for years, and it was an honour to be sitting across from them, even if the circumstances weren't ideal."Hello, Nora," Carol greeted her with her signature welcoming tone. "It's a pleasure having you here.""Thank you for having me," Nora replied, her voice slightly shaky despite her practised smile.Pitt leaned forward, his gaze piercing yet sympathetic. "It's been quite a week for you, Nora," he remarked."Yes, it has," Nora acknowledged, her smile faltering slightly. "I've experienced the high
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Get to my office
Mary opened the car door and said, "I will be inside." She then walked to the house. Nora was left sitting in the car, her mind racing with thoughts. Taking a deep breath, she got out of the car and walked past Greg. However, Greg quickly stopped her by grabbing her hand."Please, Nora," Greg pleaded. "I need to talk to you."Nora turned to face Greg, her emotions a jumbled mess that she couldn't put into words. "Please, Nora," Greg repeated, his voice filled with desperation. "Give me a chance to explain."Greg gently led Nora to his car, still holding her hand tightly. "Nora," he began, his eyes filled with sincerity. "I never meant to hurt you. I love you."Before Nora could react, Greg pulled her into a passionate kiss, his lips moving against hers with a fervour that made her heart race. She tried to push him away, but he held her captive, his tongue exploring the depths of her mouth.He grabbed her ass and pulled her closer so that she could feel his now erect dick. She pushed an
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Your daughter
Nora's mind was still reeling from Vivian's call that morning, her heart heavy with worry for her friend Veronica. As she drove Graycen to school that morning, she couldn't shake the feeling of dread that had settled in her stomach."Mom," Graycen called out, her voice breaking the silence. "Are you and Mr. Greg fighting?"Nora's heart skipped a beat. She knew this question was coming eventually, but she hadn't prepared herself for how it would feel to hear it from her own daughter's lips."Sweetie," Nora began, her voice soft and reassuring, "Mr. Greg and I are fine. He's just been busy with work lately."Graycen's brow furrowed, her eyes filled with confusion. "But I miss him," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "Can I talk to him through your phone?"Nora hesitated for a moment, her mind wrestling with the conflicting emotions that swirled within her. On one hand, she didn't want to expose Graycen to the turmoil of her relationship with Greg. On the other hand, she co
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Sebastian was about to leave the hospital when his phone buzzed with an incoming call from Alexander. His voice sounded strained and unusual, and before Sebastian could inquire about the matter, Alexander abruptly ended the call.Puzzled by Alexander's strange behaviour, Sebastian decided to wait for an hour at the hospital before heading home. He couldn't tell if Alexander was planning to meet him or not, but the urgency in his voice had left him with an uneasy feeling.Sebastian's excitement about returning to modelling was palpable. He had spent the past few months in an African country volunteering with Doctors Without Borders, and while he found the experience deeply fulfilling, he yearned to be back in front of the camera.Modelling was more than just a job for Sebastian; it was his passion. He relished the creative process, the collaboration with other artists, and the opportunity to showcase his unique persona. Despite his success as a doctor, modelling held a special place in
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Play with me
"We are done here," Nora said to Sebastian, her voice firm yet laced with a hint of sadness. She pulled away from him, her body instinctively seeking the comforting presence of Greg.Sebastian, sensing the shift in Nora's demeanour and the unspoken invitation to leave, nodded curtly. He turned and walked away, his footsteps echoing in the silence that had descended upon them.Greg watched Sebastian's retreating figure, his brow furrowed in concern. He then turned his attention to Nora. Although he was curious about what had transpired, he didn't want to ask questions that would annoy her."Let's go in," Nora said, her voice barely above a whisper. She led Greg into the house, the weight of the recent confrontation pressing heavily upon her.As they entered the living room, Nora's mother, Amanda, greeted them with a warm smile. "Dinner is ready," she announced, her voice filled with the familiar rhythm of domesticity.Nora nodded gratefully, her mind momentarily distracted from the turm
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It's time you hear him out
Nora stood in Sandra Spears' opulent office, her heart pounding in her chest like a drum. The air was thick with anticipation as she waited for Sandra to finish her pitch meeting. Her mind drifted back to her first meeting with Sandra, a time when her life was simpler, filled with her passion for fashion and the excitement of launching her own brand. Now, she was faced with a situation that threatened to unravel her carefully constructed world.Sandra's assistant led Nora into Sandra's private office. The room was a testament to Sandra's impeccable taste, with sleek furniture and stylish décor. Nora took a seat, her eyes scanning the room as she waited for Sandra's arrival.Moments later, Sandra entered, her presence radiating an aura of power and confidence. She exchanged pleasantries with Nora, her smile warm and inviting. Once Sandra was settled behind her desk, she turned her attention to Nora, her eyes filled with a hint of seriousness."I'm glad you could come, Nora," Sandra sai
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After hearing what Sebastian had to say, Nora was in total shock. After the shock wore off they both decided to go talk to Alexander. Nora knew it was important he Alexander heard the real truth about what happened not just her version. The sun dipped towards the horizon, casting long shadows as Nora slipped into the passenger seat of Sebastian's car. He slid in beside her, the familiar scent of his cologne filling the space. A heavy silence hung between them, punctuated only by the click of seatbelts and the soft hum of the engine."When you told Alexander you were on your way to his house, what did he say?" Nora's voice, usually bright and confident, was laced with apprehension. The weight of the conversation that lay ahead pressed down on her.Sebastian glanced at her, his eyes holding a mix of determination and concern. "He said I should come over," he replied, his voice steady. "After talking to him, I'm sure everything will be alright."His words were meant to be reassuring, but
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Put the gun down
The shock of the gunshot still hung heavy in the air as Nora's heart hammered against her ribs. Seeing Sebastian sprawled on the floor, blood staining his shirt, sent a wave of terror crashing over her. But before she could fully react, Alexander loomed over them, the glint of the gun in his hand as cold as the fear twisting in her gut."Alexander, please," Nora pleaded, her voice thick with raw emotion. "Put the gun down. This doesn't have to end like this."Ignoring her, Alexander's gaze flickered to Sebastian, his eyes burning with a mix of anger and hurt. "You lied to me," he growled, his voice laced with venom. "You betrayed me.""You should at least let me explain," Sebastian rasped, his voice weak from the pain. "What do you have to explain? Why did it have to be my best friend?", Alexander queried. Nora got on her knees beside Sebastian, she took out her handkerchief from her purse and scrunched it together and placed it on the gaping wound. Taking a deep breath, Nora knew
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Please Alexander
The doctor returned to request blood tests from Nora and Alexander to determine compatibility for donating to Sebastian. Nora swiftly agreed to the blood test, rushing in to have her blood drawn. Upon returning to the waiting area, she found Alexander still seated, seemingly unmoved."Are you not going to get your blood tested?" Nora's gaze drilled into him, a mix of frustration and urgency in her voice.Alexander remained silent, his demeanour unyielding."As the one who fired the shot, I'd expect you to be more concerned about his life," Nora's words held an edge, speaking through clenched teeth, betraying her frustration.A heavy silence hung between them, the gravity of the situation amplifying the tension. Nora's plea for him to contribute to Sebastian's chance of survival lingered in the air, awaiting a response that seemed to teeter on the edge of uncertainty."Please, Alexander," she pleaded, her voice raw with emotion. "Just do it. For Sebastian."Alexander remained where he
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